My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 542 Champion Sparring Trainer

"Win! Love-ahem! Kashiwagi!"

"Chirp! Chirp!"

In the audience, Lucia cheered loudly, and the excited Tanabata bluebirds danced and sang loudly.

Such a violent reaction made Adam next door and Mikri below either hold their foreheads or twitch the corners of their mouths, and invariably showed helpless smiles.

Although I never expected that Lucia, who had entered the rebellious stage, would support her dear uncle and master...

But your bias is too obvious? !

Is your uncle shameless?

Kashiwagi, who also heard the sound, looked at each other and Boscodora, who had returned to his original state, turned his head and gave him a thumbs up with a smile.


"Goo ho!"

Although he and Lucia were regarded as master and disciple in private.

But both of them know that behind this is actually a heavy friendship without any impurities.

For Lucia, who has few friends of the same age due to her identity and environment, Kashiwagi's existence is really precious.

Even though she later met Xiaoguang, Xiaoyao and others, she still regarded them as one of her best friends.

What's more, as Kashiwagi's guide in the gorgeous competition, she would feel honored every time she saw the former shine.

Could it be that my uncle and uncle also felt the same way when they watched her participate in the glamor contest?

Lucia has become more understanding of these two teachers recently.



Kashiwagi let out a breath, looked at the messy scene in front of him and the dark clouds gradually dissipating above his head, and put Boscodor back into the ball.

The big monster no longer has the ability to fight again, and its physical strength is almost exhausted by the long-planned final blow.


Mega Swampert and it are the opponents with the worst compatibility with each other. The former feels it is ridiculously hard to beat, while the former thinks it is too fast to touch.

If the final metal explosion hadn't accumulated all the power of the Water Break combo, and the damage range was huge enough, with the mobility of the Super Swampert, even if he fled from behind, he would have been able to avoid most of the damage.

He rashly made a mistake and frightened the snake.

It was discovered by Mikri that Boscodora's metal explosion can explode directly, and it is unusually concentrated in the mouth to form energy bombs and released. It is basically impossible to let the super giant swamp monster perform such explosive combos.

This victory is full of Boscordora's determination and Kashiwagi's trust in it, firmly believing that it can last until the metal explosion is used.

"It's really not easy for both of us."

He sighed.

Swampert's strength is a complete champion's main standard, but the fact that the gym owner cannot exchange Pokémon is equivalent to a weakening for Mikri and must be taken into consideration.

This made Kashiwagi realize that he still had a long way to catch up with the championship in the mainstream region.

That's why.

As a result, even if he defeated the giant swamp monster, he would not dare to relax at all.

Bigger ones are coming!


Kashiwagi's hand passed over the pokeballs in his pocket one by one.

What a headache...

A good gym battle is almost like a championship league.

But winning such a battle is far more exciting than winning a gym battle, and the sense of accomplishment between the two is incomparable.

What's more, the little excitement and throbbing in my heart all stem from Mikri's admirable championship strength.

Fighting against strong players can often stimulate trainers and Pokémon, making both of them go further.

After today.

Regardless of whether he gets the Glass Badge or not, he, Boscodora and even the rest of the Pokémon will get new development until they encounter the next bottleneck.


In order to repay Boscodora's will, he must find a way to win.

There are currently three Pokémon that can participate in the battle, and they are all in pretty good condition. What are the chances of winning against Mikoli's stronger ace, Menus?

Considering that Galar Sun Coral has weird moves such as [Same Fate] and [Curse]...

In short, the probability will not be zero!

As for how to make the two moves successful.

Whether Mikri and Menas can make his plan succeed is another matter.

It’s good to have hope!

Kashiwagi is confident in his Pokémon.

What about Champion Ace?

This is an animated world, and even Ash's Pikachu can't avoid overturning when fighting alone.

What's more, he remembered that during the trip, when Mikri and Xiaozhi had a street battle, they all tried their best and lost to Xiaozhi, who mostly sent new members to the field.

at the same time.

Mikri, who was on the opposite side, comforted the Swampert and spoke.

"Although you seem to be looking forward to it, unfortunately, things may not go in the direction you expect."

He threw the Poké Ball.


White light flashes.

"Doo dong!"

A dull roar sounded, and the Pokémon that appeared was not the Menus that Kashiwagi expected, but the fat and strong Diang Sea Lion.

The huge fangs reflected the brilliance of gems under the light.

Mi Keli looked at the dazed Kashiwagi opposite him and said, "Don't get me wrong, I didn't give in, I just didn't want the battle to become boring."

Battles can reveal a trainer's temperament.

