My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 841 Humanoid Elf

"Can you hand over Bing Z to me?"

Kashiwagi squatted in front of the giant Alola rock rat leader and stated his demands straightforwardly.

As the old saying goes.

When communicating with wild Pokémon, try to avoid beating around the bush, even if a translator is present.

The giant pangolin blinked its dark eyes and quickly shook its head without any hesitation.



Although the rejection was expected by him, this group of white-skinned pangolins, who had been trembling with fear from the combination of Boscodora and Bankilas half a minute ago, now had the courage to refuse.

All right.

They were also quite brave in the original plot.


Kashiwagi exhaled a mouthful of cold mist and said, "Then what do you have to do to give me Ice Z?"


The giant pangolin looked back at his clansmen, took a step back, raised his paws in the air, and screamed in a threatening manner: "Hey!!"

Multilateral mobile phone said in his puzzled expression: "It wants to fight with you."

"Can we fight?"

"It wants to fight with you."

The repeated words on Duobian's mobile phone interrupted his action of greeting Gengar, and he said it extremely seriously.

The giant pangolin nodded hastily.

What the hell?

Who fights the pangolin?


Kashiwagi's head was full of question marks, and his expression looked like that of the little monster Ben Bo'er Ba who was ordered by the Nine-Headed Insect to kill Sun Wukong.

"That's right."

The multilateral mobile phone affirmed for the third time, "It says this is a battle between boss and boss!"

What a god!

He looked at the giant mountain rat with serious eyes, and the question mark turned into a speechless black line.

The heterochromatic Gengar and Boscodora also looked at each other in confusion.

There are many wild Pokémon that attack their trainers over disagreements, but this is the first Pokémon that seriously wants to fight!

Boscodora was very interested and secretly winked at Multilateral Mobile Phone and Gengar.

Sensing something strange about his Pokémon, he turned around and said:

"What are you whispering behind your back?"




Two Pokémon and one mobile phone showed no change of expression and refused to admit it.

How could Kashiwagi believe that? Just as he was about to continue saying something, the giant pangolin in front clenched his paws excitedly and howled impatiently.


His body instinct drove him to get up and retreat.

Unexpectedly, the giant pangolin took this as a signal to start a war, and immediately rolled forward and curled up into a ball, rushing forward like a yo-yo!

Where does such excitement come from!

Kashiwagi turned sideways like lightning.


Amidst the muffled sound and rising white mist, the giant pangolin ball crashed to the ground, leaving a shallow pit and continuing to roll forward.

Puff la la la——

White mist rolled in all the way, like a speeding tire.

Unlike the ground-type pangolins, Alola's pangolins retain their thick and long tails when curled, lashing the enemy's body like a whip.

It is powerful enough to break huge icebergs.



The pangolins who were watching cheered inexplicably, just like melon-eating crowds watching a ring.

Gengar and Boscodora also joined in the carnival craze.

"Crack! Crack! Jie hee hee--crack!"


"You guys have no conscience..."

The Pokémon's "betrayal" made Kashiwagi's liver hurt with anger, so he just wanted to watch the fun. This gesture was obviously waiting to see his joke!


This is how you play, right?

He once again dodged the giant pangolin's [ice ball] attack that turned 180 degrees, stretched out his hand to Gengar and shouted: "Give me the stick and the mask!"


Gengar responded, puffing out his belly and spitting out a dark stick and gas mask.


Two items flew in a parabola.

Kashiwagi caught it quickly with his hands and eyes, put on his mask and looked at the giant pangolin that was spinning and rolling over, sneering again and again.

"Today I will let you know what the terrifying Ape erectus is!"

He pressed the button with his thumb, and the sky-blue electric current wrapped around the stick and disappeared quickly.

The next second.

The approaching giant rat ball jumped up high without mercy and rushed towards its face!

Cypress's eyes are certain.

Twist your waist, raise your hips, and exert force with your arms——

Baseball split!


The dark stick surface collided violently with the giant pangolin's tail. The majestic force was transmitted from the contact points of both sides to each other, and ice and snow were transferred along the stick body.

Lightning flashes!

Crack! !


The giant pangolin was paralyzed and forced to release its spherical shape. Kashiwagi took the opportunity to use his strength again and directly knocked it away like a baseball!

Under the gaze of all the Pokémon watching, the giant pangolin suddenly flew past like a meteor.


It hit the ice wall hard!

It's not over yet!

