My empire of stars

Chapter 219 The ambushed fleet

After a month of hyperspace flight, the four-nation combined fleet and the Davis fleet jumped out of hyperspace in a galaxy near the star field where the Pilgrim civilization was located.

"What's going on? The target point we set is not this galaxy." The commander of the Davis fleet frowned and looked at the holographic star map in front of him.

"Sir, we were forcibly pulled out of hyperspace!" Before the officer could finish his words, countless beams of light were shot out from the meteorites floating around.

"Oops, there's an ambush!" Commander Davis noticed something was wrong, but it was too late. A huge white beam of light from a red planet in the distance shot into the Davis Security Council cruiser fleet.

A violent explosion swept through the entire cruiser fleet, and hundreds of Davis cruisers were turned into blooming fireworks by huge light beams.

After the distant red planet fired this blow, the entire planet began to shake violently. After a while, several continental fragments were lifted into the universe, and a silver Pilgrim mothership revealed its ferocious mechanical tentacles. group.

"How did these pilgrim civilizations discover the whereabouts of our fleet and be able to ambush here so long in advance!" Commander Davis looked at the Pilgrim Mothership shaking off the rocks and felt something was very wrong.

But he had no time to think. The meteorites around the combined fleet shattered and revealed the Pilgrim frigate inside.

These pilgrim frigates did not give Davis and the four-nation combined fleet any time to react, and countless beams of light enveloped the entire fleet.

"Order the four-nation combined fleet to ascend! Use their warships in exchange for our warships' chance of survival!" Commander Davis smashed the command chair.

Although the four-nation fleet quickly received the order from the Davis fleet, they were a little unwilling to do so, but they still had to go forward. After all, they had no way to resist the Davis Security Council when it started to get angry.

At this time, many Parker crew members in the empire's fleet were unwilling to die in vain and wanted to escape from the battlefield, but Tianyi would not give them this opportunity.

The manual driving systems of all imperial warships were all offline, and the Parkers in the warships suddenly lost the opportunity to decide their own destiny.

Countless frigates blocked the destroyers, the destroyers blocked the cruisers, and the cruisers blocked Davis's destroyers.

As a result, the battleships in Davis' fleet were protected by as many as five layers.

The beam cannon of the incoming pilgrim easily shattered the Shikoku frigate, and then the slightly less powerful beam hit the Shikoku destroyer.

The destroyers of the four countries only resisted for less than half a second before being completely destroyed.

The only ones left to resist these beams were the Shikoku cruisers. The beams hit the cruiser's shield. The cruiser's shield could barely hold on for a few seconds before being shattered by the beam and dissipated in space.

After weakening layer by layer, the power of the beam had been reduced by 99%. The greatly reduced power of the beam finally hit the cruiser of Shikoku and only melted the cruiser into small holes.

Although the damage to the cruisers was not serious on the surface, the interior of these cruisers was already a sea of ​​fire.

Amidst the piercing sirens, the firefighting system tried its best to prevent the spread of the fire. Countless fire-retardant fillers were sprayed into the corridors. The rapidly absorbing heat-expanding fillers filled the exterior corridors of the entire battleship.

"Your Majesty, the only fleet we sent out is the cruiser fleet, and all the frigates and destroyers have sunk." Tianyi's voice rang in Li Mingze's ears.

Li Mingze looked at the picture sent back from the imperial fleet flagship in silence.

This fleet had accompanied him for a full ten years from the time he traveled to the empire to now. The fleet that had been developed bit by bit over the past ten years was wiped out by a single salvo from the enemy.

He seemed to still remember his excitement when the destroyers had just left the dock, and his joy when he led these battleships to conquer the Parker Alliance. I still remember my happy smile as I looked at the rapidly growing number of fleets on the report.

However, except for the frigates and destroyers that the empire had just built, all the remaining warships were damaged in outer systems.

Tianyi saw that Li Mingze was in a bad mood, so he walked over and gently touched Li Mingze's shoulder. Although it was insubstantial, Li Mingze still felt the comfort coming from Tianyi.

In the battlefield at this time, the Davis fleet and the four-nation combined fleet, which had withstood a salvo, launched an attack on the Pilgrim civilization.

"Let us get rid of them at once!" Commander Davis' tone was full of confidence. As long as they survive this enemy salvo, Davis's golden light spear will definitely be able to tear these enemies into pieces. ! The enemy's death is coming soon!

The battleships in the Davis fleet spread out their huge flying wings, and golden rays of light gathered in front of the battleships, shooting towards the Pilgrim Mothership in the distance!

"Die!" Commander Davis showed a long-lost ferocious smile on his face.

However, what happened next made the smile disappear from his face. The beam cannon fired by the Davis fleet hit the Pilgrim mothership, but it did not penetrate the entire mothership and cause it to self-destruct like before.

This salvo only exploded one-fifth of the Pilgrim mothership's hull, while other parts remained intact. The Pilgrim's mothership did not lose its combat effectiveness.

"What is going on?" Li Mingze, who had done in-depth research on the previous two battles, widened his eyes.

You must know that the power of this salvo was at least five times that of the salvo fired by the Davis fleet during the first encounter. Such a powerful power only destroyed one-fifth of the Pilgrim mothership!

You must know that if the defensive power shown by the Pilgrim Mothership in the first battle was followed, this salvo should be able to blow it into pieces.

"This mothership has not activated the defense mode." Li Mingze frowned.

"Could it be. Could it be"

"The mothership that appeared in the solar system last time was not to attack the fortress, but to collect information about the weapons of the Davis Security Council."

"After obtaining the information about this weapon, the Pilgrim Civilization developed new armor for this weapon and replaced it on all motherships!" Li Mingze suddenly thought of such a terrifying possibility.

However, he missed one thing. The Pilgrim civilization battleship is "active". The Pilgrim civilization not only upgraded the outer armor of the mothership, but also replaced the internal bulkheads with ones that can absorb this special weapon. Energy metal.

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