Someone as skilled as him can even understand the trainer's fighting style and habits.

Menas's offense may not be as good as Super Swampert's, but its overall strength including changes, defense, battery life, and strategy far surpasses the latter.

The battle will only become more difficult.

Based on Mikri's current view of Kashiwagi, he believes that when the latter discovers that there is a large gap in hard power between the two sides and cannot win in a normal battle, he will inevitably formulate a winning plan centered on how to trigger [Same Life].

Then the three evil dragons and the multi-dragon Baruto fight with it as its core.

It's not that this is bad, it's just that this kind of battle process is almost "guessing the outcome", and Mi Keli, who advocates elegance, has no interest in it.


He had already witnessed the bond between Kashiwagi and Boss Cordora, and saw what he wanted to see. There was no need to forcefully create that touching scene a few more times.

The ultimate goal of this gym battle is never to let the latter and its Pokémon struggle to win again and again in front of powerful opponents.

Otherwise, the Swamp Monsters should have been sent out from the beginning.

Why increase the intensity step by step.

Even putting aside all this, Dialga, as the Pokémon that had accompanied him to the championship, how could he lose to Kashiwagi so easily.

Still have to fight!

Let me see something exciting again!

"Now that I've experienced your iron wall, it's up to you to try to break through my glacier."

Mikri revealed the power of the Diya Sea Lion in one word.

This made Kashiwagi quickly come to his senses, and the elf ball in his hand quickly changed into another one.

In the audience.

Adam leaned back in his chair, his face even more helpless.

"Mi Keli, you are still doing whatever you want as always..."

"Master uncle, what did you say?"

"No, nothing."

Faced with Lucia's inquiry, he shook his head and denied it, but his eyes became darker, as if he was caught in some kind of memory.

He still remembered that afternoon, when nothing happened, Mikri suddenly told him:

"I don't want to be a champion anymore. 』

After suddenly throwing the Liuli Gym that he originally inherited to him and running away to become the champion, he said this again?

It happened to be successful.

Daigo regained his title as champion.

From becoming a champion, master of the Grand Competition, founding the Mikri Cup, to resigning as the champion, and then becoming the gym leader again, Mikri, who is known as the "Water Prince" by the world, is mainly a "rebellion" in Adam's view. .

Wanting to only see what he wanted to see, Mickle often threw aside some established rules.

He also had a headache because of this.

But there was nothing we could do.

But fortunately, as the third generation of Lucia entered the rebellious stage, Mikri unexpectedly restrained himself a lot after he began to realize his pain.

I think I got a taste of what he felt back then.

It has become a tradition for three generations of grandparents to torture each other.

But at his core, this guy is still the "free man" born for elegance. This battle is the stage Mickle has set for Kashiwagi.

The climax has passed, and what comes next is the elegant ending.

Relying on this gym battle.

Adam also had a clear understanding of what to teach Kashiwagi in the days to come.


In the venue.

Kashiwagi wasn't sure what Mikri was thinking.

But when the latter said that he would not follow the strength rules of the gym, the situation was decided by the other party.

Not to mention the champion-level Diya Sea Lion, even sending Magikarp King might not be impossible.

There is only one thing he has to do——

Find a way to win!

Boss Cordora has done its best, and as a trainer, it is necessary for me to fulfill its promise.

"give it to you!"

"Lu saliva!"

Doron Baruto appeared again, and the two Doron Mecia in the launch hole stared nervously or excitedly at the Diga sea lion opposite.

Attack turns around!

Although its durability is not as good as Mega Swampert, Doronbalto is also an out-and-out high-attack and high-speed Pokémon. Compared with the Diya Sea Lion, which mostly has high defense and high resistance, it feels like the universe is in another place.

"Huh? Isn't this the reverse version of the previous scene?"

Lucia couldn't help but say.

Adam shook his head and said, "This is just an appearance."

In terms of attributes alone, Dragon Baruto was restrained by the Diya Sea Lion with ice attributes, but was unable to restrain the latter. This alone greatly reduced the former's fault tolerance rate.

Secondly, this guy’s special ability…


"Shadow clone!"

Mikri and Kashiwagi's orders were issued.

Dragon Baruto immediately transformed into countless afterimage clones, spinning at an extremely fast speed with the Diya sea lion as the center, confusing its eyes.

Who would have thought that the Diya sea lion was unmoved at all, and just raised its head and roared, making the thick voice echo in the field.


Rolling white mist spewed out from it, sweeping the entire place in an instant and converging in the sky.

All of a sudden.

Countless tiny ice particles scattered, crackling softly when they touched the afterimages of numerous dragon Baruto, and light white electric currents like silk threads pulsed on them.

