My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 552 Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chick

Because of someone's gag.

For a time, the normal enemy attack process became chaotic.

Low hilltop.

The Rocket trio started arguing over whether Kashiwagi was a fan or not, forgetting what they were there for.

Kairos and Heracross on the next mountain looked at each other.

Are these three people reliable?


From the corner of his eye, Volcanion glanced at the overjoyed Kashiwagi who seemed to be looking at a lunatic. Pikachu raised his chubby hand and touched his face, which was full of question marks. Ash and the others gathered were also a little confused about the situation for a while.

Yulijia said blankly:

"Big Brother, do you know these Rockets?"

"I know them, but they don't know me." Kashiwagi responded with a smile, and then said: "Okay, let's talk about the details after we deal with these guys."

When the words fell, the Rockets trio on the top of the mountain also discussed the results.

"Whether he is a fan or not -"

"Get Magearna first!"

"Just do this, meow!"

The condescending trio repositioned themselves and said loudly: "Today we are no ordinary Rockets!"

"It's the super evolution wave~Team Rocket!"

With their backs to the moonlight, Musashi and Kojiro raised their left hands as if singing, revealing a metal wristband inlaid with a jet-black one-eyed gem.

Everyone was surprised.

"That is……"


"The Pokémon are different than usual!"

Facing the doubts of Citron and Yurika, Musashi, who was full of pride, acted like a question answering machine and said directly:

"This is proof that we and Prince Rakel have joined forces!"

Prince Raquel.

The stupid kid who was deceived by the villain tried to use Magearna's power to revive the Kingdom of Azote, but he didn't know that he was just a tool of the villain.

"Super Evolution Wave~Team Rocket!"

Musashi and Kojiro triggered the devices in their hands without hesitation


A pitch-black ball of light with a precise structure emerged from the wristband, shooting out strange crimson light waves towards Kairos and Heracross.

The two Pokémon's brows were furrowed and their faces were full of pain. Dark and blood-red energy flow surrounded their bodies, forming dark Mega Evolution totems, forcing them to complete Mega Evolution as if stimulating their body genes.

"It's so exciting!"


Mega Pokémon appeared with their eyes covered with a layer of purple light, and the pain of forced transformation turned into violence and malice directed at the enemy.

"is that a lie!"

"Mega evolution?"

Xiaozhi and others were dumbfounded, while Volcanion looked heavy and protected the stunned Magearna behind him.

"The most important prerequisite for Mega Evolution should be the bond between the Pokémon and the trainer! It's not this kind of thing!"

Citron shouted angrily.

As a genius inventor, he has already seen the abnormal means of super evolution in front of him, and has made certain guesses.


Musashi, who always answered questions, said clearly again, "Of course this is Jarvis's... uh, what's it about?"

"New Mysterious Science!"

Kojiro sighed and continued, then raised his hands excitedly and said: "This is a good thing that can make Pokémon Mega Evolve without any connection to it!"

"I see, so are Gengar and the others..."

"How can you do it regardless of the Pokémon's feelings! This kind of thing is not a Mega Evolution at all!"

"Mysterious science is a technology that can make humans and Pokémon happy! Creating something like that would be a huge disrespect to Eliphas!"

Xiaozhi, Serena and Citron were all angered, and shouted angrily.

Kashiwagi also frowned.

When watching the animation, he felt that the super evolution wave would cause Pokémon pain, but now that he saw it with his own eyes, it was indeed the case, and it was even more serious than he imagined.

Although it's not to the level of dark transformation surgery, it would be a disaster if N discovered the original technology.

He could almost think of N questioning him about the difference between him and the Shadow Team.


The reason why Kashiwagi values ​​this technology is that it can super evolve without relying on Key Stones and Mega Stones, and it has nothing to do with omitting the bond between the trainer and Pokémon.

I hope I can find a way to improve it.

He cursed secretly, put his phone back in his pocket and took out a Poké Ball, turning his head slightly to glance at Volcanion and Pikachu who were in a daze.

Most of these guys can't be counted on.

You have to rely on yourself for everything.

He nodded quietly into the air, and Meow, who couldn't argue on the top of the short hill, jumped up and gave the order to attack.

"Attack meow!"


Kashiwagi pressed the elf ball switch and stepped to the front, calmly staring at the jet-black light beams and emerald-green light bullets blasting from above.



Bang bang bang bang——

Chaotic explosions sounded one after another, and colorful lights collided with each other, causing a large amount of smoke.

But it was quickly dispersed.

