My empire of stars

Chapter 159 Zerg, Zerg! (Tenth update)

After a while, the originally calm grass suddenly began to squirm slightly, as if something was crawling under the turf.

"What the hell is this!" Everyone was shocked and turned around and ran towards the spacecraft.

At this moment, something shocking happened to everyone. Dozens of huge spikes wrapped in exoskeletons rose from the ground, tightly wrapping the escape craft and bending it inward.

Amidst a harsh metal creaking sound, the huge escape spacecraft was quickly dragged below the ground. The turf around the pothole squirmed and covered it, and the ground became flat again.

Seeing this incredible and terrifying scene, several Parker Alliance members backed away in fear and sat down on the ground. Dozens of tiny bone spurs once again protruded from under the turf and swept several people who fell to the ground into the ground. .

As the screams of the few people who were dragged underground became weaker and weaker, the eyes of the remaining people looking at the turf on the ground became extremely horrified!

"Run! Everyone, go to the woods!" the Alliance Speaker shouted and ran to the woods nearby.

However, before he could get close to the woods, the seemingly lush woods began to twitch and turn into streaks of blood that sank into the ground. The originally dense jungle turned into an open space!

"Damn it! We've been fooled! All the plants on this planet are disguised by this kind of life form!" A congressman wailed in horror.

Before he could continue speaking, the man was pinned down by an unknown creature that emerged from the ground.

This was just the beginning. In just a few seconds, thousands of unknown creatures emerged from the ground and pounced on the crowd.

At this time, the weapons carried by the guards seemed to have no threat in front of so many unknown creatures. The ten guards holding weapons were torn into pieces of flesh and blood in a short time.

In the blink of an eye, everyone was subdued by unknown creatures, but strangely, these creatures did not kill them again, but dragged them to the open space aside.

A huge worm tens of meters wide sprang out from under the ground, bringing up mud flying all over the sky. As the worm's head hit the ground, the worm's mouth slowly opened.

Following the worm's large mouth full of fangs, everyone saw the worm's empty abdominal cavity.

At this time, the unknown creature that was suppressing everyone picked up everyone and dragged them towards the worm.

"Ahhh! Are they going to eat us?" A female relative brought by a council member screamed in horror.

But it was obviously different from what everyone feared. The huge worm's jaw squirmed, and the sharp teeth on the lower part retracted into the flesh. Many unknown creatures dragged everyone into the worm's body.

As the worm's big mouth closed, the inside of the worm's abdomen turned into a dark mass, and the only sound was the sound of people's heartbeats.

As a shaking came, everyone felt that they were falling towards the ground, but they were blocked by the raised inner wall of the worm under their feet and did not slide down the slope to the other end of the worm.

Tens of minutes passed, and just when everyone was about to collapse, the worm's big mouth opened again.

The light outside the mouth illuminated the worm's abdominal cavity, and the unknown creatures seemed to have received some instructions and once again dragged everyone away and crawled out.

This time everyone saw their environment clearly. In a huge hall covered by an unknown skeleton, thousands of glowing bubbles hung above and on both sides of the hall.

In the hall, ferocious-looking insects were whispering and roaring to each other.

"Hiss!" A huge roar came from the end of the hall. Many insects fell silent instantly and looked towards the end of the hall.

The door formed by a layer of film at the end of the hall opened to both sides, and a fat and huge "arthropod" with a thick carapace and an ovary-like organ at the tail walked into the hall, guarded by dozens of black bugs.

Many bugs in the hall bent their forelimbs and knelt on the ground, lowering their heads. It seemed that the one who came was their leader, the King Bug.

The huge emperor insect dragged its ovaries and slowly crawled in front of everyone. The small claws on its mouth kept dancing, as if it was saying something.

But seeing the confused faces of everyone on the ground, the Emperor Chong shook his head in annoyance and stretched out his huge claws to grab a Parker woman.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, Huang Chong put the woman's head into his mouth. After biting off the woman's neck, Huang Chong threw the headless body in his claws aside.

After a moment, the Emperor Insect seemed to be digesting something before slowly opening its mouth again.

"Are you Parkers, from the Milky Way?" the emperor asked in some unskilled Parker language.

"Yes, yes, we accidentally entered the territory of your race. We are very sorry. I hope you can let us go and promise not to disturb us again." Parker's speaker hurriedly defended after hearing that the emperor insect could speak Parker language.

"Are you from the Milky Way?" Emperor Chong asked again as if he didn't hear Speaker Parker's explanation.

"Yes, yes. Yes, we are from the Milky Way, and we come with good intentions!" the Alliance Speaker said hurriedly.

"The Milky Way?" The Imperial Insect lowered its head and began to search for something in its tens of millions of years of memory.

A few minutes passed, and the Imperial Insect finally found the memory of the Milky Way in its huge memory bank.

"Oh? Isn't that the river system that just visited two million years ago? Another wave of intelligent life has grown up in such a short period of time." The emperor insect scratched his abdomen with his claws.

"It seems it's time to harvest again. We haven't eaten for too long, and our strength is already very weak. This river system has almost been wiped out." The Emperor Insect shook his head.

The Emperor Insect, who was determined to go to the Milky Way to harvest another wave of "wheat", stretched out his claws and stuffed all the remaining people on the ground into his mouth while they screamed.

"The Enpark Alliance and the Sith Empire are nothing to worry about!" Through the brains of these people, the Emperor Insect has obtained more information about the Milky Way. The Emperor Insect already knows the current situation of the Milky Way "very well".

"Amu 1, order the idle eggs to start hatching warships, we are leaving here!" the emperor worm ordered to a bloated worm in the swarm of insects on the side.

"As you command, Her Majesty the Queen, our fleet will be hatched soon, and it will only take a few hundred years to reach the Milky Way." The worm rolled itself into a ball and rolled out of the swarm.

If the Parker Alliance Council's escape ship can deeply explore this river system, it will be discovered that all star systems in the entire river system have no signs of civilization.

Countless battleship wreckage are floating in the starry sky, waiting for time to turn them into pieces of meteorites. Maybe millions of years later, the newly born civilization will be ecstatic to discover the wreckage of these spaceships and space stations.

In a star field near the outside of this river system, hundreds of "living planets" began to squirm, and the green plants on the surface turned into bloodshot threads and sank into the ground.

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