My empire of stars

Chapter 181 We Surrender (4th chapter for Saber Knight)

"Stop talking, let's surrender." A congressman looked at the sky outside the window and muttered to himself.

"What's wrong?" Everyone looked out the window.

The original sky was already occupied by several huge transport ships, and countless small black dots flew out of the ships and dispersed in all directions.

Drop pods flew out from the bottom of the transport ship and fell to the ground, and the fighter jets carried in the cruiser also drove out of the hangar in groups.

"The empire's attack has begun." The eyes of everyone in the conference room were dull.

Thousands of transport ships taking off from the planet Emon, loaded with millions of orbital airborne troops and Imperial Marines, flew over major cities on the earth.

Amidst the sound of sirens, the imperial soldiers boarded the transport planes and flew towards their respective targets, while the heavy special warfare mechas flew directly into the landing pods.

The high-rise buildings in the city were filled with Imperial transport planes. A famous confederate soldier quickly occupied strategic locations and emptied the entire building.

On the street on the ground, special warfare mechas stepped out of the airborne cabins and gathered on the street.

At this time, dozens of Sith security transport planes fell from the sky and landed outside the Earth Defense Center building.

Xu Bailing walked elegantly from the transport plane in his OL uniform. When he saw the Imperial Marine officer standing beside him, he hurriedly took a few steps forward.

"Dear Sir, I am Xu Bailing, the person in charge of Sith Technology, the empire's outpost on Earth." After saying that, Xu Bailing knelt down on one knee and kissed the back of the officer's hand.

"Sir, our Sith security troops have begun to cooperate with the empire in occupation work in various parts of the earth. The resistance we encountered from the earth's native troops was very weak." Xu Bailing reported to the officer.

This officer was Li Mingze who had been replaced by a clone. He glanced at Xu Bailing gently and said:

"You have done a good job, and the empire will remember your contribution! Now you are a first-class citizen of the empire, and the empire will arrange a good position for you in the future."

"Thank you, sir!" Xu Bailing, who had already stood up, knelt down excitedly. At this moment, she was also a true member of the Empire.

"Let's go to the Earth Defense Headquarters to meet the leaders of the Earth." After speaking, Li Mingze raised his head and glanced at the towering Earth Alliance headquarters.

Dozens of soldiers in power armor, holding rifles and led by several special warfare mechas, rushed into the Earth Defense Center building.

Li Mingze and others slowly followed the team towards the building.

Several soldiers in charge of the security of the Earth Defense Center were about to raise their guns when they were suppressed by the captain beside them.

"The situation of the Earth Federation is over. Let's not make fearless sacrifices anymore." The captain shook his head and sighed. After speaking, he looked at several huge spaceships floating above the city not far away.

Apart from encountering two waves of unpredictable soldiers who intercepted them along the way, no one encountered any resistance at all.

Most of the soldiers gave up resistance after seeing the burly special warfare mecha, threw their weapons to the ground, and squatted down with their heads in their hands.

The soldiers following the mecha quickly stepped forward and tied the hands of the surrendered soldiers together.

Not long after, Li Mingze arrived in front of the huge conference hall of the Earth Defense Center.

"Open the door!" Li Mingze raised his head, and several mechas quickly stepped forward and kicked open the conference room door filled with alloy.

The soldiers behind the mecha rushed in with guns raised.

"Don't move!" As the soldiers shouted, everyone in the conference hall sat quietly in their seats and did not dare to move.

"Good afternoon to all senior officials of the Earth Federation. On behalf of the empire, I am here to discuss your submission to the Sith Empire." Li Mingze put his hands behind his back and slowly walked into the conference room.

He walked to the conference table, pulled out a chair and sat on it, with his legs crossed on the table. Xu Bailing stood behind Li Mingze.

"You and your Sith technology are really related to the Sith Empire. Your Sith Empire is so scheming. You actually started laying out the plan on the earth so early!"

"Also, if I remember correctly, you are a native of Earth, and you willingly became a lackey of the Sith Empire for the sake of power! You treacherous traitor!" the Federation Speaker pointed at Xu Bailing with gritted teeth.

"I'm really sorry. I am now a citizen of the Sith Empire." Xu Bailing spread his hands with an indifferent expression.

"You!! You!!" The speaker on the side almost had a heart attack when he heard these words.

"Quiet!" Li Mingze slammed the table, and the coercion cultivated by the emperor for many years silenced the entire conference room.

"Stop talking nonsense. If you arrange the army on earth to cooperate with the empire's takeover work, we will spare your life and give you a small island to take care of you for the rest of your life." Li Mingze threw a holographic projection generator on the table. The device projected a beautiful island in the air.

"This small island is where all you military and political leaders go. There is everything you need to eat, drink and have fun here. As long as you cooperate with our work, otherwise" Li Mingze said and waved his hand, and the soldiers standing on both sides of the hall raised their hands neatly. The Gauss rifle was aimed at the federal lawmakers present.

"How's it going? Have you thought about it?" Li Mingze asked frivolously, playing with the pistol in his hand.

"I don't...!" Before one of the congressmen could finish speaking, Li Mingze raised his hand and shot his head off. The hearts of the senior executives trembled violently. A trace of yellow flowed down the trouser legs of the two officials whose brains were splattered. Come down.

"I agree." The Speaker thought for a moment and said this sentence with great effort. After finishing the sentence, his whole body fell down on the chair as if he had lost all strength.

"Very good, a very wise choice." Li Mingze applauded.

"Xu Bailing, arrange for the reporters to come over, and the two people who peed their pants over there, to take the bodies away and clean them up!" Li Mingze raised his pistol and pointed at the two congressmen who peed their pants. The muzzle of the gun kept shaking, causing several The congressman who was caught broke into a cold sweat.

"Follow your orders." Xu Bailing turned and left the conference room, and the two congressmen also dragged the body towards the locker room at gunpoint.

Tens of minutes later, reporters from major radio stations around the world came to the conference room and were waiting.

"I'm going to go out first. His Majesty the Great Emperor will come to sign your surrender agreement shortly." After saying that, Li Mingze stood up and hummed a little tune and walked out of the conference room.

After walking out of the Earth Defense Center and returning to the transport ship, Li Mingze lay down his body back in the hibernation chamber and switched back to his original stand-in.

In the flagship in Earth orbit, Li Mingze climbed out of the dormant cabin. After washing, he put on a gorgeous power armor, and a black cloak with the empire's logo draped behind him.

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