My empire of stars

Chapter 167 Surrender (18th update)

"Yes, Your Majesty, we are here to surrender to the empire." Ambassador Yinbeqi lowered his huge head deeply.

"Poof" the tea Li Mingze was drinking spurted out.

"No, you are surrendering now. It seems that your main fleet has not lost more than half." Li Mingze asked puzzledly, fearing that there was fraud.

"Our parliament no longer wants to fight anymore. Now our country is in dire straits, the alliance's storage resources are about to be exhausted, and the people's anti-war sentiment is getting higher and higher." Ambassador Imbeqi's sad voice came.

"So we hope to become a vassal of the Sith Empire!" Ambassador Yinbeqi raised his head.

"Oh? You want to become a vassal of our empire?"

"It's not impossible, let me see your sincerity." Li Mingze relaxed and leaned on the chair.

"Your Majesty, we are willing to cede the other half of the star field from your channel defense line up! All we need is permission to bring our citizens back. We will not touch the equipment and resources on these planets."

"And after becoming a vassal, we are willing to donate 30% of all energy coins and mineral income every year!" Ambassador Yinbeqi whispered.

"Oh?" Li Mingze's eyes lit up! You know, he also wants to end the war now, because now there is a new opponent who is eyeing him.

What's more, the attitude of other civilizations bordering the empire towards the empire is constantly getting worse. They believe that the bellicose empire is very dangerous, so in order to prevent themselves from being attacked on all sides, Li Mingze has long planned to end the war. Unexpectedly, today the Inbeqi Alliance He brought it up himself.

"I can accept your request, but I have a few requirements for becoming a vassal of the empire. If you can accept it, we will be a family." Li Mingze squinted his eyes with a mysterious smile.

"Say it, Your Majesty," the ambassador said helplessly.

"First! Your future schools must use Chinese as the main subject, and all school textbooks must be formulated by our empire!"

"Second! You cannot have battleships above cruisers! The tonnage must not exceed 1.2 million tons! All units above the platoon level in your army must have an imperial political commissar!"

"Third! All your citizens will enjoy the treatment of third-class citizens of the empire from now on! Application is required to enter and exit the empire, but citizens of the empire do not need any form of application to enter your star domain, and they will enjoy the treatment of first-class citizens!"

(Third-class citizens do not enjoy citizen benefits, but they need to fulfill their civic obligations, and the empire will ensure their safety.)

"Fourth! From now on, all tariffs on your goods will be set by the empire! You only have the right to make suggestions!"

"Fifth! You must unconditionally participate in all the empire's foreign wars from now on. Of course, the supplies consumed will be provided by the empire." Li Mingze took a sip of tea to moisten his throat.

"How about it? Can you accept it?"

"This, your majesty, can you allow me to report back to the parliament?" Ambassador Yinbeiqi said cautiously, for fear of provoking Li Mingze to stop the negotiations.

"Okay, you go ahead." Li Mingze waved his hand.

"Your Majesty, welcome you." Ambassador Yinbeiqi saluted and then stood up and returned to the ambassador's ship.

An hour later, Ambassador Imbechi asked to see him again.

"Oh? Has your council agreed?" Li Mingze opened his closed eyes and asked.

"Your Majesty, our parliament agreed, but they hope that the annual tribute will be reduced to 25%." Ambassador Yinbeiqi replied in a low voice. He did not dare to raise his head and look directly at Li Mingze. He could not stand in the aura of immortality. With the blessing, Li Mingze's aura was too strong in the eyes of the ambassador.

"Can the favor be reduced to 25%? Yes, but the interval between tributes will be changed to once every three months!" Li Mingze nodded magnanimously.

"Ma'am, you're fine." Ambassador Yinbeqi was trembling with excitement.

"Your Majesty, when was the surrender agreement signed? What do you think?"

"Let's book this at the space station on Halva in ten days," Li Mingze said after thinking for a moment.

"Okay~ I will go back and inform the parliament." Ambassador Imbeqi saluted and left the conference room.

Ten days later. Halva Star Space Station.

A disarmed Inberg cruiser slowly docked in the port of the space station, and the accompanying destroyer also lowered its gun muzzle and turned off its engine to float in space.

As the docking bridge in the port was fixed on the cruiser, Speaker Imbechi straightened his collar and led a member of the House of Representatives into the docking bridge.

Speaker Imbechi and the congressmen who came to the port through the docking bridge saw the imperial honor guard standing on both sides of the exit.

Accompanied by the passionate Sith national anthem, the honor guard raised their ceremonial knives into the air.

Speaker Yinbeqi and a member of the House of Representatives coughed twice and walked through the imperial guard of honor. As they walked through the honor guard, the honor guard members inserted their sabers back into their waists, saying that the enemies who once faced each other with swords will now be "a family." "the meaning of.

It fully demonstrates the Sith Empire's great power style of "I will not attack others unless others attack me".

Passing through the long corridor composed of honor guards, Speaker Yinbeqi and others got on the suspension car that they had been waiting for for a long time and drove towards the interior of the huge space station.

The hover car stopped at the door of a huge conference hall, and the guard on the side ran forward and opened the door.

Speaker Yinbeqi nodded to express his gratitude and walked into the conference hall with a group of members of the House of Representatives.

The conference hall originally filled with chairs had been emptied, leaving only a long table in the middle of the hall, with paper and pens already prepared on the table.

At this time, Li Mingze was sitting on the throne at one end of the long table, squinting at Speaker Yinbeqi and others who were walking into the hall.

Speaker Yinbeqi saw Li Mingze sitting in the hall and quickly walked forward and knelt down on one knee.

"Your Majesty, our high-level officials from Yinbeqi have come to sign the vassal agreement." Speaker Yinbeqi lowered his head respectfully, and a member of the House of Representatives behind him also knelt on the ground.

"Get up, I've prepared the agreement. Just take a look and sign it." Li Mingze raised his hand to signal them to get up.

"Yes." Speaker Yinbeiqi winked, and a member of the House of Representatives hurriedly walked to the long table, picked up the agreement on the table, and read it carefully.

A few minutes later, a member of the House of Representatives nodded, and Speaker Imbechi stood up and signed his name on the agreement. He took the official Seal of Imbechi handed over by the congressman and stamped the agreement.

"Very good, very good. We will be a family from now on." Li Mingze clapped his hands with satisfaction.

"The staff responsible for vassal-related work will go to your star field soon. You must cooperate well with the work, and our fleet will also withdraw to the passage defense line at a certain date." Li Mingze said cordially.

"I obey your Majesty!" Speaker Imbechi and a member of the House of Representatives knelt on one knee and said humbly.

This moment was captured forever with cameras by many reporters standing nearby.

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