The expressions of the many afterimages froze, and they instantly dissipated like popped balloons.

"The real body is on your upper left!"

Mikri's voice guided the Diya sea lion's sight, and he could suddenly see ice particles scattered in the air. Small electric currents flickered from time to time, outlining a hazy figure.

Doronbaruto's invisibility ability was discovered so easily!

It was forced to show up with a slightly flustered expression.

"Don't panic! Dragon Dance!"

Kashiwagi made a comforting sound and gave instructions at the same time.

The social dinosaur is different from the husky dragon. Frequent vocal feedback must be given to it to make this guy act according to his instructions. Otherwise, in a desperate situation, the dragon Baluto will definitely make his own decisions.

This is also the helplessness of cultivating mature Pokémon. It cannot be stained with the "color" of the trainer, resulting in two people thinking in different ways.

Looking at all the battles over the years, Mikri can be said to be the first trainer to frequently use weather-based moves. He used them more than three times in a five-on-five battle.

But every time the weather brought great benefits, making him passive.

Kashiwagi realized that he might have to let the Pokémon at home learn a few weather-type moves to avoid encountering similar situations again.

"Freezing wind!" Mikri ordered quickly.

"Doo dong!"

The Diya Sea Lion roared angrily, and cold currents and strong winds surged out from between the giant jade fangs, turning into ice-blue smoke and attacking the Dragon Baruto hovering in the air!

"Get out of the way!"

The moment Kashiwagi shouted.

The figure of Doronbaruto suddenly became blurry under the cold wind, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.



It's the visual afterimage caused by the high-speed movement of Doron Baruto after the light shines on the snow!

Lucia's eyes could hardly follow the arc, and she couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's so fast!"

Faster than the super bog monster in the rain!

"Dragon Arrow!"

Bai Mu breathed out white mist.

The temperature around him had gradually dropped to the point where he felt cold, but he had no time to pick up the clothes he had left behind.

"Lu saliva!"

Dragon Baruto appeared behind the Diga sea lion, and the emission holes on both sides of its head burst into flames!

Bang bang!


The two multi-dragon Mecia shrouded in azure blue light screamed, dragging gray-white smoke from behind like missiles and rushing towards the Diya Sea Lion.

The latter didn't even have time to turn around, as two Xiaoduolong missiles had already hit the back of its head and back!

Bang! Bang!

Two bright fires exploded like fireworks.

The large cloud of smoke completely covered the huge body of the Diya sea lion.


The screams of the Doronmesians rang out in the smoke.

Kashiwagi's expression changed and he said sternly: "Quickly use the electric light to dodge and fly backwards!"

Doron Baruto, who didn't wait for the little Doron to come back, didn't know why, but he still flew backwards and flew out as he ordered. The advanced moves that could be released quickly made him fly four to five meters away in an instant——

boom! !

A frightening cold current suddenly broke out, covering everything in its path with ice and snow, and even the dry ground was covered with hoarfrost.

Dorlong Baruto retreated in time, and only a few frost marks stuck to its tail, but this did not prevent it from looking towards the direction of the Diya sea lion with lingering fear.

no doubt.

This terrifying cold current comes from the Diya sea lion, and beside it can be seen two dragon Mecia that have frozen into popsicles.

"Absolute zero."

An impeccable smile appeared on Mikri's face, and he raised his right arm slightly as if he was chanting, "The frozen ice is also exceptionally gorgeous and elegant~"

Kashiwagi's mood was as cold as this ice and snow field.

‘Repay him with his own way’.

This guy just released his moves like Boss Cordora directly from the body surface. The large-scale freezing air caught people off guard, thanks to the scream of Xiaoduolong.

As a relatively rare instant kill technique in the game.

In the animation, it certainly won't cause the Pokémon to collapse if it touches even a little bit, but if it is hit from the front, Dragon Baruto will 100% lose its combat ability.

What weighed more heavily on his heart was not only the Duolong siblings who had lost their ability to fight.

It also includes the ripples of green light that continuously rise when snow particles fall on the Diya sea lion.

[Frozen Body].

There is no problem in continuing to recover during snowy weather.

But this effect...

Isn't it a little too good?

His eyes fell on the back of the Diya sea lion's head and back. The two impact marks left by the Doronmesia became lighter every time the green light spread.

It probably won't take long for it to heal completely.

You are [frozen body]! ?

Kashiwagi took a breath. As expected, none of the main champions were easy to compete with. Years of fighting made them always a little extraordinary.

