My empire of stars

Chapter 176 (Wrong) They are the saviors of justice (the first update for Su Daji)

"Are you stupid? What would we do if a bunch of fighter jets flew into our airspace without our consent?" one congressman asked.

"Shoot it down?" the questioning MP replied in a low voice.

"Isn't that the end, and the other side didn't send warships to destroy us at that time, they didn't even contact us, and they didn't make a sound to condemn us."

"What does this mean? It shows that they don't want to be discovered by us at all. That time their planet appeared next to the earth was probably a mistake. In the end, they disappeared again without saying a word. Isn't it the best proof." The congressman I came up with a good explanation myself.

"Yes, maybe there is a decentralized organization similar to the Federation in this universe. Maybe this organization does not allow high-level civilizations to contact low-level civilizations!"

"It's more likely to protect these developing low-level civilizations. High-level civilizations cannot invade them at will!"

"And the reason they showed up with their warships this time is probably because we were invaded by advanced civilizations. As the defenders of the order of the universe, they stepped forward!" Another congressman even figured out the general shape of the universe. and rules.

"Yes, yes, that makes sense. They have not been in contact with us so that our civilization can develop healthily. And I guess their appearance last time was because of the alien spacecraft orbiting Jupiter."

"This guardian was worried that the technology of alien spacecraft would affect our normal development, so he came out to stop it."

"But we didn't expect that the spaceship would be blown up by us in the end, so they could only leave silently after flying in." Another congressman began to add plot to the whole story.

"That's right, no wonder we haven't found any trace of aliens for so many years, and no aliens have come to invade us. It turns out that they are civilized existences that protect the order." Many congressmen sighed with emotion.

"Then everyone, let's just sit here and watch their battle. Maybe we can learn something." The Alliance Speaker, who had been brainwashed by the stories everyone made up, nodded.

On the streets of various cities on the earth, the huge monitors returned to normal because Ander turned off the shielding equipment.

The hosts conducting live war broadcasts reappeared on various screens.

"Fellow compatriots, we have received the latest news from the Earth Defense Center. An interstellar fleet responsible for protecting lower-level civilizations has appeared near the Earth!" As he spoke, the picture on the big screen changed to the Sith Empire captured by satellite. fleet.

"According to what we have learned, this newly emerged alien civilization is likely to be a guardian civilization that protects the stable development of low-level civilizations like ours."

"When we were invaded by evil aliens, this great guardian civilization stood up. They will eventually drive these evil invaders out of the solar system!" the host of the show said passionately.

The eyes of people who were already in despair regained their luster, the earth can be saved! The savior has arrived!

At this time, at the Sith Technology Headquarters, Xu Bailing and a group of agents who had been trained by the Empire were extremely excited. The Empire's fleet had indeed arrived!

The thrusters of the huge imperial fleet that had been assembled in the orbit of Emon Star were ignited one after another.

The Imperial Fleet's cruisers, which originally had more numbers than Andel's fleet, pressed the formation, and destroyers were guarding the surroundings, "shooting" towards Andel's fleet like a sharp sword.

"Get ready to change the formation and activate the overclocking mode." Li Mingze sat on the command seat of the flagship and commanded calmly.

"Get me through the communications with Andel's fleet." Li Mingze ordered the communications officer on the side after arranging the battle.

"Communication is being accessed"

As the screen in front of Li Mingze flickered, Yi Zuo's figure appeared on the holographic screen.

"Imperial people, you..." Yi Zuo opened his mouth wide before he finished speaking.

"The Immortal Emperor!" Yizuo exclaimed, shouting out the nickname given to Li Mingze by the countries surrounding the Sith Empire.

"We meet again. You Andel Group are really capable of stirring up trouble. You are the troublemakers everywhere!" Li Mingze said through gritted teeth.

"Sooner or later I will blow your capital into powder." After saying this, Li Mingze hung up the communication.

"Start overclocking!" After speaking, Li Mingze waved his hand, and a singer clone stepped forward and sat cross-legged on the ground.

The Andel fleet, which dispersed to prepare for a confrontation with the Imperial fleet, discovered that the performance of the Sith Empire's warships suddenly soared.

"Is this the unique explosion mode of the legendary Sith Empire?" Izzo murmured to himself as he looked at the imperial warships flying towards his fleet.

"Salvo! Target the Sith fleet!" Following Izzo's order, the dispersed Andel fleet fired a volley of thousands of cannons at the Imperial fleet, and countless cannonballs fired towards the Imperial fleet.

The salvo that was originally expected to achieve impressive results was actually mostly dodged by the Imperial fleet.

The remaining half also hit the leading cruiser and suffered limited damage. The empire only lost less than ten destroyers in one salvo.

"Be prepared to evade! The enemy's attack is coming." Izzo tightly grasped the armrests on both sides of the chair.

A few seconds later, the Empire's warships entered the firing range, and red beams of light struck towards Andel's fleet. Andel's warships also began to avoid attacks by constantly moving, but the efficiency was vastly different compared to the Empire's dodge efficiency. Don't.

Of course, this is also the reason why the shooting accuracy of the imperial warships has improved, but the consequence of this is that Andel's warships were destroyed, dozens of destroyers and more than a dozen cruisers.

Such a high battle loss ratio has never appeared in the history of Andel Military Group! Although the number of battleships in the Sith Empire is slightly greater than the number of Andel's battleships, it is not enough to produce such a quantitative change.

"Damn it! Is this the reason why the Sith Empire is invincible?" Isako has personally experienced the power of this abnormal ability of the Sith Empire.

But after the experience, he was left with a mouth full of bitterness. When he thought that this ability could continue to be used, the number of warships on his side would become smaller and smaller, and the gap between the two sides would become wider and wider.

"Bullshit, I know you losers who know how to drink and gamble all day long can't compare with the elites of the Sith Empire, but you still have some strength!" Izzo cursed in the fleet-wide channel.

As the Andel Military Group has grown, their fleet has never participated in any major wars. In recent decades, it has only participated in one invasion war against primitive atomic civilization. The crews of each spacecraft have long lost their bloodiness and superb skills. technology.

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