My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 581 Pink Devil (laughing)

"Crushing with strength~"

Lucia said with emotion, and immediately found silence in the preparation room.

She turned around in confusion, and saw the contestants around her with different expressions, as if they were shocked by the terrifying power of the super loudmouth kid on TV.

Even Xiaoguang and Xiaogang showed surprised expressions, and the little penguin Bogaman stood frozen in place as if petrified.

"Boh, boh..."

Is it weird?

It should be normal for a trainer who aims to become a regional champion to have such strength, right?

Didn't Kashiwagi tell them?

Lucia tilted her head, suddenly remembering that it was her turn to appear next, and quickly waved goodbye to a few people, "Everyone, I'm leaving first!"


The two of them woke up as if from a dream, and Xiaoguang even chased after her to cheer for Rukia.

After a while.

When Kashiwagi returned with Big Mouth Baby and Happy Egg, he was naturally looked at directly by other contestants. This kind of slightly hostile and competitive look made Big Mouth Boy very uncomfortable——

Mainly, I can't beat people.


It said hello to Pogaman and asked Kashiwagi to send it back to the elf ball.

"Boh, boh?"

Bogaman stepped forward to try to persuade him to stay, but Big Mouth Baby had already made up his mind, so it had to watch as Big Mouth Baby returned to the elf ball to rest.

The little penguin looked disappointed.

Next to him, Happy Egg lovingly held the poor child in his arms.


Although it doesn't understand what love is, it can also feel the anguish in Bogaman's heart, and habitually shows its gentle side to comfort the latter.


Feeling the warmth, Bogaman's emotions collapsed instantly, and fountains of tears welled up in his eyes.

It's not easy to lick a goose.

My crush is so powerful, it’s so hard to lick it~

Xiaoguang squatted aside helplessly and whispered: "Bogaman~ are you okay?"

"I understand the feeling of not being able to love!"

Xiaogang felt the same.

Kashiwagi asked: "Dr. Uchigi?"

"H-how did you know?"

Xiaogang turned his head in shock. It could be seen that he had tried his best to express his emotions with his eyes wide open, but unfortunately it was still no different from a thin line.

Kashiwagi repeated with slight surprise: "It's really Dr. Uchigi!"

"No, don't ask again..."

Xiaogang had tears in his eyes, curled up on the ground and hugged his knees, as if he had lost his soul.

Xiaoguang looked at Kashiwagi curiously, "Who is Dr. Uchigi?"


Xiaogang trembled for a moment as if he had been hit by an arrow, and kept repeating, "Don't ask anymore...Don't ask anymore..."

Kashiwagi said: "Dr. Uchigi is an expert on the morphological differences in Pokémon regions in the Orange Islands. I think Xiaogang had a crush on Dr. Uchigi, but he was given the good guy card by Dr. Uchimu, right?"

He was always looking at Xiaogang out of the corner of his eye, and every time he mentioned the words Dr. Nemu, the latter would become even darker.

It can be seen what an unforgettable experience Dr. Uchigi brought to Xiaogang.

First love?


Being given a good guy card can't be considered first love.

All in all, it’s really fun to persecute animated characters.

"Hahahaha...Sorry, sorry! Why don't you punch me?"

Bomu laughed loudly and pulled Xiaogang up. The latter looked at him with great resentment, knowing in his heart that this guy just mentioned it on purpose.

But who told him about Dr. Uchigi?

Xiaogang was puzzled.

Everyone turned their attention back to the TV, just as Lucia's battle was over.

She also didn't play for five minutes. The combination of Qixi Blue Bird and Galarian Flame Horse successfully deducted all the opponent's points in only two and a half minutes.

"Xiaoguang! Bogaman! It's your turn!"

He said to Pogaman, who couldn't see the front, and Xiaoguang, who didn't know how to comfort him.

Bogaman was stunned.

It quickly withdrew from the warm embrace of the happy egg, spread its small wings and shook its head like shaking water, looking up at the little light next to it.



Xiao Guang saw Bogaman's eyes full of determination and fighting spirit, and for a moment he didn't know whether to feel relieved or worried.

Kashiwagi is certain that this little penguin distinguishes "romance" and "career" very clearly.

Just like its own Pokémon, it can't stand its trainer losing in an extremely important occasion like a large-scale celebration because of it.


Bogaman shouted again.

"Since you have no problem, then I have no problem either!"

Xiaoguang no longer hesitated, and one person and one penguin set off.

as expected.

Pogaman's battle status was not affected by the episode just as he thought, and he even regained his confidence based on the victory in this battle.


It came back with great vigor.

Kashiwagi couldn't help but want to give it a big thumbs up.

to afternoon.

The first round of the gorgeous battle ended successfully.

