My empire of stars

Chapter 14 Orbital Airborne Army

"Relax girl, we won't do anything to you. On the contrary, we saved you, didn't we?" Li Mingze turned his hand to indicate that it was harmless. The portable translation system translated the Imperial Chinese into the language of Monica's country.

"Are you aliens? I don't want to be dissected! Please let me go." At this moment, Monica didn't look at all the heroic spirit she had when she fought against the mutant insects in the ruins. Instead, she curled up into a ball, looking pitiful.

"Hey, we don't need to dissect now, just scan it. Don't be misled by your brainless novels and film and television materials. We come with good intentions to help you and your people get rid of hell and give them the opportunity to breathe clean air! (snickering)"

"Hey, maybe you don't know, our spaceship came to your planet a long time ago. At that time, you had not evolved civilization. Until one day, one of our spaceships crashed on your planet and you had your current civilization. So this planet has always been the inherent territory of the empire. You destroyed the inherent territory of our empire with nuclear weapons! But! We are tolerant and generous, and our empire still intends to save you! Thank the empire! Thank the great emperor who made this decision!" Li Mingze coughed and continued to fool around.

Monica was really moved. She had lived in a shelter since she was a child. Even if she wandered outside later, she was alone and had no experience in the world, but the empire's tolerant heart made her feel the warmth she had never had before! Just like caring for her family, she, who had lacked maternal love since childhood, was moved to tears at this moment. Even though she later became a general and knew the truth, she still took it for granted after decades of brainwashing by the Empire Machine! Everything for the Empire!

"I am willing to obey His Majesty's call! I am willing to follow the great Emperor forever!" Monica even used the nouns in the knowledge that was instilled by the learning machine since childhood.

"Well, very good! From today on, you are a soldier of the Free Liberation Airborne Army! (snickering)" Li Mingze patted Monica's shoulder with satisfaction.

"Go to the guard officer to learn how to use the equipment, and follow the "rescue" team to your home planet in the future to save more people living in dire straits!" Li Mingze said without looking back when he stood up and left. In fact, he was not pretending, but he couldn't help laughing. This girl was so easy to deceive, and it was so easy to win over an alien traitor.

"Understood! Can you tell His Majesty for me! I, Monica, am a member of the Empire in life and a ghost of the Empire in death!" Excited Monica shouted behind Li Mingze.

In fact, she didn't know that the reason why she was brainwashed so thoroughly so quickly was in this observation room. This observation room has been specially modified to emit electromagnetic waves that are synchronized with the special frequency of the human brain waves in the observation room, making it easy for people to let down their guard! Improve brainwashing efficiency by X10!

Because Monica has been learning in the learning machine since she was a child, she has mastered a lot of basic knowledge, even including the use of various weapons, which makes her very fast to get started with the Empire's power armor and Gauss rifle! In just one week, she can easily hit a moving target a hundred meters away with the shooting assist turned off.

The first task of the Freedom Liberation Airborne Army is to go to the shelter where she was born under the leadership of Monica and retrieve the black technology learning machine unique to this civilization (maybe the national technology tree on this planet is wrong, and the learning machine that the Empire is currently researching has appeared in this primary atomic energy civilization!). To accelerate the growth efficiency of the Empire's population!

As long as this learning machine technology is mastered, the Empire's sixteen-year-old children can enter society in advance, which simply adds a catalyst to the Empire's population growth efficiency! A population increase of 10 billion in sixteen years is no longer a dream! By then, the Empire can speed up the pace of immigration! Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to have hundreds of planets with only a few million people each!

Monica buckled the safety buckle on the seat, checked the data of the power armor, and nodded after confirming that it was correct.

"The first independent squad of the Free Liberation Airborne Army! Set off!" The squad leader gave instructions to the driving AI after confirming that all the equipment was normal.

The landing spacecraft detached from the exploration and research ship, and the engine ejected blue flames, pushing the spacecraft towards the suburbs of a ruined city on the planet.

The airflow ejected by the landing auxiliary engine blew away the dry moss on the open space around the shelter elevator. The spacecraft hovered in the air, and Monica and others jumped down from the stern hatch, crossing and covering each other and moving towards the shelter elevator.

"Sir, this elevator has stopped working without energy!" A soldier who went to check the control console shouted.

"Connect your power armor battery, you stay on top to be on guard!"

"Yes!" The soldier who checked the control console pulled out a universal connection line from the power armor. After converting it into the shelter power style, it was plugged into the transformer.

With the sound of gears turning, the elevator carrying Monica and a group of soldiers slowly descended into the shelter.

"Safe!" "Safe!" "Safe!" After several team members confirmed that it was safe, everyone entered in a line.

"This place is so shabby, with rust everywhere. I even doubt whether the equipment has turned into rust lumps." A researcher accompanying the team muttered.

Everyone walked slowly inside, and suddenly! There was a sound in the ventilation duct above their heads, as if some creature was crawling in the ventilation duct.

Everyone hurriedly aimed their weapons at the ventilation ducts! But there was no more sound, and everything returned to calm.

The team leader calmly took out three spherical drones from his back armor bag and activated them. The drone flashed red light and flew towards the shelter.

"Sir! Many humanoid heat sources were found in the shelter! Suspected to be survivors!" a soldier responsible for observing drone information reported.

The captain looked back at Monica! "Didn't you say that the shelter couldn't survive after the riot? Everyone fled to the ground! How come there are still people inside!"

"Sir, I'm not lying. Everyone either died or escaped with me! It's impossible to survive here without food and light!" Monica replied with a frown.

"We'll find out if we go in and take a look. All team members stay alert and cover the advance!"

Monica and others began to move forward into the darkness. They didn't know what kind of situation would be ahead! That is a nightmare that no one wants to remember in their lifetime! The operation was eventually made into a horror film and released in Empire! It caused a great response.

Second update

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