A huge blue honeycomb light shield caught the eyes of the Rocket trio. It flashed and disappeared, revealing three evil dragons with evil eyes, as well as Kashiwagi and others who were unharmed.


"You actually blocked meow!"

They originally wanted to scare Xiaozhi and his party into fleeing, and then use the many traps they had dug in advance to lure them into being fooled.


How can you play if you block it?

"Attack! Attack! Attack meow again!"

Meowth shouted angrily, but he never expected that the screams of Kojiro and Musashi suddenly came to his ears.


"Meow meow--"

It turned its head quickly, and there was no trace of the two on either side.

at the same time.

"Dragon Wave!"

A terrifying energy flying dragon roared past it, and with the howling wind, it blew away Super Heracross, who was about to use the seed machine gun again!


The shock wave of the energy explosion once again knocked away the Super Kairos next to him!

The two Pokémon fell to different locations in the forest.

"What, what, what, what happened?"

Miao Miao was affected by the shock wave and collapsed on the stone. He looked around in panic for Kojiro and Musashi. He couldn't even speak clearly for a while.


Xiaozhi and others first looked at Kashiwagi in shock, and then involuntarily showed signs of joy.



"Solved in an instant!"

"The Pokémon that knocked Musashi and Kojiro away just now was..."

"Big brother is so handsome! The three evil dragons are also great!"

"Beep beep beep beep..."

"Hmph, there are still a few more moments."

The voices of people and Pokémon came and went, and Kashiwagi, who was at the front, turned his head helplessly, "Are you a cheerleader? Those two Pokémon haven't been solved yet!

"The three evil dragons and I are in charge of Kairos, and Ash, Pikachu, and Volcanion are in charge of Heracross! Citron is going to catch Meowth! Serena and Yurika are there to protect Magearna! Let's move. Move!"

"oh oh!"

Everyone responded in unison.

The biggest problem with Xiaozhi and the others is that they like to watch the show and wait for the enemy to take out all their cards before going up to fight with them.

The key is that this kind of bad habit is contagious, and Bolkenion, who was originally quite alert, has become dull.

It also has the nerve to be tough-talking.

"You don't need to tell me that I'll be there too! Although I really don't want to rely on human power... I'll leave Magearna to you guys!"

Volcanion stepped forward, calling Ash and Pikachu away.

"You guys come with me!"

"Let's go."

Kashiwagi touched the heads of the three evil dragons and ran into the woods with them.

Since it was just the aftermath of the move, Super Kairos was not knocked far away. When it tried to fly back and saw the two of them, it launched an attack without hesitation.

"It's so exciting!"

Covered in sky-blue light, it flew back and forth in the forest, like a bolt of lightning!

"A flash of lightning? This guy also knows how to use his flying skin characteristics."

Kashiwagi was surprised by the autonomy of Kairos, but after thinking about it, he thought that it was one of the members of the Mega Evolved Pokémon Legion of the villain Jarvis, and it was normal for him to have combat logic of his own.


"It's too slow."

He and the three evil dragons raised their heads almost simultaneously. The Super Kairos that had just been flying around was suddenly located at a high place and swooped down vertically!

"The wave of evil."


The turbulent flow of dark red energy surged out from the three large mouths of the three evil dragons, and the air continued to make harsh and weird screams, instantly drowning Super Kairos like crows in the sky.


Countless branches and fallen leaves were flying in the smoke, pouring all over the place.

Fortunately, there are no fire-type moves.

Kashiwagi covered his eyes with one hand to prevent them from falling leaves and dust. He glanced at Kairos who fell with a thud not far away from the corner of his eye, thinking that it would be difficult to put out the fire if it started to burn in this environment.

"Take it back with you."

He picked out the leaves and twigs on the three evil dragons, glanced at the shining blue light in the distance, turned around and walked out after hearing the roar.


The three evil dragons flew over, grabbed Kairos in their mouths, and followed behind them.

Outside the forest.

Meow Meow was tied up by a rope that came from nowhere, and he sat dejectedly on the ground. Next to him was the Roentgen cat, whose tail was shining brightly as he stared closely at it.

Citron, Serena, and Yurika surrounded Magearna and watched Kashiwagi walking out with vigilance.

I relaxed after finding out it was him.

"Kashiwagi-san! Are you okay?" Citron trotted over.

"Meow! Where did you take Musashi and Kojiro, meow!"

Meow Meow staggered up excitedly, but was immediately pressed down by the Roentgen cat with one paw, and his front teeth were almost knocked off by a small stone.

"you guess."

Kashiwagi looked at it with a smile. To be honest, it seems quite strange for a cat to speak human words. At least the mouth did not move when other Pokémon used telepathy.