Those who succeeded in promotion were all as expected by Kashiwagi, including Urala, Ge Man, Mira and two unfamiliar coordination trainers who had scored over 90 points in the first review.

There are no dark horse players.

In the acquaintance, Lingjuan lost to Wu Lala and failed to advance.

While he felt quite lucky, he felt a little regretful for no reason.

What's the regret?

Didn't some beastman show up and beat him up?

Really ill.

Kashiwagi shook his head, knowing that he had gotten a perfect score for his gorgeous performance and that the battle in the morning had gone too smoothly, and his mentality gradually became a little drifting.

Even Rukia and Xiaoguang didn't take it seriously anymore.

This is not a good thing.

He has been able to win not only because of the hard work of his Pokémon, but also because of his emphasis on tactics.

No matter whether the strong fights the weak or the weak fights the strong, he will formulate good tactics.

The same goes for street fighting.

Arrogance will only make him forget this, and if things continue like this, "Leading Pokémon to become the strongest in the world" will become nothing more than a loud slogan.

Kashiwagi tried to remember the days when he was the temporary gym leader.

He found that when he found the shortcomings of others, his understanding of Pokémon battles would deepen. Not only that, but the heavy responsibility of the Liuli Gym Leader also taught him how to maintain humility and inner peace.

"Ah! Ulala!"

Xiaoguang's scream interrupted his thoughts.

Shockingly, I saw on the big screen that Xiaoguang's opponent in the second round was Ulala.

The powerful rivals who once met each other at the gorgeous grand celebration of Sinnoh once again stepped onto the same stage. It must be said that it was a fateful fate.

Kashiwagi glanced at his own.

"Oh ho?"

He smiled and said to Ge Man, who was not far away with his mouth wide open and looking up at the screen blankly: "What a coincidence. I hope we can have a battle that will impress us."

"Uh hehe hehe..."

Ge Man laughed twice.

In the original script, Lucia was the strongest opponent in this grand celebration, and their legendary battle will surely go down in the history of the grand competition.

As for Kashiwagi, he only won once by chance.

This is the guy who will definitely be his loser this time.

but why……

The script will look like this!

Ge Man swore that ever since she was inexplicably frightened by Kashiwagi's smile, her body would unknowingly tense up as if she were in stress.

Perhaps compared to Lucia, this guy is the first hurdle that should be crossed.

He avoided meeting Kashiwagi's gaze, feeling more and more certain in his heart.


The next day.

Game 1 of the second round.

Ge Man, who had done some ideological work for herself all night, stepped onto the battle stage.

The cheers were particularly noisy.

After all, he almost overwhelmingly supported his opponent.


Ge Man took a deep breath and looked at the cypress in the distance for a few seconds.

When he realized that his body was no longer tense, he felt a lot more relaxed. He got a good rest last night. You must know that a trainer's poor condition will bring a devastating blow to the battle.

Ge Man didn't want to die before he left the army.

He took out two elf balls and said with great solemnity: "Leave it to you, Haozi! Dou Li Mushroom!"

The Poké Ball shook slightly in response.

Seat opposite.

Kashiwagi also decided on the Pokémon to choose.

According to his understanding, Ge Man is a trainer who specializes in fighting attributes, but his tactical style is not as straight-forward as fighting attributes, with many unexpected changes.


No matter how many changes there are, if the big-mouthed kid is sent on the field, as long as the fist can hit, it will probably only be a matter of one or two blows.

However, this kind of push-pushing style is okay for one game, and it can bring a little bit of Ole shock to the audience. Playing like this every game might be detrimental to Big Mouth Boy and his public reputation.

Shanmin's real marketing expenses have been spent, and it's not good to hold him back again.

As a coordination trainer, the main purpose is to make the game look good, and pleasing the eyes is the most basic and important goal - Adam's training was not in vain for a month!

"Long wait! Audience friends!"

Vivian, who was on the edge of the field, glanced at the two people, confirmed that both parties were in good condition, and said with a smile: "Without further ado, let's start the first game of the second round of the gorgeous battle!"

Both sides throw Poke Balls.

Bang bang!

Among the colorful stars flying in the sky, Haoli and the Dou Li Mushroom leaped out. The former stretched his thick arm to the side, and the Dou Li Mushroom's tail wrapped around his forearm, spinning twice in circles.

There is a big difference in body size between the two. Dou Li Mushroom is probably only a little over one meter tall, while Haoli is already over 1.9 meters tall.

At first glance, he looks like a muscular man and a baby kangaroo.

As everyone knows.

The height and weight of well-bred Pokémon can often exceed the average, but this is not always the case. There are also special individuals who are born short and have difficulty growing.

Ge Man's Dou Li Mushroom is undoubtedly this type.

Kashiwagi observed silently, as countless pink bubbles and blue bubbles floated and collided in front of him.

Bang bang bang——

Amidst a series of explosions, the heterochromatic Menas and the Happy Egg appeared from them.