Kashiwagi quickly took out the homemade bombs in his pocket, threw the electric batons wildly, and hit them all towards the giant pangolin under the wall.

Just as the giant pangolin was about to stand up, many bombs roared and exploded in its face!

Bang bang bang!

Lilac powder flutters.

It felt dizzy after just inhaling a small amount, and immediately realized that it had to shrink into a ball, but it was already too late.

The giant pangolin stepped forward, then fell to the ground.



The mountain rats were chattering in confusion. Did their leader lose?

Kashiwagi walked over slowly and said through the mask, "It just fell asleep. Those powders are sleeping powder."

He looked down at the giant pangolin and thrust the electric baton at the giant pangolin without any hesitation.


The current jumps!

The strong paralysis immediately stimulated the sleeping giant pangolin, and it let out a painful and sharp howl, startling the group of pangolins.

But before they could react, Kashiwagi took the initiative to pull the stick away.

The eyes of the giant pangolin turned into mosquito coils.

"I won."

He pressed the off button, patted the frost marks on the stick and gloves, turned around and announced to the mountain rats.

Giant pangolins are not weak.

After fighting this guy, I realized why it scares Bankilas away.

The energy level should be around forty or fifty, right?

This was already quite rare for wild Pokémon. The giant steel snake had only reached level 60 when it came to him.

With the help of Lillie, a heroine, it is normal to scare Bankilas away.


"I won the battle today without using any Pokémon!" 』

Kashiwagi waited for the sleeping powder to gradually dissipate, and when he took off his mask, he couldn't help but think of this particularly famous gag in "Zhuan Ah".

Then he looked at the three Pokémon watching the battle a little further away, his eyes unkind.

The three of them suddenly trembled.

"Niu×! I knew you could do it! You're so strong, Kashiwagi!"



They gathered around him hurriedly, praising him as if to make up for it, but Kashiwagi only had two words for this.


If you like reading jokes so much, go back to the Poké Ball and read them slowly.

Kashiwagi ignored the fawning looks of the three Pokémon and took out the Poké Ball.

Anyway, Polygon Phone can be used without Polygon II, but many functions require its assistance to make it more convenient to use.

What's more, he has more than just this mobile phone.

Pokémon such as Boss Cordora had no choice but to obey the trainer's instructions and return to the Poké Ball honestly. Their disgusted appearance aroused ridicule from other Pokémon.

Is the trainer's show so exciting?

He opened the backpack he had just snatched from Gengar, took out the muzi fruit inside, squeezed out the juice and dripped it into the mouth of the giant pangolin.


The giant pangolin shuddered and woke up.

It looked up at the humans who defeated it easily, unable to believe that it was so weak.

Kashiwagi said: "Don't be too discouraged. Pokémon's ability to defeat humans has been a fantasy story for hundreds of years. Just be normal."

In front of terrifying humans, what does legendary Pokémon mean?

At least in the animation, even the "god" almost overturned.

Of course, there is nothing to be said for some idiots who don't use any tools and fight Pokémon unarmed and then lose to prove that humans are vulnerable.


He held the Qianzhou wrist pendant on his chest and muttered a few words of sin.

The giant pangolin didn't understand what Kashiwagi was saying. Even if Multilateral's mobile phone conscientiously translated it, it didn't understand many things that humans take for granted.

What a fantasy, what a story.

If you lose, you lose.

It silently walked to a corner and handed Bing Z over, "Whoops!"

Kashiwagi didn't answer and asked, "Do you have any other Ice Z in your hand?"


The giant pangolin was slightly startled and took a closer look at the ice Z on its paws. Is there any problem?

If there is a problem, replace it.

It turned back around that corner without hesitation.

Seeing this, Kashiwagi understood that there was more than one Bing Z, and felt a little relieved.

It was definitely not his intention to take away Lillie's opportunity. With the Z pure crystal detector in hand, he could slowly check for leaks and fill in the gaps.

I just thought that if I had more, I would take one.

Anyway, along the way.

The new Ice Z was lifted in front of him by the giant mountain rat. Kashiwagi smiled and picked up the pure Z crystal with a gray background and snowflakes inside.

Get the twelfth one.

The remaining ones are Electric Z, Poison Z, Ground Z, Ghost Z, Steel Z and Goblin Z.

Will there be an Overlord Pokémon in Mt. Huikrani?

It would be nice to have it.

Kashiwagi said goodbye to the group of Alola pangolins and left with the pangolins who helped guide the way.

