My empire of stars

Chapter 142 Cannibalism

A few minutes later, there was an explosion, and Ackerman knew that his team members and the robot soldiers died together. Suppressing the grief in his heart, Ackerman and the remaining people ran all the way, passing through the corridors...

"Hoo" realized that there were no more pursuers. Ackerman's body, which was highly tense due to nervousness, relaxed a little. But at this time, his mood was extremely heavy. Not only was the mission not completed this time, but the team he led had also They all died during the retreat.

"Where is this?" After calming down, Ackerman found that he was lost and had lost contact with other landing teams on the spacecraft.

What he didn't know was that all the ship-seizing and landing teams had been sacrificed at this time, and the empire's ship-seizing battle had completely failed.

The airborne troops entering the transport ship encountered an army of robots dozens of times larger than their own. They were wiped out on the road before they could even raid the control room.

At this time, the mission of the imperial fleet also changed from seizing control of the transport ships to destroying these Yinbeqi transport ships.

Under the fierce fire attack from the Imperial fleet, the Yinbeqi transport ship was helpless.

However, as the transport fleet broke away from the gravity well of Obero, the scarred Yinbeqi transport ships made an emergency jump into hyperspace.

Just when the transport ship Ackerman was on was about to jump out of hyperspace, Ackerman came to a heavily blocked door.

Ackerman didn't know that all the robot soldiers on the ship were rushing towards his current location at this moment. He walked slowly to the door...

A few minutes later, a gap was created in the door, and Ackerman climbed in through the gap.

This is a huge room similar to a laboratory. The room is empty except for a huge host-like thing in the middle.

"Spacecraft fire control host?" Ackerman read the text translated from the power armor terminal with some curiosity.

"It doesn't matter what host you are!" Ackerman inserted the electromagnetic rifle in his hand into the host interface and gently pulled the trigger.

A dazzling electric light flew out of the rifle and penetrated into the main engine. The fire main engine made a buzzing sound. After a while, lines of garbled code that even the power armor could not translate began to appear on the host screen.

At this time, a shrill alarm sounded in the reactor room of the transport ship. Before the staff could react, the reactor was forcibly shut down, and a large amount of milky white flame retardant was sprayed from the ceiling.

The hyperspace generator, which was accumulating energy to open hyperspace, suddenly stopped. The meter representing the energy value quickly returned to zero, and the half-open hyperspace closed instantly.

The entire transport ship fell into chaos. The fire-extinguishing windows in the transport ship's corridor were opened one after another, evacuating the air in the corridor. The robots near the window were sucked to the window and stacked together.

Everyone in the transport ship's control room was also confused by the flame retardant that suddenly fell from the ceiling. The soldier responsible for controlling the robot accidentally touched some buttons on the screen.

The body of the robot that had not been sucked away suddenly stopped, its eyes turned to the surrounding robots, and the alloy blade in its hand popped out.

Soon the robot soldiers in the entire transport ship were fighting together, but Ackerman, who had done all this, had no idea about it.

After walking around the room and feeling that there was nothing more he could destroy, Ackerman climbed out through the opening he had entered.

"Huh? What is this?" Ackerman looked down at the white liquid on the floor of the corridor.

Stepping on the white liquid on the ground, Ackerman came to the corridor outside the transport ship and saw a picture that puzzled him:

The robots on the ground fell to the ground with each other's alloy blades stuck in their chests, and some robots were stacked on top of each other and fell outside the corridor.

With a puzzled look on his face, Ackerman walked around the robot on the ground and continued to move forward. A robot that was not dead crawled towards him, and Ackerman casually shot its head off.

"What's going on? There's a civil strife among the robots?" Ackerman muttered to himself, and took out his gun again to kill a crippled robot soldier who wanted to stab him with an alloy sword.

"This is the landing ship command center, can Ackerman receive it?" A communication from the command center suddenly came out from Ackerman's communicator.

"I'm Ackerman, available to receive."

"Captain Ackerman, congratulations on your successful single-handed capture of an Yinbeqi transport ship. In view of your great contribution to the empire, you have been promoted from second lieutenant to captain." The control center in the communicator transmitted to Ackerman Kerman had a piece of great news that he couldn't believe!

"Thank you, His Majesty the Emperor! Long live the Empire! Long live the Emperor!..." Ackerman was a little incoherent with excitement. This was simply a divine turn. Originally, he had no hope of returning alive. Who knew that not only could he return alive, but he could also return alive? He made such a big contribution without even realizing it.

"Please leave the outer wall of the transport ship."

Ackerman hurriedly stepped away from the outside of the corridor. After a while, dozens of dull crashes were heard from outside the hull.

Several red light spots flashed on the outer wall of the transport ship corridor. Soon these light spots cut open the transport ship's armor. The hydraulic push rod of the landing compartment pushed the cut metal plate into the corridor.

Ackerman carefully avoided several flying metal plates before turning around and facing them.

Hundreds of airborne soldiers poured out of the landing bay and ran towards the transport ship.

Two officers walked out of one of the landing bays. One of them was Ackerman's former boss. He reflexively wanted to salute, but was stopped by his boss.

"Captain Ackerman doesn't need to salute. You and I are both officers of the same rank now." Ackerman's old boss took his hand and said affectionately.

"Everywhere, it's all luck, thanks to your support, sir." Ackerman still said politely in a respectful tone. Li Mingze, who was pretending to be an ordinary officer, couldn't stand it anymore and coughed twice loudly.

Embarrassed to find that there was someone else here, the two let go of their hands, and Ackerman touched his nose sheepishly.

Li Mingze stepped forward and patted his shoulder and said:

"You performed well. You and Monica have brought glory to your people. The empire did not misjudge you!"

After receiving the compliment, Ackerman embarrassedly touched his nose again, and his light blue skin turned a little pink. Li Mingze laughed and strode towards the transport ship.

Li Mingze casually lifted up a scrapped robot and clicked his tongue. He didn't know what these people were thinking. The robots had to be made to look like "human beings", as if they couldn't be robot soldiers if they didn't look like their race.

Li Mingze, who had made no major discoveries, threw the robot on the ground and continued to walk in, stepping on the white flame retardant on the floor.

At this time, a row of Yinbeqi soldiers who were being guarded came forward, and several Imperial Airborne soldiers walked to the left and right of the team with guns.

Just as these people were passing by, a man dressed like a captain glared at Li Mingze fiercely and spat on the ground.

"The empire's trash, sooner or later we will take revenge!"

Li Mingze frowned, waved his hand in the air, and many soldiers moved aside.

"Get out the door." After saying this, Li Mingze waited until everyone retreated to the doors on both sides of the corridor, and pressed the button to close the door.

"Sir." A soldier wanted to say something more, but he stopped talking after seeing Li Mingze wave his hand.

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