My empire of stars

Chapter 12 Let the beautiful fireworks bloom

Chopper was stunned by what was happening to the asteroid fortress in the distance.

The asteroid fortress that was originally majestic when he came out seemed like an inflating balloon, with flashes of light overflowing from the gaps from time to time.

The shock wave generated by the explosion knocked him off the command seat, his spacecraft kept rolling under the shock wave, and the small fragments generated by the explosion of the asteroid in the distance hit his battleship with thousands of holes!

His consciousness gradually blurred! I only realized one problem, the asteroid fortress was finished! The pirate fleet is finished!

Time goes back to five minutes ago,

Old Patton's fleet placed three battleships in the port with tractor beams amid cheers.

The pirates who couldn't wait swarmed up and touched the new ship, as if it were a slippery beauty with no clothes on!

A pirate walked into the spaceship and came to the reactor room. He was the top reactor engineer in the pirate group. Basically, all the battleship reactors in the pirate group had been repaired by his hands.

It was only when he entered the reactor room that he felt something was wrong! This is not how the reactor is supposed to be constructed! The reactor does not have such a structure at all! What exactly is this?

Have a camera? He put his face forward.

"Beep. The destination has been reached, the beacon is being sent, countdown to Starbreaker detonation! 3! 2!"

It's a bomb! It's a pity that he found out too late! This bomb is so cleverly disguised that the external scanning image looks like a new type of reactor! Damn it! Too careless!


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dividing line. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Your Majesty, we have discovered three broken warships that have stopped operating outside the galaxy. The construction team is salvaging them!" the warship AI reported to Li Mingze.

"Send the Marines in and arrest everyone who is still alive!"


Hundreds of Marines stormed in through the hole in the hull of the pirate battleship. The Marines encountered no obstacles at all in the spaceship. There was no resistance and no black guns. It was like they were in their own back garden.

Unfortunately, due to the violent bombardment of the debris, the life support system was completely disabled. Only a few pirate leaders in combat uniforms survived, but they were also knocked unconscious by the strong vibration.

"Tug these spaceships back to the New Home Star Research Station. Although it is impossible for the enemy to play this cruel trick, it is still better to be careful."

"In addition, don't let go of the debris caused by the explosion. Send drones to find all potentially useful things in the galaxy and bring them back!" Li Mingze ordered the person in charge of the salvage ship.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The person in charge disappeared from the screen.

Chopper opened his hazy eyes and found that the light in the place he was in was very dazzling. He couldn't help but stretch his hand in front of his eyes, eh! Why can’t I move my hands?

"Why are my hands locked? Where am I? Has our pirate group been wiped out by the Alliance? Am I also caught? No, I don't want to die yet!" Chopper said to himself excitedly.

"You are our prisoner now! Answer my questions obediently, otherwise I will not be polite." Li Mingze's substitute was sitting at the interrogation table. When he knew that a fleet commander had also been captured, he came over excitedly Experience the thrill of interrogation!

He will use eighteen kinds of torture on these disobedient aliens to let them see what human "wisdom is!"

Chopper's eyes had adapted to the bright light, and when he saw that the person opposite was not of any race he knew, he understood instantly!

He has encountered aliens!

"My lord! My lord! What do you want to know? As long as I know the truth, I will answer it truthfully! I just want to spare this villain's life! My life is worthless! No! It is valuable to you!" Chopper stared at him. Those watery little eyes look like I will cry to you if you don’t let me be the guide.

Li Mingze was confused. What if he agreed not to cooperate? What are the top ten tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty! I will never obey my promise! Why did aliens give birth to such an alien traitor! Before I even asked, I was already leading the way!

Li Mingze obtained the specific information about the Parker Alliance without any effort.

The Parker Alliance was originally a United Nations-like organization composed of many countries of the same race. Later, it developed into the interstellar era and absorbed many other countries in the star field. It is now a federal country composed of many independent small countries.

The entire alliance is unified yet independent! They have achieved economic unification, but are independent in military terms. Each joining country also funded the establishment of three joint fleets, but the fleets are managed by the founding country of the alliance!

The entire alliance's fleet is very powerful. More than a thousand light cruisers and two hundred destroyers are the main force of the alliance. Others such as mercenary unions and pirate alliances are not included.

This is a bit troublesome. It is not fun to have a country with a strong military as a neighbor. Fortunately, there are several galaxies in the middle as buffer zones, and the empire has not been discovered yet, but now the empire can only develop in a different direction.

November 30, 2023.

The fleet returned laden with captured warships and explosive wreckage.

It is expected that through the research and analysis of the wreckage and captured warships, the empire will make considerable progress in the research and development of warship armor, hyperspace engines, combat computer AI, and beam weapons!

Li Mingze's substitute returned to the dormant warehouse under the welcome of everyone. Li Mingze himself woke up leisurely from his blue brick office.

"Hey, it's really uncomfortable. I haven't seen my soft big bed and my cute little fool for more than ten days in a row."

Li Mingze missed his little pet so much. He used to be by his side every day, but Chad was not used to it after not seeing him for half a month.

He came to Xiaosi's nest, picked up the sleeping Xiaosi, and rubbed it.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Major events in the empire:

"Shock! His Majesty the Emperor leads the fleet to destroy the alien fleet! If you don’t change, you are not an Imperial person! 》

The editor followed the fleet and His Majesty the Emperor to participate in the encirclement and suppression operation against the alien fleet that offended the empire!

Under His Majesty's wise command, the Imperial Fleet is in uninhabited territory! Killed seven in and seven out of the enemy's fortress without any damage!

Beat the enemy's fleet into flight! Capture one of the enemy fleet! Capture an enemy general!

The enemy surrendered to the Empire under His Majesty's inspiration! Become the vanguard of the people in distress from the Empire's Liberation Park Alliance!

Reiterated! All planets in the Parker Alliance have been the empire's inherent territory since ancient times and are sacrosanct! Our liberation of our inherent territory is just! Under the leadership of His Majesty, the empire will surely be glorious! Long live your Majesty! Long live the empire!

Thanks to Daodaogm, Yi Liuzhou, I Love Wei Xiaobao, 846669422, and Sixing Qiuyue for their recommendation votes

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