My empire of stars

Chapter 132 The enemy’s counterattack

After the detectors left on the periphery of the Obero star system detected the approach of the Inbeki Alliance fleet, a message was sent to the Obero star.

"Attention all recruits! The second round of training is about to begin. The goal is to hold out for three days under the attack of Yinbeqi's troops!" The sound of the system came from the earphones of all the Congjun troops.

"All troops, use civilian houses to build defenses on the spot! Drive all residents to the roofs to prevent the enemy from launching an orbital attack on us!" Adrian gave the order after thinking calmly for a moment.

The Imperial Confederate Army, which had fully entered the defensive stage, quickly deployed blocking fortifications in various private houses. Each private house was transformed into a small fortress, with countless gun barrels protruding from the blocked-up windows.

One by one, induction mines were stuffed under the suspended cars and garbage bins on the roadside by the CCP Army.

Portable missile launchers were also set up in the open space, and messy ammunition was placed dozens of meters away. This was the experience brought about by countless deaths.

"How long will it take for the enemy to attack?" Adrian asked, looking at the night sky full of stars.

"There is no notification from the system. It may be to train our ability to respond temporarily!" The officer on the side took off his helmet and wiped the lenses.

On the track at this time, the flagship of Yinbeiqi's main fleet was in the air.

The general wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth. He had just been impulsive and said so many bad things about the Alliance Army. If someone with a heart heard about it, he would have to read it in his own book.

"Now that the enemy has captured Obero, our heroic Marines will take it back!" The general touched the tentacles on his head.

"Notify the landing force to prepare to land on Obero Star and launch a clearing operation! The fleet remains in orbit and remains on high alert to prevent sneak attacks by the imperial fleet!" The general patted his tentacles.

"Yes!" All the officers on the bridge responded in unison.

After a while, hundreds of transport ships separated from the fleet and floated over major cities in the Eastern Hemisphere.

"Prepare to land!" As the general gave the order, the shields of the transport ships flashed with red fire and flew towards the surface of the planet.

Thousands of fighter planes accompanied the transport ship and flew towards the surface of Obero.

"It's finally here..." Adrian sighed as he looked up at the dozens of fireballs burning in the sky.

"Everyone is ready to fight! The enemy is coming! The defensive battle has officially begun!" Adrian's voice reached the ears of all the soldiers in the auxiliary army through the communicator.

The Inbeqi Alliance's landing method is different from that of the Empire. The Empire uses orbital drop pods to airdrop soldiers and equipment, and then transport aircraft and small transport ships carry the troops to land.

The landing method adopted by the Yinbeqi Alliance is to fly a huge transport ship equipped with an anti-gravity engine directly into the planet. Use the huge carrying capacity of large transport ships to send a large number of troops to the battlefield at one time!

The advantage of Yinbeqi's landing method is that it can use the powerful shield of the large transport ship to withstand most firepower attacks and put a large number of troops into the battlefield at once.

But once encountering an anti-ship railgun attack, the protective effect of the transport ship's shield will be greatly reduced, and the soldiers on the transport ship will be in danger...

Although the Sith Empire's landing method requires slightly less troops than Imbechi's landing method at one time, the cost is also much higher.

But the benefits are obvious. Even if the enemy has anti-ship orbital weapons, against these scattered orbital drop cabins, a single shot can only take away hundreds of people at most.

This greatly increased the success rate of the empire's forced landings, allowing them to brave the enemy's fierce artillery fire to send a large number of troops to the battlefield.

Obviously this time the Imperial Associated Army encountered Yinbeqi's large ship landing tactics. Without heavy anti-ship weapons, the Imperial Associated Army relied on those portable missiles and was unable to cause damage to the huge transport ship.

This allowed the Yinbeqi landing force to suffer almost zero losses during this landing.

"The difficulty is greatly increased now." Adrian frowned as he looked at the huge transport ship flying down over the city.

The huge hull of the transport ship blocked the sun, casting a huge shadow over the city.

A few minutes later, on the plain outside the city, the landing frame of the transport ship hit the ground hard. The huge hull of the transport ship suddenly stopped, dozens of huge decks around it fell to the ground, and the elevators on the belly of the ship began to slowly descend.

Tanks and armored vehicles drove down from the decks on both sides of the transport ship, while armored Imbage Marines ran out of the elevator lowered from the belly of the ship.

After a while, the Yinbeqi army gathered and headed towards the city. Soldiers trotted next to the tank and formed a long queue.

"Sir, why don't we use orbital attacks to clear the Sith Empire Army's defense line first?" an officer on the flagship asked his doubts.

"The enemy has driven all the civilians to the roof. How can we do it? If the video of us attacking civilians is circulated, we will be sued in a military court!" The general stood expressionlessly in front of the viewing platform, looking at the blue sky below the battleship. Planet…

"The enemy won't just leave the army here. Maybe they are hiding behind a huge meteorite in this star system, quietly waiting for us to relax our vigilance!"

"Send out all the exploration ships. I want every move in this star system to be under our control!" The general said and walked back to his lounge.

"Yes!" The officer saluted the general's back and turned to leave.

A few minutes later, thousands of detection ships the size of three fighter jets flew in all directions of the Obero galaxy...

Yinbeiqi didn't know that the imperial fleet they were guarding against had already left the star system, and that the army on Obero was just cannon fodder abandoned for the big plan!

On the ground, the commander of the Yinbeqi Marines, who originally thought the battle would end in a one-sided massacre, was dumbfounded.

This group of Sith Empire sympathizers transformed countless civilian houses into small fortresses, with large letters painted on the outside of the fortress: "Civilians and cameras inside!"

Now these Yinbeqi soldiers' claws were paralyzed, and they couldn't get around each of the bunkers and small buildings.

If it is blasted to pieces, dozens of civilian households inside will definitely be affected to death. You must know that these are not civilians on some remote colonial star, but residents on the second largest economic star in the Yinbeqi Alliance.

Most of the people who can live in the capital of this planet are middle-class citizens! Dozens of people will die in this one shot, and no one can bear the responsibility.

Let's go around this building. It's even more impossible. All the enemies are hiding in these buildings, and there's no way they can be found in the open air.

Shouldn't this battle be fought?

"If they want to fight in the streets, let's fight in the streets with them!" After receiving the news, the general slammed the console.

"Order 031 Special Forces to prepare for battle! Take this capital for me!"

"I feel like Sanjiang is hopeless. It will be released on the shelves in two weeks. I have saved more than ten chapters now. I will release them all when they are released. It will be exciting just thinking about it."

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