Miaomiao was terrified when he didn't get the answer. There was probably nothing scarier than the mysterious disappearance of his teammates.

The other side of the forest.

Volcanion returns with Ash and Pikachu.


Kashiwagi glanced behind it, "Where's Heracross? You didn't catch it?"

Bolkenion said nonchalantly: "That guy ran away as soon as my water cannon hit him. What was he doing? You still want to catch him?"

"Nonsense! Let the enemy Pokémon go, do you want to wait until it has had enough rest, and then perform the Return of the King with reinforcements?"

He twitched the corners of his mouth, really not knowing what to say about this guy.

Xiaozhi touched the back of his head embarrassedly and laughed twice, "Hehehe, I'm sorry."


The Pikachu on the shoulder has a similar expression.

Kashiwagi waved his hand and stopped worrying. He turned back to Miaomiao, took it into his arms, kneaded it, and commented: "Well... it feels okay."

"W-what are you doing, meow!"

Meow Meow's expression changed from frightened at first, to panic, then to enjoyment, and finally became so comfortable that his eyes narrowed to a slit.

Unfortunately, the pleasure did not last long, and Kashiwagi put him back on the ground.

The latter faced everyone's gaze, took out his mobile phone and pressed it.

The next moment.

Musashi and Kojiro, who were lying on the ground covered in dust and groping for something, appeared out of thin air. When they saw Kashiwagi and others around them, they were stunned.

"Musashi! Kojiro!" Meowth excitedly wanted to rush over, but was held down by Roentgen Cat.


"Are we out?"

The two were about to stand up when a strong electric current hit them from behind, stimulating them to lie down on the ground again.

Kashiwagi quickly stepped forward and cuffed the two of them with the rose gold handcuffs he bought specially, and took away their elf balls, various personal props, etc.

Even though Musashi and Kojiro were frustrated in front of Xiaozhi, they were also outstanding graduates of the Rockets' rookie training camp, so don't use too many tricks.

Anyway, he didn't dare to give these two talents too many opportunities.

When Musashi and Kojiro came to their senses, they were already huddled together with Miaomiao, their mouths were covered with tape, and their hands were cuffed under their legs, unable to move.

not far away.

Kashiwagi introduces Porygon II to Citron and the others.

Just now, it was taking advantage of the night to bump into Musashi and Kojiro, using teleportation to move the two into the trap dug by Team Rocket themselves.

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized.

Citron looked at Porygon II with great interest, "Genius! What a genius! I have heard about Dr. Akihabara's Porygon, but I have never seen its true form. I didn't expect such a great invention!"

"The modern artificial Pokémon is incredible~" Serena said in surprise, and then looked at Magearna who was beeping next to her.

Unexpectedly, I could see two crystallizations of human wisdom in such a short period of time.

Yurika rushed towards Porygon II, laughing and saying, "Kawaii~ This kid is super cute!"


Porygon II blushed a little.

Are you feeling thin-skinned now?

Kashiwagi cursed secretly, and suddenly heard a sentence in his ear.

“The power of science is so powerful!”

His expression changed, and he quickly looked at the extremely emotional Xiaozhi next to him, his heart almost skipping a beat.

Self-explosion chant!

"Um, Kashiwagi-san? What's wrong?"

Xiaozhi was frightened by his expression and hurriedly looked down at his body and even behind him.

"Nothing, I feel like someone is coming."

Kashiwagi raised his gaze and responded casually. Everyone turned their heads to look at the sky where he was staring, and saw an aircraft flying towards this direction.

"Really! Are they the pursuers?"

"Get out of here quickly!"

"Yeah yeah!"

Everyone was talking in a panic, and Kashiwagi, who was familiar with the plot, raised his hand and said: "Don't panic, everyone. They are not enemies. I don't feel any hostility."

The encounter just now successfully made Xiaozhi and others trust him and subconsciously listen to his instructions.

So as soon as he opened his mouth, everyone immediately calmed down.

Bolkenion glanced at him, snorted and said nothing.

Kashiwagi watched the aircraft fall this way, and touched Porygon II's head without leaving a trace, recalling whether Xiaozhi's "explosion chant" had been triggered.

What is explosive chanting?

When Ash was traveling in the Kalos region, every time he saw Citron's invention, he would say something like "The power of science is so powerful."

And after saying it, for a long or short period of time, the invention will explode.

This is why Kashiwagi thinks Citron should build bombs.

Citron builds the bomb, and Ash serves as the detonator.

Crouching dragon and phoenix chick, invincible in the world!

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