Extreme beauty and gentle loveliness.

Although the appearance of Hao Li and Dou Li Mushroom is in perfect harmony, the heterochromatic Menas and Happy Egg have more advantages in appearance, and the super-high-quality cultivation from Adam makes the latter two radiant.

Ge Man's points were deducted.

no doubt.

The score of gorgeous battles always starts from the moment of appearance.

"You actually gave up your attribute advantage!"

Ge Man didn't pay much attention to the screen and looked at the two Pokémon opposite in astonishment.

When fighting and grass-type Pokémon fight against normal and water-type Pokémon, it's clear which one is better and which one is worse. If you're not careless and underestimate the enemy, then you must have something to rely on.

He very much hoped it was the former, but unfortunately Kashiwagi was more likely to be the latter.

"Parasite seed! Bullet punch!"

Test it out!


The Dou Li Mushroom suddenly jumped up, and the four fruit-shaped spheres at the top of its long tail chirped and glowed green, and were formed by condensation of several bright green seeds.


Haoli took a step forward and punched out his fists like a violent storm!

Whoosh whoosh!

The shining silver fist turned into an afterimage, and every blow that caused the sound of wind accurately hit those bright green seeds, causing them to fall to the ground around the heterochromatic Menas and Happy Egg at an almost teleporting speed.


The seeds cracked after landing, and countless tiny vines grew rapidly, clawing at the two Pokémon like living creatures!

"Wonderful auxiliary combo! Fire the parasitic seeds as bullets with your fists! Such parasitic seeds are really hard to guard against!"

Vivian's excited voice sounded.

Points under the cypress wood began to be deducted slightly, but soon stopped.

Because the parasitic seeds at this speed are not enough to prevent the heterochromatic Menas and Happy Egg from reacting.


With a low groan, a huge and clear water ring rolled up, swirling around the heterochromatic Menas and the Happy Egg, and then rolled forward to involve the entangled vines.

And uprooted!

Bang bang bang!

The crisp popping sound is like a needle pricking a balloon, but it is actually the thin roots of the vine breaking away from the soil.

Kashiwagi looked at Haoli and the Dou Li mushroom in the distance, and said: "Strong mental thoughts, water flow ring - expansion."


The heterochromatic Menas raised his head.

The huge water ring suddenly expanded in all directions, and the happy egg with blue eyes drove its spiritual power to step on the water ring, quickly approaching Haoli and the Dou Li Mushroom.

Ge Man was not surprised but overjoyed when he saw this, and shouted: "Well done! Double sonic punch! Don't give it a chance to attack!"

No matter what tricks Happy Egg has, just don’t give it a chance to use it!



Haoli and Dou Ligu looked at each other, and the brown-red energy burned between their fists and claws, and together they punched the happy egg flying in the huge water ring!


The air made a dull low roar, which was enough to prove how powerful these two punches were.

However, the moment they punched each other, the happy egg had already slipped from above the water ring to behind it, causing their fists to slam into the water ring with strong torque!

Bang! Bang!

Two water splashes exploded.

Haoli and Dou Ligu had solemn expressions. They could clearly feel that before their fists penetrated the water ring, 70% to 80% of their power was wiped out by a migration force inside.

The remaining strength was completely dispersed in the collapsed water ring...



More ferocious power attacks from all directions!


Swish la la la——

With just a sound, the two Pokémon were knocked out by the water ring on the spot!

"Hao Li! Dou Li Mushroom!"

Ge Man's expression changed when he heard this. He never expected that a mere move of Water Ring not only hindered the two speed punches, but also knocked his two Pokémon away!


The tail of the Dou Li Mushroom hooked Haoli's arm at the critical moment. The two did not separate, but flew to the ground and rolled twice, just reaching the edge of the field.

Ge Man's score was heavily deducted.

But he no longer cared to see how many points he had been deducted. Happy Egg, who had escaped from the ground with his mental strength, caught up with the two Pokémon at some point and raised his two little hands.


"Exchange venues!"

Kashiwagi said this move that was tantamount to a nightmare for Ge Man.

It was at the Akiba Convention.

The perfect combination of Charem and Mashana fell to this unexpected move.

Now, Happy Egg has used this trick again!

When the heterochromatic Menas suddenly replaced the Happy Egg with ice light in his mouth, less than two meters away from the Dou Li Mushroom and Haoli, his face was full of despair.

ps: Today py an epic masterpiece, the future Pokémon trend, a masterpiece from the hard work of [Cycling Wind]——

"I won't be a trainer this time"! ! !

Want to see the bond between people and Pokémon? Want to read farming articles? Are you tired of fighting and want something more relaxing?

Go for it! Everything you want is there!

For Pokémon farming articles, I only read "I won’t be a trainer this time"

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