My empire of stars

Chapter 100 Raid on Dagavria

A few minutes later.

"Sir, the main fleet said it will take at least a month to get back." The soldier shook his head and reported to the commander in frustration.

The commander smashed the table next to him with his tentacle.

"Initiate an air defense siren and send armies to various key points. We must help the Alliance hold off the Sith army and buy time for the main fleet!"

"As you command!"

Dagavria is a desert planet, with only sporadic oases scattered on the earth like sesame seeds. Most of its land is dry and barren, but it has rich underground water resources. A large number of plants only exist on the surface of the earth. It is several meters high, but its rhizomes can penetrate hundreds of meters into the ground.

Cities composed of a large number of diamond-shaped buildings are built around the oases on this planet. The center of each city is a park transformed from an oasis.

It is precisely because there are no large oases scattered around that there are no real big cities on this planet, but a conglomeration of "small towns", and even its capital is only dozens of square kilometers in size.

As the air raid sirens sounded, the Yinbeqi people in various "cities" hid in underground shelters one after another.

An Yinbeqi soldier wearing power armor occupied most of the buildings in each city, and anti-aircraft guns were placed in every corner of the city.

Countless transport planes in the sky transport tanks and armored vehicles to various military strongholds.

At this time, the imperial assault fleet personally commanded by Li Mingze had already flown into the orbit of Dagavlia.

Because most of the fleet stationed on Dagavria has been transferred to the front line, the remaining dozens of frigates were bombarded into space junk by the cruiser's main cannon without even making a splash.

As a remote colonial star, the Dagavlia space station did not install large-caliber defensive weapons in order to save construction and operating costs.

The imperial fleet easily controlled the orbit of Dagavria, and the landing spaceships flew towards the space station in orbit...

The flagship of the Imperial Assault Fleet, the first prototype cruiser on the bridge.

Li Mingze stood in front of the huge holographic screen with his hands behind his back, looking at the earth-yellow planet Dagavria mixed with dots of green.

"Railgun attacks the enemy's fortresses and strongholds. Don't be afraid of accidentally injuring civilians. We will fight quickly this time!" Li Mingze ordered coldly.

"Yes!" The officers on the bridge responded one after another.

The imperial warships that had been gathered together dispersed and flew towards the various strongholds on Dagavria.

After arriving at the target, the battleships turned their bows towards the surface of the planet, and their beam cannons were aimed at the buildings on the ground.


Following the captains' orders, the forts flashed with red light, and beams of light shot toward the ground.

The soldiers in Dagavlia Star City noticed something strange above their heads and looked up.

They saw red light beams flying across the sky towards them, and in the blink of an eye they bombarded the building where many soldiers were.

The hard "concrete" building melts in front of the beam like a red-hot iron on an ice cube.

The Yinbeqi soldiers who lost their cover and were exposed to the beam instantly turned into ashes along with the power armor on their bodies.

Not only the city, but all the buildings on the ground that could be scanned as having life existed were turned into dust under the Imperial beam cannon.

"Your Majesty, the ground buildings have been cleared. Are you going to carry out a nuclear strike on the underground military base?" the officer asked Li Mingze, who was standing in front of the holographic screen.

"Yeah!" Li Mingze said in a nasal tone without turning back.

The officer who received the reply immediately issued the order to all ships.

Immediately afterwards, the armor of the bomb bays under the battleships slowly unfolded, revealing the inactive earth-penetrating nuclear warheads inside.

"Target all underground facilities in sparsely populated and remote areas and launch earth-penetrating nuclear bombs."

Nuclear bombs detached from the bottom of the battleship and flew towards the surface of Dagavria. In the air, the nuclear warheads emitted blue halos that represented activation.

Just when the remaining air defense facilities on the ground were trying to intercept them, one after another nuclear missiles suddenly erupted with huge flames from their tail thrusters, and all the missiles suddenly accelerated towards the ground.

As it got closer to the surface, the head of the earth-penetrating nuclear bomb began to flash with red light, and the warhead also began to rotate slowly. When it touched the ground, the red light on the head of the earth-penetrating nuclear bomb easily melted away from the ground, allowing the nuclear bomb to continue Accelerate and fly downward.

After a while, hundreds of huge bulges suddenly appeared on the entire Dagavlia star. Dust in the sky was ejected from the bulges, and the huge vibration could be felt on the entire planet.

After confirming that the ground guards had been almost eliminated, the airborne military transport ship unfolded the armor at the bottom to both sides, and smashed the pentagonal landing pods toward the ground.

But what is different this time is that there is an additional three-sided airborne warehouse. This airborne warehouse is three meters high, and the shields on three sides are more than ten centimeters thick.

This kind of landing bay is the Empire's special warfare RPZ612 mecha. It was an individual special warfare mecha that performed very well in the previous Battle of Star Warston. It was widely used as a heavy firepower to support soldiers.

However, due to the fact that it was controlled by a separate brain, the empire had no choice but to issue an "invitation" to the soldiers of the Orbital Airborne Army.

As long as they voluntarily abandon their bodies and become the driving brains of special combat mechas, they only need to serve for three years, and the empire will reshape them with a body that is exactly the same as the original or an optimized one, and they will also have a high-end apartment on the colonial star!

When the pilot brain of a special combat mecha abandons the fragile body, not only can one's own survival rate be greatly improved, but one can also gain a new life!

Many Parker and Monica tribesmen who are dissatisfied with their conditions or want to improve themselves and their families' lives have chosen to abandon their bodies and become mecha pilots.

The number of special warfare mechas that the empire can deploy has been greatly increased! In fact, if there are too few volunteers this time, the empire will let some slaves lose their bodies due to some "accidents" and let them "volunteer" to become mecha pilots.

Even more extreme, the empire can capture a large number of middle-aged and middle-aged slaves, erase their memories, instill new memories and send them to the battlefield.

Although this kind of driving brain can only survive for a month, it is enough. There are not many driving brains that can survive on the battlefield for a month.

If one day it really comes to the point of urgent shortage of troops, the empire will definitely do this. The empire lacks everything except slaves. The number of captured people from various tribes of the Parker Alliance alone (collectively referred to as Parkers) is as high as nearly 30 billion.

As countless orbital assault capsules fell from the sky, it was as if fire rained down from the surface of the planet, and the entire sky was filled with assault capsules that were rubbed red by the atmosphere.

The Yinbeqi soldiers on the ground looked into the sky in despair. None of the anti-aircraft guns in their hands were fired. Their hearts were filled with tears...

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