My empire of stars

Chapter 171 Alien Fleet Entering the Solar System

Ten days later, in the Pan-Earth Alliance's lunar observatory, more than 20 researchers stared at several blurry pictures on the screen with a dull look.

"Where was this photo taken?" The head of the observatory asked seriously.

"Report to the commander, the probe we launched into Jupiter's orbit just found it in Pluto's orbit!" The researcher's voice was a little dry.

"Use the computer to restore the data of this photo. I want to see the original appearance of these light spots. Quickly!" The head of the observatory frowned. If these light spots are alien spaceships, this matter is a bit bad.

"Restored." A researcher operated on the computer twice and put the restored photos on the big screen.

"This! It's really an alien fleet!" The head of the observatory was stunned.

The alien fleet in the photo is floating in the orbit of Pluto, and the original white light is the light emitted by the thrusters of these spacecrafts and reflected by the surrounding spacecraft.

"Can this estimate their size?" The person in charge felt a little cold. He absolutely did not believe that the purpose of such a large fleet was just to take a turn.

"Sir, the largest one in the photo is about 1,200 meters long, and the smallest one is 800 meters long." The researcher looked at the data on the computer and replied.

"The smallest one is also 800 meters long! It is larger than our aircraft carriers." The person in charge suddenly felt his scalp tingling.

"I will report it immediately, and you continue to pay attention to the movements of this fleet." After saying that, the person in charge turned and walked towards the office.

Tens of minutes later, the Pan-Earth Alliance leaders who received the news quickly gathered in the conference room.

"I think everyone has already known. An alien fleet appeared in the solar system! We don't know the purpose of this fleet. We don't know whether they are kind or malicious!" The Alliance Speaker stood on the rostrum and swept his eyes over a group of senior officials.

"I think they may be kind. After all, the resources on our earth are everywhere in the universe, and it is impossible for them to have any intentions." A senior official said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the alliance senior officials around him looked at him with eyes that asked how this idiot got into the senior officials.

"This fleet may have set its sights on the life planet under our feet. After all, this kind of life planet should be very rare in the universe." A senior executive looked at the senior executive who had just spoken with contempt and said.

"Stop arguing, we have to prepare for both hands. I will inform the Earth Federation of Co-Prosperity."

"At the same time, all weapons that can attack space should be modified, and the candidates for contact with aliens should be selected as soon as possible."

"That's it, adjourn the meeting!" The Speaker of the Alliance nodded to many senior executives.

Everyone stood up and walked out of the conference room, and from time to time a few people walked together to discuss.

"Sir, something bad has happened. Just now, the satellite in Jupiter's orbit discovered that this alien fleet has approached Neptune." A researcher suddenly opened the office hatch of the head of the observatory.

"What's going on? They are so fast, it's less than ten hours!" The head of the observatory stood up from his seat in panic.

"That means they only have less than five days to reach Earth!" The head muttered to himself.

"Quick! Sound the alarm! The observatory is in wartime mode! The missile silo is powered on!" The person in charge thought of something and hurriedly got up and ran to the control room.

"Attention all researchers, attention all researchers, please go to the spaceport immediately to take the space shuttle back to Earth!"

"Repeat! All personnel immediately go to the spaceport to take the space shuttle back to Earth."

A shrill alarm sounded throughout the observatory, and all the researchers stationed at the observatory ran towards the spaceport.

Soon, many researchers gathered in the spaceport put on their space suits and got into the space shuttle.

After a burst of fire, the space shuttle took off from the lunar launch tower and flew to the distant Earth.

On Earth, the Pan-Earth Alliance and the Earth Co-Prosperity Federation, who learned that the alien fleet only had five days left to reach Earth, quickly reached a joint defense agreement.

One after another, aerospace fighters and spacecrafts filled with soldiers and missiles took off and flew towards the observatory on the moon.

Now the Pan-Earth Alliance and the Earth Co-Prosperity Federation intend to put aside their hatred, overcome the current difficulties, and transform the lunar observatory into a bridgehead to block the enemy fleet. Of course, the reason why the countries on Earth have such confidence is naturally inseparable from the influence of decades of Hollywood blockbusters. In Hollywood blockbusters, no matter how powerful the various invading aliens are, they will eventually be defeated by the earthlings. At this time, the Andel Military Group Fleet has advanced to the orbit of Uranus. "General, we still have four days to reach the planet called Earth. Now we can intercept the electromagnetic signal on this planet." A crew member reported to a small-eyed Andel officer on the command seat. This person is Yizo, the person in charge of this expedition. "Oh? Then let me take a look." After that, Yizo opened the terminal in front of him. "Maybe it is God's arrangement. Today is Independence Day. You will fight for freedom again. Not to oppose oppression, tyranny or persecution, but to avoid destruction and fight for the right to survive."

"If we can win today, July 4th will no longer be a holiday for the people of the United States and other countries, but the whole world will declare with one voice that we will not die silently, we will not just sit back and wait for death, we will To survive, we must survive. Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!" A translated speech was played in the terminal.

An hour later, Izzo finally watched the entire "Independence Day" movie and smiled with his fangs showing.

"Are these people on earth so creative? They can come up with such outrageous plots."

"How about we play with these primitive civilization people?" Izuo touched his chin and narrowed his eyes with a mysterious smile.

"Notify us. When we arrive on Earth, we will do this, this, and then this." Izuo informed the captains of each battleship of his thoughts.

The captains of each battleship also grinned after receiving the news, saying that they would cooperate well.

Time passes day by day, and as Andel's fleet gets closer and closer to the earth, the atmosphere on the earth becomes more and more tense.

However, the governments on Earth did not announce the matter. Instead, they concealed the alien fleet and secretly raised supplies to be sent to refuge facilities everywhere.

until one day.

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