My empire of stars

Chapter 164 The Sunken Flagship (Fifteenth Update)

"It is our honor to sacrifice for the Empire! The Empire is invincible! Long live Your Majesty! Long live the Empire!" Everyone in the bridge took off their power armor helmets, revealing young faces with perseverance and determination written all over them. Be bold.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of cannonballs flying at high speed shattered the shield of the flagship and hit the hull of the empire's flagship.

The violent explosion submerged everyone on the bridge, and Li Mingze returned to the imperial capital with a black consciousness.

"Damn it!" Li Mingze, who woke up in the descent cabin, slammed the bulkhead of the descent cabin.

"Send me to the spare battleship!" After saying that, Li Mingze lay down in the advent warehouse again.

At this moment, seeing the Sith Empire's flagship reduced to countless debris under the salvos of its own fleet, and the Sith Empire's fleet losing command like a headless fly, Yizuo laughed proudly.

"Hahaha, now the Sith Empire can no longer stop us!" Izzo proudly crossed his legs and reached for a glass of red wine.

Just when Ander and the Yinbeqi alliance fleet were ecstatic, Li Mingze woke up again on a cruiser in the fleet.

"Cough, cough, Ander and Yinbeiqi's people should all die!" Li Mingze climbed out of the dormant cabin with both hands.

"Your Majesty, the fleet has been transferred to the command of the second-level command ship." The soldier who had been waiting aside handed the wet towel in his hand to Li Mingze.

"Transfer the command of the fleet to this battleship. I want to take command personally." Li Mingze took the towel and quickly dried himself and put on the power armor that he had prepared.

A few minutes later, Li Mingze sat on the command seat on the bridge.

"Report on the current battle situation!"

"Reporting to your majesty, the enemy has wasted the opportunity to fire volleys and is now at a disadvantage, but our weapons have not yet cooled down." An officer reported.

"Notify all warships to continue to pretend to have lost command. The frigates and destroyers that cannot enter the atmosphere escape in all directions, and the cruisers enter the atmosphere of Emon Star together!"

"Also notify the control center on Emon and prepare to activate the shield!"

"We are going to bring them in and eat them!" Li Mingze sneered sinisterly.

"As you command!"

"As you command!"

The destroyers and frigates that received the order dispersed after a round of attacks, and each chose a direction to fly away.

This made the people of the Andel Yinbeqi Alliance dumbfounded, how could they pursue this.

"Their main force of cruisers has not lost control. Someone should have taken over the cruise fleet again!" Commander Yinbeqi suddenly pointed at the cruiser fleet that was slowly retreating while shooting.

"Oh? Let's catch up and destroy the cruiser fleet, and the Sith Empire will not have anything to worry about at all!" Izzo laughed.

The fleets of Ander and Imberg, who decided to swallow up the cruiser fleet, ignored why the fleeing destroyers did not jump into hyperspace. They were blinded by the joy of successfully killing the emperor.

In their opinion, this is a normal phenomenon that the Sith Empire has lost its cohesion and is acting independently. They are sure that these people will surrender to Andel's military group soon!

Andel Yinbeqi's fleet chased in the direction of the Imperial Cruiser Fleet's retreat. The distance between the two sides continued to shrink. As for the space fortress next to it that had not opened fire again, it had been ignored by the Anyin Joint Fleet.

"All weapons ready!" Izzo shouted, looking at the Imperial cruiser getting closer and closer on the screen.

"Fire!" As the order came down, electromagnetic rail artillery shells and missiles were fired towards the Imperial cruiser ahead.

At this critical moment, the cruiser that had retreated into the atmosphere of Emon Star was suddenly covered by a blue shield rising from the entire planet.

The flying shells and missiles hit the blue shield one after another and disappeared without causing any ripples.

"Damn it, we were fooled again!" Izzo punched him hard and turned to look at Commander Yinbeqi.

"What else have you not told us?" Zoe gritted her teeth and looked at Commander Imbechi.

"No, no! We don't know anything about it either!" Commander Yinbeqi quickly waved his tentacles.

"I trust you again, the entire army retreats! Leave the enemy's main weapon attack range!" Izuo waved his hand and returned his attention to commanding the fleet.

Inside the bridge of the Empire's backup flagship at this time.

"Want to run away? It's not that easy! All the scattered warships gathered in the encirclement and attacked with all their weapons!" Li Mingze sneered as he looked at the An-India coalition forces who wanted to retreat.

The destroyers and frigates that were originally escaping quickly turned around and surrounded the An-India coalition fleet.

The cruise fleet, anti-orbital beam cannons on the ground, and the fortress guns of the space fortress also attacked together.

Thick beams of light immediately bombarded the fleet of the An-India coalition.

The An-India coalition forces, which had already withstood one floating mine attack and two salvos, were rendered helpless by this salvo of thousands of artillery pieces. A large number of warships exploded into clouds of fireworks in the starry sky.

"Prepare for an emergency jump!" Izzo shouted as he grabbed the handle of the command seat amid a tremor.

"Sir, it will take thirty minutes to recharge the jump engine!" The soldier on the side wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Sir! There is an enemy communication request for access!" Suddenly the correspondent shouted.

"Get in!" Izuo frowned.

"I'll give you ten minutes to surrender, otherwise we won't be polite." Li Mingze's figure appeared on the bridge holographic screen of the An-India Alliance fleet flagship.

"It's you! You're not dead yet!" Commander Yi Zuo and Yin Beiqi looked at the Emperor of the Sith Empire on the screen in shock.

"Haha, I am the chosen one with immortality! You guys are still trying to block my way forward!" Li Mingze stretched out his hand and made a crushing motion and said fiercely.

"How could there be an immortal person! You must not have stayed on the flagship at all!" Izuo was shocked. He didn't believe that there were people with immortal bodies in this world.

"Oh, I'll show you ants the power of the chosen one!" Li Mingze pulled out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at his eyebrows.

He just wants to spread his reputation as an immortal through this time, so that in every future war, the enemy will be afraid of him, and he can win before he fights!

Aiming between his eyebrows, Li Mingze decisively pulled the trigger, and his head exploded like a blown balloon.

"This..." Izzo and Commander Yinbeiqi were frightened by the sudden gunshots. They didn't expect that the emperor of the Sith Empire had really committed suicide.

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