My empire of stars

Chapter 236 Battle with the Corrupted (Added third update for the nameless, nameless, and nameless f

Fifteen days later, the four imperial planets that had been fully charged jumped into hyperspace again. During these fifteen days, the fleet of the Corruptor civilization just quietly watched the fleet of the Empire from a distance, without moving a bit.

During the fifteen days in hyperspace, the citizens of the Principality of Zeon that was annexed into the Sith Empire began a year-long in-depth brainwashing, and their spacecraft were dismantled and refined, becoming the raw materials of the Empire's orbital defense modules.

Taking advantage of these fifteen days of safety, the Empire accelerated the construction of orbital defense modules for various planets. At the same time, cruisers with shorter construction time were also put back on the construction schedule because the Empire urgently needed troops.

During the fifteen days, Li Mingze hosted a banquet for the former Queen of the Principality of Zeon, Filia, and got a lot of important information.

For example, after their Principality of Zeon encountered the harvest of the Corruptor for the first time, they had secretly contacted hundreds of human civilizations in the same star field.

These human civilizations were blocked on the planet by the fleet of the Corruptors after they established the fifth colony. Countless Corruptors killed all the scientists of these civilizations, leaving these civilizations in a situation where their technology was locked and they could only have children to increase their "food".

In order to escape the clutches of these Corruptors, these human civilizations secretly established an underground organization to communicate with each other. This organization would take out the brains of all people who might become scientists and put them into machines, allowing these scientists to grow through virtual networks.

This would prevent the Corruptors from discovering these talented scientists to the greatest extent.

The Principality of Zeon secretly obtained communications with these civilizations and learned about the powerful strength of these Corruptors, so it gave up the idea of ​​fighting the Corruptors to the death, and instead desperately built spaceships to try to take all the people away.

Of course, these civilizations were actually to allow the Principality of Zeon to escape the sphere of influence of the Corruptor civilization and contact more powerful civilizations, thereby saving them from the water and fire.

Because this Corruptor civilization blocked the external signals of the entire star field, so that other civilizations could not obtain information within this star field, they could only obtain strong external assistance through this method.

In addition to this information, Li Mingze also got a rumor about the ruins of an ancient civilization in this star field.

It is said that there is a mysterious relic hidden in this star field that only humans can enter, and the corrupted who have modified their own genes have lost the qualification to enter the relic.

Putting slaves in is also worried that these slaves will get some advanced technology, so the corrupted civilization left this relic idle.

After knowing this possible rumor of the relic, Li Mingze decided to take a risk and continue to move forward into the star field of the corrupted civilization. If he can't beat it, can he run away?

Fifteen days later, the four huge planets jumped out of hyperspace again and came to a new galaxy.

This galaxy is still deserted and there is no sign of civilization.

A few hours later, the corrupted fleet also appeared in this galaxy, still watching from afar that the imperial fleet did not move forward, but the number of corrupted fleets has doubled.

"Your Majesty, the corrupted seem to have called for reinforcements, but why don't they launch an attack?" Qiuyue, who has returned to Li Mingze, asked curiously.

"They must think that their fleet is not strong enough to bite off our hedgehog, and they are still waiting for reinforcements."

"When they feel they are strong enough, they will attack us!" Li Mingze sat at his desk with his legs crossed.

As expected, another fifteen days passed, and the Corruptor fleet still did not make any movement. It just quietly floated in the starry sky and watched the mining ships and transport ships of the Imperial Fleet coming and going in the galaxy.

As the four planets of the Empire completed the recharge again, the Imperial Fleet jumped into hyperspace again.

After fifteen days of flight time, the Imperial Fleet jumped out of hyperspace again.

The Corruptor fleet following in the distance still did not make any movement, but their fleet size increased by another fleet, reaching 1.5 times the original number of warships.

It was still a peaceful fifteen days.

After several rounds of this, the Imperial Fleet jumped out of hyperspace again.

I thought the Corruptor Fleet would still stay put, but I didn't expect that after leaving the hyperspace, the Imperial Fleet found that the Corruptor Fleet had increased to ten times the original number, and they were black and aggressive and drove towards the Imperial Fleet.

"All departments prepare for battle! Warships leave!" Li Mingze connected to the control center after seeing the Corruptor fleets start to attack on the holographic screen in his office.

The Imperial battleship and cruiser formations, which had been on standby for a long time, immediately ignited their thrusters and rushed out of the port of Nuwa Star.

The orbital defense modules on the surface of the four planets also began to gather rapidly in the direction of the enemy's attack.

People on the surface of Earth and New Home Star could clearly see countless black objects passing through the sky above their heads. The original daytime instantly turned into night. After these black objects passed, the sky became bright again.

But people on the night hemisphere felt that the starry sky above their heads was covered by black hexagonal modules.

However, the piercing air defense alarm that followed made people no longer in the mood to care about the starry sky, and they followed the instructions and hid in the underground shelters.

The orbital defense modules on the three planets of Earth, New Home Planet, and Nuwa Planet formed a triangular formation. In the middle of the formation was the empire's battleship and cruiser formation.

"Wait until they are within range and then attack with all your strength. These Corruptor warships use melee weapons. Kill them before they get close!"

As the Corruptor's fleet approached rapidly, the orbital turrets on the three planets began to accumulate energy, and solid cannonballs were loaded into the barrels.

These weapons are mass accelerator cannons improved on the basis of the original orbital beam cannon.

These accelerating cannons then cover the solid shell in the barrel with a long-lasting gravity field to make the shell extremely light, and then accelerate it to a speed close to the speed of light, giving it extremely terrifying potential energy. After the shell hits the target The gravity field on the surface will disappear, and the energy in the cannonball will tear the cannonball into pieces and explode.

The exploding shells will be scattered throughout the battleship, destroying the enemy ship from the inside.

"Fire!" Following Li Mingze's order, countless shells fired from the orbital turret towards the Corruptor fleet.

The Corruptor fleet, which was not familiar with the new weapons equipped by the Empire, frantically rushed towards the hail of bullets fired by the Empire, trying to resist with the powerful shield of the battleship.

Mass accelerating bombs hit the shield of the Corruptor fleet, and the seemingly hard shield instantly shattered into a sky full of light spots and dissipated in the air.

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