Diga sea lion's specialty is probably that its frozen body recovers much faster than other Pokémon.

He took out the elf ball and put away the two multi-dragon Mecia.

According to the rules set by the alliance, when Doron Mecia comes on the field with the exclusive product of Doron Baruto Dragon Arrow, he should be dismissed regardless of losing the ability to fight for any reason.

After losing his important long-range physical attack method, the increasingly cold environment and the pain when hail fell on his body caused Doron Baruto to panic.

"Calm down!"

Kashiwagi shouted loudly.

Dragon Baruto is faster than the Super Swampert in the rain, but the Diya sea lion may not have the reflexes and tolerance of Boscodora. The outcome is still uncertain!

"Surprise attack!"

"Lu saliva..."

Doronbaluto paused for a moment, and a black smoke poured out from his chest and spread to his whole body. When the black smoke dissipated, it disappeared.

When Mikri saw this, he didn't care and said:

"Charge your strength!"

"Doo dong!"

The Diya sea lion's double fins slapped the ground, and the shining white light shrouded it from head to tail. The orange-red ascending light stream represented that its double defenses had been improved.

The next moment.

Black smoke emerged out of thin air behind it, and Doronbaruto emerged from it, slapping its head heavily with its slender tail wrapped in black light.


There was a muffled sound.

The Diga Sea Lion pounced forward uncontrollably, and Doronbaruto retreated quickly, widening the distance at a speed that did not give the opponent a chance at all.

"Swallow!" Mikri's instruction made Kashiwagi fall into silence.

I saw the Diga sea lion with its head raised and its mouth wide open. The white light on its body seemed to be drawn into it, and it swallowed it when it closed its mouth!


Bright emerald green light waves circulated endlessly, and the damage caused by the latent spirit's surprise attack was quickly recovered.

Not even close!

Diga Sea Lion's level and various efforts are far superior to Dragon Baruto. Dragon Dance alone cannot give it enough damage, and it can recover easily.

On the other hand, the hail here continues to inflict damage, and the cumulative effect is enough to have a certain impact on it.

The key is that despite repeated attacks but no results, and the loss of the Doron Mecias, Doron Baruto's breathing frequency has greatly increased.

Excessive stress caused his condition to deteriorate drastically.

In his first gym battle, he failed to make any achievements. Instead, he encountered the Sea Lion, an opponent whose strength was much higher than its own. Zhailong's ability to withstand pressure was obviously reaching its limit.

How did its level increase?

Just by living longer?


Kashiwagi couldn't let such a dragon Baruto stay on the field, so he decisively used the Poké Ball to take it back, even giving up the enhancement of Dragon Dance.

He whispered to him to calm down and sent out three evil dragons with his backhand.


The high-pitched cries of the three evil dragons were full of excitement, but the cold wind that came quickly made them calm down quickly and observe the situation.

There is ice and snow everywhere you look.

Ice particles falling from the sky can still sting when they fall on your body.


The middle head sneezed.

Chilliness is a common characteristic of most dragon-type Pokémon. Only a small number of individuals with another attribute that is resistant to ice or are ice-type individuals can turn a blind eye to it.

Fortunately, the hair from its neck to its back is quite thick, so its tolerance will be much stronger.



The three evil dragons roared and looked at every part of the Diya sea lion's body, and an astonishing momentum gradually brewed.

Compared to the reserved and socially fearful Doryon Baruto, this guy has a more arrogant personality. Therefore, even though the energy levels are similar, his offensive capabilities are far more powerful than the former.

Therefore, he used a trick to increase the special attack to the extreme it can bear, and then inflicted irreparable damage to the Diya Sea Lion in one breath!

Kashiwagi's plan was simple and straightforward.

But Mi Keli is not a fool, so how can he sit back and watch it be strengthened smoothly?

"Ring of water! Fine snow!"

"Doo dong!"

Water ripples formed around the Diya sea lion out of thin air, and in the blink of an eye, three bright blue water columns swirled around it.

Immediately after it opened its big mouth, countless tiny snow points flew out from it, freezing part of the flowing water in the water ring into ice fragments of different sizes——

The beautiful and terrifying ring of broken ice was born!

"Doo dong!"

The Diya Sea Lion let out a low roar, and the three rings of broken ice suddenly swelled and expanded, flying towards the three evil dragons!

Kashiwagi shouted quickly, "Avoid them! Keep using tricks!"


The three evil dragons flapped their six wings to dodge back and forth, while the three broken ice rings kept swinging up and down and spinning rapidly, sometimes expanding and sometimes shrinking, forcing the former to dodge and thus unable to strengthen.

