My empire of stars

Chapter 10 Crisis Exposed

In the Wicket system, an Imperial mining station is floating above the Wicket II satellite.

The red mining laser continuously sweeps back and forth over the mine pit. The ore is powdered by the mining laser. The drones use collectors to inhale the ore powder into the body, and then fly back to the mining station.

Mining machine maintenance worker Xiao Huang is sitting comfortably on a chair, holding hot coffee in his hand. My head was shaking as I listened to the old music coming from the projector.

Suddenly, the monitor on his left beeped. He was so startled that he dropped the coffee in his hand, frowned and wiped his hands on the oil-stained work clothes. Turn around and face the alarm display.

On the display is a constantly rotating scanning page. This is a simple version of the hyperspace radar equipped at the mining station, which is used to scan for hyperspace fluctuations near the mining station.

Ten red light spots suddenly appeared in the monitor that was supposed to be empty! Green represents recorded civilian jump swings, blue represents military jump swings, and red represents unknown!

Xiao Huang was so frightened that he hurriedly opened the communicator, "This is the Wicket II Mining Station. Call the headquarters. Unknown hyperspace fluctuations have been discovered here!"

Before he finished speaking, ten ferocious-looking battleships appeared in the space not far from the mining station. The unknown battleships that had completed the jump rushed straight towards the mining station.

This remote mining station at the edge of the galaxy is not equipped with defensive ships. The only things that can cause damage to these warships are five missile launchers and five Gauss machine guns.

The tails of five missile launchers ejected blue flames, which were flames generated by the chemical fuel inside the missiles. Twenty missiles quickly flew towards the battleship. You ask why they fired, because the weapons on these battleships have begun to emit blue light.

The ten warships did not even pause in the face of twenty missiles, and still flew straight towards the mining station. The missile hit the warships with a dazzling light, but unfortunately it did not have any impact on these warships.

The enemy's counterattack also came with the explosion of the missile. Twenty red beams swept across the mining station, tearing apart the armor of the mining station. All the weapons on the mining station were also destroyed by this attack.

Sitting in the control room, Xiao Huang's face turned pale. He knew that he could not escape. Any escape cabin in front of the battleship would be rubbish.

He was cruel! Destroy all data in the mining station and format the host. Before the enemy came, he straightened his disheveled hair and put on his favorite combat uniform. Sitting on the chair in the control room, holding a pistol in his hand, he sent his last breath back to the empire:

"Dear mother and father, my son is unfilial and has not been able to give you a grandson. He has not even found a wife. There will be no chance in the future. I hope you will not be sad after I leave and add another younger brother and sister. After all, you still have Young people! I love you! Long live the empire!" After that, he wiped away his tears and stared at the monitor.

In the monitor, a small group of aliens wearing ugly power armor cut off the shell of the mining station and headed towards the control room.

Xiao Huang slowly closed his eyes, and slowly pulled the trigger of the gun in his temple. He also murmured "Long live your Majesty! Long live the Empire!".

When the alien marines broke into the control room, they found that the alien in front of them had committed suicide. They couldn't help but be angry. When they checked the host, they found that there was no useful information at all.

The alien commander waved his hand angrily and led all the marines back to the spacecraft. The mining station disintegrated and exploded under the concentrated fire of the battleship.

In the command center of the Sith I space station, everyone was silent when they saw the last message sent back by the Wicket II mining station!

"We must inform His Majesty as soon as possible. This behavior of the enemy is provoking the empire! We must make these guys pay the price!"

On the top floor of the blue brick building, Li Mingze quickly received a full report on the entire incident.

"Have all the officers in the Combat Analysis Room come to my office!"

In less than ten minutes, Li Mingze's office was filled with military officers. Li Mingze walked out from behind his desk, waved his hand in the air, and the image of the enemy fleet recorded by the mining station was displayed in the center of the hall.

"Tell me what you think and what you can analyze from this piece of information!" Li Mingze said quietly. No one could tell his current mood.

"Your Majesty, judging from the video and the damage records of the mining station, these enemy spacecraft are more than 800 meters long. They should be destroyers. They should be equipped with visible laser weapons. This kind of pure energy weapon seems to be very harmful to armor. So high!" Several officers lowered their heads to discuss and said to Li Mingze.

"I want to know! Whether our current fleet can defeat them!" Li Mingze frowned.

"Your Majesty, it's a pity that although we have a relatively large number of warships, we are no match for them in terms of tonnage and quality. Moreover, these are only the warships exposed by the enemy. We still don't know the specific number of their warships. Not only that, their weapons also have a restraining effect on our armor!"

"You all go out and leave me alone. I'll think of a solution."

"Yes, Your Majesty" Many officers filed out.

Li Mingze called out the AI ​​Tianyi: "Tianyi, besides being able to control all the equipment in the empire, do I have any other golden fingers?"

"Without Your Majesty, the Supreme Law allowing you to control the empire you created is already the biggest cheat. The only thing to blame is that you didn't modify more data when playing the game."

"It seems that we can only play with the thirty-six strategies of our ancestors."

The next day, Li Mingze summoned the empire's nuclear physicists to discuss the feasibility of the "sugar-coated bullet" super weapon. Many scientists said that with the support of existing technology, the target design can be achieved, and the size will not be too huge, but the production cost is huge.

Imperial Propaganda Department

"His Majesty has sent an imperial edict, asking us to broadcast the video from the Wicket II Mining Station to the entire empire!"

"As you command!"

The major TV stations and optical network (Internet) websites in the empire simultaneously pushed the tragedy that happened at the Wicket II mining station.

The hatred among the people has been mobilized! People were running in the streets calling for it! Want the empire to fight back! Let the glory of the empire purify these residues!

The next day, His Majesty the Emperor delivered an important speech on all TV stations: "Dear citizens of the Empire, the enemy has aimed their weapons at our chests! An Imperial citizen has died for the country! But! Our fleet is not strong enough. To defeat the enemy's fleet! The empire is developing super weapons, but the treasury is not enough to complete the construction of super weapons! I hope you can donate the energy blocks in your hands for the empire!"

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