My empire of stars

Chapter 230 The first transaction

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it seems that your situation is not good. How about it? Have you considered it carefully? I have a lot of good things for sale here." Vonn Spike looked at the Security Council members with a sly smile.

"Okay, I think we need some help." The chairman of the Security Council glanced at the surrounding directors, nodded and said helplessly.

"Is this right? The products sold by my great void trader Vonn Spike are all good and genuine." Vonn Spike rubbed his hands.

"Please list the services provided and the price information." The chairman of the Security Council said solemnly.

"Oh, I forgot." Vonn Spike embarrassedly raised a holographic screen in the air.

"How about it? My products are very cost-effective and I guarantee that you will be satisfied." After speaking, Vonn Spike patted his chest.

"Orbital Assault Mechanical Legion 100,000 energy coins per day."

"Ancient civilization frigate formation will receive 1 million energy coins per day."

"Ancient civilization destroyer formation receives 10 million energy coins per day."

"The mixed formation of ancient civilization cruisers and destroyers will receive 100 million energy coins per day."

"Ancient civilization's mixed formation of battleships and cruisers costs 500 million energy coins per day."

"Ancient civilization's dreadnought and battleship formations receive 1 billion energy coins per day."

"Or you can barter. A living planet is equivalent to 100 million energy coins." Vonn Spike squinted and read the price list on the screen.

"Your price is too expensive! You must know that the annual production capacity of an administrative star is only 100,000 energy coins! And how do we know how powerful a battleship from an ancient civilization like yours is?" The chairman of the Security Council frowned. road.

"This is simple. Currently, the five motherships opposite you only need a mixed formation of battleships and cruisers to solve them. I will charge you 500 million. I will pay you after doing the work first. If you cheat and don't want to pay, it will be very interesting. "After speaking, Vonn Spike narrowed his eyes.

"Yes! If you are willing to pay first, we are willing to purchase a mixed fleet of battleships and cruisers for one day." The chairman of the Security Council nodded.

"Chairman, these are five living planets!" All the directors looked at the chairman with expressions like the boss is too expensive.

The chairman waved his hand gently. He naturally had his plans. There were still hundreds of life planets annexed from the surrounding low-level civilizations. There was no shortage of these planets to buy a fleet. Anyway, he didn't plan to annex those planets now. If the planet is handed over again, there is no reason to spit out the fat in your mouth.

"Very good, very good, I just like you big customers!" Vonn Spike smiled, nodded and disappeared.

In just a moment, a U-shaped spacecraft tens of thousands of kilometers long appeared in the solar system.

As a side of armor opened up on the left side of the U-shaped spacecraft, a fleet of simple-looking ships flew out of Vonn Spike's spacecraft.

The golden hull is covered with mysterious lines, and these lines are still flashing, making the fleet look very mysterious.

"How about it? This fleet looks very awesome." Vonn Spike's figure appeared in the fortress hall again.

"Yes, yes." The members of the Security Council were a little stunned, not because of anything else, but because the shape of these battleships was so simple, and the ships were full of historical atmosphere.

The entire fleet is like a refurbished version found from the scrap heap. It looks like the kind of "old ship" that can fall apart with one shot. It doesn't look like it can solve the Pilgrim mothership at all.

"Are you sure these spaceships won't fly apart and fall apart on their own?" a director asked, dumbfounded.

"Don't underestimate them. They are good things that I found in the ruins of an ancient civilization ten thousand years ago."

"Although they are many years old, after tens of thousands of years of careful maintenance, they are still as good as new!" Vonn Spike said with an expression on his face, "How dare you not believe me."

"This, this, this..." Everyone had nothing to say. They could only wait for a while to see the result, but they did not have much hope that this fleet would defeat the Pilgrim Civilized Fleet.

"You can see it." Vonn Spike crossed his arms over his chest and looked confident.

This fleet of five ancient civilization battleships and ten ancient civilization cruisers slowly flew towards the Pilgrim Civilization Fleet.

The Pilgrim Civilization Fleet apparently also discovered this approaching fleet and couldn't help but be shocked.

Although this fleet looks dilapidated and shabby on the surface, it exudes an aura that makes the pilgrims and priests somewhat fearful.

"Fire with all your strength and deal with this fleet first!" A high priest commanded, suppressing the fear in his heart.

The five pilgrim motherships turned around and aimed their countless beam cannons at the approaching ancient civilization fleet.

Five extremely thick and huge beams of light shot out from the bellies of the five motherships, followed by hundreds of thousands of small beams of light.

When they saw these beams bombarding the fleet of the ancient civilization, the members of the Davis Security Council felt their hearts tightening, feeling that this fleet was about to die soon.

Vonn Spike sneered lightly. If this fleet was so vulnerable, would he keep it for tens of thousands of years?

Sure enough, the ancient civilization fleet, which was hit by the saturation attack of the Pilgrim fleet, was intact, as if it had never been attacked.

"That's too strong." The members of the Davis Security Council were stunned. The shield of this ancient civilization fleet was actually stronger than the dreadnought ship Weiss they were building. You must know that their dreadnought ship was built with Davis' latest technology. The Weiss cannot withstand such a powerful attack!

The ancient civilization fleet, which was not affected in any way, continued to fly slowly towards the pilgrim civilization, without firing a single cannonball or beam cannon during this period.

Even everyone in the Davis Security Council began to wonder if this master's fleet was just a group of turtle shells without combat effectiveness. Why did such advanced technology not fire at such a distance?

"Don't worry, you will be shocked in a while." Vonn Spike seemed to have read through the thoughts of the Security Council members.

The ancient civilization fleet lived up to Vonn Spike's expectations and finally launched an attack when it approached the Pilgrim civilization mothership.

As the bow armor of the ancient civilization warship opened to both sides, a red light began to flash inside.

A moment later, thousands of huge metal spheres flew out from the ancient civilization's fleet. Among them, the five hundred metal spheres shot by the ancient civilization's battleship were the largest.

The surface of these spheres flashes with mysterious red lines and rushes towards the pilgrim fleet.

Just when everyone thought these balls were exploding cannonballs, they discovered that they were wrong!

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