My empire of stars

Chapter 137 Mechanical Soldier Transport Ship

Adrian seized the opportunity, raised the second floor window, jumped up and hung on a cable.

The spacecraft tilted slightly to one side, but the pilot did not notice it. He only thought that the strong wind outside disturbed the spacecraft.

Realizing that the pilot had not noticed him, Adrian quickly jumped towards an empty space on the side of the spacecraft, grabbed the edge with both hands, and dodged into the groove with force. This groove should be used to place the robot destroyed by Adrian.

Fortunately, just like the robots built by humans, the shapes of the robots made by the Imbeki tended to be that of the Imbeki, which allowed Adrian to squeeze the robot into the groove.

As the armor on both sides of the spacecraft slowly closed, the spacecraft roared towards the transport ship suspended above the city.

"Call the control center, patrol boat No. 0067 requests to replenish combat robots, ammunition and fuel."

"This is the control center, please pass." As the voice in the communicator disappeared, a closed transport ship gate slowly opened up and down, revealing a passage for entry and exit, and the patrol boat slowly flew into the passage.

There are aprons on both sides of the long and narrow passage, and behind the aprons are isolation doors.

As the patrol boat landed on the apron, the isolation doors at the rear of the apron opened to both sides, and the apron patrol boat slid along the track below to the inside of the isolation door.

After entering the isolation door, a thick mechanical arm lowered from the ceiling, lifted the patrol boat where Adrian was hiding into the air, and moved it toward the interior of the transport ship.

After a while, the robotic arm placed the patrol boat in an automatic maintenance groove. Dozens of robotic arms stretched out from the wall and quickly removed the outer armor of the patrol boat, revealing the magazine inside.

Missiles were loaded into the magazine one by one by the robotic arm. The robotic arm responsible for installing the robot on the other side was also waiting with a brand new robot.

The armor on both sides of the patrol boat slowly opened, and Adrian, who was hiding inside, quickly dodged out of the patrol boat.

He looked at the mechanical arm in front of him, gritted his teeth and climbed a few times. Adrian followed the mechanical arm to the top of the maintenance groove.

If he could use one word to describe his mood at this moment, it would be "shocked!" Shocking beyond measure!

Rows of robotic arms suspended countless robot soldiers across the ceiling. Adrian looked around and found that the entire cabin of the transport ship was filled with robot soldiers suspended in the air by mechanical arms.

Surprisingly, he hadn't forgotten to record these scenes into the terminal in his hand. This was a good habit he had developed during previous infiltration training.

After thinking for a moment, Adrian did not return to the patrol boat, but walked toward the interior of the transport ship along the edge of the repair groove...

Tens of minutes later, a huge flame burst out from the side of the transport ship, and a patrol boat sprang out from the large hole in the transport ship and flew towards the sky.

After a while, more than ten patrol boats also rushed out of the transport ship, chasing after the patrol boat driven by Adrian.

After leaving the Yinbeqi transport ship, the terminal in Adrian's hand automatically connected to the evacuation spacecraft responsible for relaying information.

A signal flew in the direction of the Imperial assault fleet.

In the Watson Galaxy, the Imperial Assault Fleet has eliminated the defenders here and officially occupied this galaxy.

The Imperial Assault Fleet, which has opened up the strategic passage to Emon Star within the Empire, is docked in the orbit of Waston Star for repairs.

At this time, in the orbit of the Waston star, a huge diamond-shaped space station with a diameter of several kilometers was slowly being built with the efforts of dozens of construction ships.

This huge space station is the Empire's material transmission transfer station. Once this transfer station is completed, the Empire will build a wall of steel fortresses in the Empire's passage to Emon Star, tearing apart the Inbach Alliance. split.

The surface of the material transmission transfer station, which is almost half completed, is flashing with mysterious blue light patterns.

Maintenance spaceships shuttled among the battleships parked next to the transfer station, and from time to time the maintenance drone spray guns attached to the battleships emitted little rays of light.

In the fleet flagship, Li Mingze was soaking in the bathtub in the bathroom of his room.

"Well, it feels good to relax properly." Li Mingze reached out and took the fruit on the side and threw it into his mouth.

"Your Majesty, we have made an important discovery." Tianyi's figure suddenly appeared next to the bathtub.

Li Mingze was so frightened that he quickly covered his lower body:

"Can you please stop showing up every time when I take a shower? You can just send a message to notify me."

"What are you covering up? It's not like I haven't seen it before. When you take off your clothes every day, the monitors in my network transmit the pictures, okay? I won't look at them every day when I scan them for you." Tianyi curled his lips humanely. ,Disappear.

Li Mingze quickly stood up and put on his bathrobe.

"Okay, come out." Li Mingze, who was dressed, shouted into the air.

Tianyi's figure appeared in the bathroom again.

"What's so urgent?" Li Mingze asked curiously.

"Your Majesty, look at this." Tianyi waved his hand in the air, and a huge holographic screen appeared in the air.

The video played on the holographic screen was the video taken by Adrian in the Inbeqi transport ship.

Li Mingze looked at the various robots flashing in the video and couldn't help but crush the fruit in his hand.

The empire is still too young. Currently, all scientific research efforts are concentrated on space combat. There is simply no time and resources to develop technologies such as robot armies.

But isn’t there something ready-made in front of me? As long as I capture this fleet, the technology of combat robots will directly usher in a leap forward!

Thinking of this, a sneer flashed across Li Mingze's lips.

"Tianyi, order the fleet to prepare to depart, targeting the planet Obero! Our goal is not to occupy the planet, but to seize an enemy transport ship."

"As ordered~" Tianyi's figure disappeared into the room.

The maintenance ships shuttled in the fleet seemed to have received some instructions, and they all turned around and flew away from the fleet. The maintenance drones working on the surface of the battleship also withdrew into the cargo hold of the battleship.

The huge imperial fleet slowly left the orbit of Star Watson, and sprayed out streams of flames from its tail and flew towards the edge of the star system.

………………Boundary line……………………

A few days later, Adrian and many soldiers had arrived at the locations marked on the terminal. As he expected, all evacuation locations were in lakes and oceans.

The empire parked the evacuation transport ship into the deep sea and turned off the reactor, allowing the transport ship to blend into the surrounding environment.

The Imperial Alliance Army recruits who arrived at the evacuation point followed the prompts given on the terminal and entered the evacuation spacecraft through an underground passage dozens of kilometers long.

Although the spacecraft had to remain silent and could not start the reactor, the Accidentals who arrived first did not cause commotion, but spent two days and nights in the cold darkness, which once again greatly improved their willpower.

Thanks for my sunny mood this week, Bao_Zi, Shitou KK, Little Book Friends, Fiqi, Book Friends 140718070424477, Big Eyes and Double Eyelids, Ye Su,

Yiliuzhou, Book Friends 080319203126000, Miri, Lengyue Tianfeng, Alone 123, Strong as a joke reward! Thank you for your recommendation votes! Thank you book friends for your support!

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