My empire of stars

Chapter 109 The bastard alien

On June 28, 2028, the first alien parent had only research value for us. We moved it to another laboratory to experiment with various drugs and let it learn some basic knowledge.

On July 1, 2028, we performed a chip transplant on the second-generation alien, but the acidity of the blood of this creature was beyond our expectation, and the chip that was inserted only lasted a day before it melted.

On July 31, 2028, I heard that a Sith Empire planet had appeared in the galaxy. Their fleet had arrived in our orbit, and we were asked to close the door and wait for rescue.

At 23:45 on the evening of July 31, 2028 (for ease of reading, all 24 hours,) a huge vibration came! It seems that the nearby military base was attacked by orbit. The power supply in the laboratory was briefly shut down for tens of seconds, and the backup reactor was powered on.

August 1, 2028, damn! The energy barrier in the cultivation room failed! Those damn aliens have been confusing us! They broke through 呲………………呲…………呲……

This concludes the experiment log.

"Let's go. It seems that the thing we need is the meat ball in the hall." Li Mingze took away his hand covering the laboratory host and turned back to the others.

Suddenly, there were bursts of running sounds in the corridors around the laboratory.

"We have fallen into a trap. The red dot is the bait they put out!" Li Mingze gritted his teeth in the mecha. No wonder the red dot took the initiative to surrender. He probably also knew his situation very well.

Everyone raised their Gauss rifles and pointed them at the open doors around them.

"Roar~" Bursts of roars rang out from the dark corridor, and the vibrations caused by the violent running of the aliens made the chairs scattered around the laboratory snap.

"Let's attack the central hall!" Li Mingze waved to the guards, then lowered his head and ordered to the communicator:

"The troops outside can begin the cleanup."

"Bah...I obey your Majesty!"

Then Li Mingze raised his gun and ran towards the passage leading to the central hall. The red dot also limped behind Li Mingze. It knew that only by following Li Mingze closely could it save its life. The Praetorian Guards followed quickly.

Black torrent! The passage in front of Li Mingze and others was filled with black aliens, each roaring and running towards the crowd.

"Fire!" Li Mingze shouted.

The Gauss machine guns in the hands of the mechas sprayed metal bullets towards the front of the passage, and the running aliens were torn apart by the bullets fired.

Clouds of dark green blood rain exploded in the air, and the extremely penetrating metal projectiles did not stop after shooting through the first alien, and continued to shoot towards the rear of the "Black Tide".

The alien who was hit by the stray bullet screamed and fell to the ground, and was trampled under the feet of the alien tide running behind him. There was no sympathy or pity in their eyes, but only the desire to tear Li Mingze and others to pieces.

"Your Majesty, the accelerator of the machine gun has overheated!" a Guardsman shouted while looking at the Gauss machine gun that had begun to emit smoke.

"Fire in echelons, five people per echelon, and the first echelon cools down the machine gun." Li Mingze commanded while frantically pulling the trigger.

Five Guardsmen stopped shooting and took a few steps back to wait for the Gauss machine gun to cool down. The heat dissipation device of the weapon began to run wildly and made a whining sound. The other five Praetorian Guards continued to shoot.

As half of the mechas stopped shooting, everyone's firepower was suddenly reduced by half. The alien group that had been blocked by the barrage suddenly increased in speed, stepping on the alien corpses under their feet and rushed towards Li Mingze and others.

"Grenade!" Li Mingze shouted and two grenade launchers popped out of his arms.

The grenades shot out one after another, causing bursts of explosions in the alien group. Dozens of aliens were torn apart by the shrapnel produced by the explosion.

"Move forward!" Li Mingze heard bursts of running sounds from behind the corridor. Needless to say, the aliens from other directions were already catching up.

While everyone rushed forward quickly, they used the Gauss machine guns in their hands to shoot at the alien group. If the two sides got too close, the grenades on the mecha's arms would fly into the alien group and open up a large open space again.

Suddenly bursts of explosions sounded at the end of the passage. The wave of aliens that was originally rushing towards the crowd suddenly stopped, and half of it retreated in the direction from which it came.

"The troops outside have already attacked the laboratory, speeding up the assault to the central hall."

Everyone hurriedly quickened their pace, and the rifles in their hands sprayed out bursts of metal bullets.

As the aliens in front of everyone gradually became rarer, Li Mingze withdrew the Gauss machine gun in his hand.

"Use the beam sword and don't waste ammunition."

Everyone obeyed the order and put away the Gauss machine guns in their hands, and two dazzling beam energy swords popped out from their arms.

"Charge!" Li Mingze shouted and rushed forward, the propeller on his back emitting a dazzling blue light.

The ten Imperial Guards activated their propellers and rushed forward, and Red Dot also limped quickly to follow.

Li Mingze raised his hands, and a ferocious alien was cut in half from the abdomen upwards. Then Li Mingze quickly passed through the body of the cut alien, and the two beam energy swords swept to both sides at the same time.

There was a popping sound, and the alien half bodies on both sides were cut in half from head to tail. Bursts of dark green blood spurted out from the cuts, sputtering on the shield of Li Mingze's mecha and sparking streaks of blue light.

The thruster at the tail violently ejected, and Li Mingze placed two energy-beaming swords on his chest. Many aliens that did not react were knocked away by the huge mecha stacked together.

Li Mingze used both hands to cut the alien in front of him into four pieces. The alien behind the huge X-shaped incision was also cut into three parts of his body, and dark green blood poured down from the wound.

When he stretched his hands forward, Li Mingze turned off the restraint of the beam sword. A dazzling energy beam shot out and penetrated a row of alien heads. The overclocked beam sword flickered and lost its light. .

Li Mingze turned around and saw that all the aliens in the corridor had been wiped out. He took a deep breath and turned towards the hall at the end of the corridor.

Red Dot picked up an alien minced meat on the ground and carefully swallowed it, then followed it with cheerful steps.

The lights in the central hall were getting closer and closer, and the long-lost germ carpet began to appear on the ground at the end of the corridor.

"Be careful, we have arrived at their lair." Li Mingze pushed back the red dot's protruding head and said.

"Check the ammunition! Switch to burst mode!" There was a clicking sound, and the rifles in everyone's hands were switched to burst mode.

The so-called burst mode is to install three new barrels on the top of the machine gun, allowing it to shoot four bullets at once. It also consumes a lot of ammunition and energy. It is only used in decisive battles. Sharp weapon.

"Rush!" Li Mingze shouted and ran towards the hall across the already damaged door. The sudden brightening of the lights and the large number of dynamic signals caused everyone's monitors to malfunction for half a millisecond.

Book your tickets for tomorrow~~~

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