These guys are actually quite cute, but they feel very cold to the touch, not much different from touching an ice wall.

Ice-type Pokémon’s skin defects…

Alola Kyuubi is definitely not like this!

He felt particularly sorry that he had not been able to meet the wild Alola Kyuubi last night.


The foothills of Mount Huiklani.

When Kashiwagi walked out of the cave alone, the first thing he saw was the highway and bus stop signs.

The road wraps around the mountain and leads to the Huiklani Observatory on the top of the mountain.

This means the rest of the journey will be much easier.

He ran to the stop sign and took a look.

Good guy!

There are only five buses a day, two in the morning and three in the afternoon. There are no buses at scheduled times. After all, Huiklan Observatory is also a famous stargazing spot, right?

"No wonder Xiaozhi and the others chose to walk in the end."

he complained.

If you are not familiar with Ula'ula Island, if you want to take the bus, it depends on fate, or you can only rent a car. Will tourists come to such a place?


And there are a lot of them.

Kashiwagi looked at the tourists carrying hiking bags in front of him, then turned to look at the group of laughing tourists behind him.

He suddenly said: "It turns out to be a mountain climbing activity!"

Compared to climbing Mount Lanakila, which is freezing cold and has no roads and can only be climbed on snowy trails, Mount Huikalani is indeed much friendlier.

More importantly, you can see meteor showers at the top of Mount Huikalani.

The top of Mount Lanakila is ravaged by wind and snow all year round, so there is no such special experience.

It is estimated that the dominant Pokémon will not be encountered.

He felt regretful.

On the mountainside.

Tents are set up on the grass. Many tourists who climb the mountain use this place as a temporary resting place for drinking water, eating, taking a lunch break, and even Pokémon battles.

Kashiwagi looked down at his watch.

"Almost... Let's find a place to have lunch."

He climbed up a distance and waited until there were few people in front and behind him to quickly climb over the fence of the road.

He was about to go in.

Under the hazy coniferous forest, in the dead silence of the forest, a vague and strange figure like a little man quietly emerged at some point, motionlessly staring, which was particularly weird.

A chilly wind blew.

Kashiwa felt a chill on his exposed skin, which was a hint of evil from the other party.


He blinked.

There are real ghosts on Ula Ula Island, which he knows better than anyone else, after all, he just saw the little Mimikyu from Aserola's house a few days ago.

But to say that there are evil spirits that can harm people...

It's hard not to feel that it's too insulting to one's intelligence.

Besides, he is not afraid of evil spirits, because the Pokémon in his past and present lives are much more terrifying than evil spirits!

He walked straight forward, his eyes quickly adapted to the changes in light and dark, and successfully captured the other party's body -

Little Gray Monster.

The little guy didn't seem to expect him to walk over so recklessly, and his expression revealed a little panic.

"This is really..."

Kashiwa quickly took out the sunglasses in his pocket and put them on, and the little gray monster in front of him suddenly raised his hand and released extremely dazzling red, green and yellow three-color light.

Although it was the first time he saw the little gray monster in person, he was not unfamiliar with this kind of Pokémon.

It is not only the Pokémon knowledge learned from books and the Internet, but also has a certain connection with the simulated object actor. And to some extent, it is actually rarer than Banguirus.

If Porygon II had not been received by him in the Poké Ball, it would have reacted long ago, right?

He easily dodged the colorful beams shot by the little gray monster.


The little gray monster looked at Kashiwagi in shock. It did not expect that the fantasy beam would fail. It subconsciously used its mental power to lock it.

But the human in front of it suddenly moved at high speed, moving back and forth in the woods, and it could not lock it at all.

After the next breath.

The little gray monster turned around suddenly, and the human appeared behind it, holding up a long stick with flashing electricity and smashing it down on its head.


The little gray monster's soft head deformed, and the current climbed along the stick to its body. It screamed in the flashing light.

A few seconds later.

It fainted and fell to the ground.

Kashiwagi turned his head and looked around, turned off the current and looked helpless.


It's not like he won the Pokémon battle without Pokémon.

But why would the wild little gray monster show hostility towards him? Territorial awareness? He didn't even step into the forest just now, he just climbed over the fence.

It's hard to understand.

So he decided to give up trying to understand, dropped two berries and walked deeper into the forest.

Not long after.

A piece of open space with sunshine appeared in his sight.

"Great, let's make lunch here!"

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