It's just that Huashilong has been holding back his anger ever since he was forced to leave the game.

It knows that it really can't defeat the super giant swamp monster.

It recognized it!

But that's a super swamp monster!

What does this have to do with you?

Since when can anything come out and suppress you?

The three evil dragons stared into the distance as if they were at ease. Green light continued to glow on their bodies. The Diya sea lion raised its upper body to control the ice ring. Its three faces gradually became ferocious, and the hostility in its heart was almost uncontrollable.

Hide, hide, hide——

Keep hiding and hiding——


It stopped its evasive movement, and lowered its three heads slightly, allowing the ring of broken ice to continuously hit various parts of its body, leaving wet marks and broken ice.

Kashiwagi was slightly startled, looking at the silent backs of the three evil dragons, he immediately understood its thoughts.

"If that's the case...then I can't bear it."

The moment he finished speaking.


The ferocious roar shook the entire venue like thunder!

The three evil dragons were like a super volcano that suddenly erupted, and the three ferocious bloody mouths continued to make terrifying roars!

The pale white sound waves visible to the naked eye shook the air crazily!

Around it, the orange-red air flow continued to rise as if it were free of charge, making its momentum rise and rise endlessly until Adam couldn't help but feel moved.

No matter how you use the Pokémon's individual abilities with enhanced moves, there are limits.

Why can the three evil dragons rise again and again! ?

Mikri was also lost for a moment. After reacting, he unconsciously clenched his fist with his waving right hand and shouted:

"Gather your strength——"

"Dragon Wave!"

hold head high--! !

The deafening roar of the dragon overwhelmed everything.

I saw a huge energy dragon with teeth and claws rushing out from the three big mouths of three evil dragons. The colorful and brilliant light made it as majestic as the legendary dragon, and it also carried a terrifying aura of destruction!

The moment of appearance.

Three rings of broken ice exploded into pieces.

And when the energy dragon roared and rushed forward, everything it passed, whether it was ice, snow or gravel, turned into dust and smoke that filled the sky.

"hold head high!!"

The ferocious maw of the Dragon Wave completely swallowed up the Diya Sea Lion!


The earth shook wildly, showing the terrifying and destructive power of the dragon's fluctuations.

What's even more astonishing is that after swallowing the Diya sea lion, it rushed straight to the dome of the venue, stretched its huge energy wings wantonly, and exploded at the moment of collision!

boom--! !

The fire and loud noise of the explosion turned into a thick fog that completely covered the sky.

The snow particles stopped falling, as if the explosion had completely dispersed the clouds of falling snow, without giving them a chance to regroup.


A huge object fell from the sky.

In the audience, Lucia covered her ears and was about to take a closer look at the changes below, but she heard Kashiwagi's shout again.

"It's not over yet! Meteor swarm!"

"Absolute zero!"

Mikri's voice then sounded.

A flash of purple-red light appeared first, then broke into countless small individual light groups.


A strong wind suddenly swept across the entire venue, completely dispersing the dense fog.

Lucia opened her eyes wide and saw three evil dragons glowing with blue-purple light charging forward ferociously. They were surrounded by numerous purple-red light bullets that were constantly throbbing, like stars dancing together!


Not far away.

The Diga sea lion, covered in black marks, raised its head and suddenly spewed a nearly endless stream of snow-white cold current toward the ground!

Wherever the cold current sweeps, everything freezes into ice.

Even the purple-red light bullets at the front of the three evil dragons are like this.

But just when Lucia was worried about him, those frozen purple-red light bombs suddenly exploded like grenades that touched the fuse!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

She had to cover her ears again, and the fire produced by the purple-red light bomb explosion continued to collide with the snow-white cold current, forming pale white smoke again and completely engulfing the two Pokémon.

Until now.

Lucia could no longer understand which side had the upper hand.

Cypress? Mikri?

Maybe after the smoke dissipates this time, she should be able to get the answer she wants.

Lucia nervously crossed her fingers in front of her, silently praying for Kashiwagi and the three evil dragons. She could tell that it was probably the latter's final outburst.

If it doesn't work again...

Lost the gym battle this time?


Boscodora, they all fought so hard until the last minute!

She stared closely at the gradually dissipating smoke below. The first thing to be revealed was an ice sculpture that completely froze the three angry dragons.


Rukia moaned, but she covered her mouth the next second.

Because there is another half of the ice sculpture——

It was a royal sea lion with scorch marks all over its body and its head lowered. Half of its body was also frozen, and its two fins were bitten by the small heads of three evil dragons.

"——Diya Sea Lion and the three evil dragons have lost their ability to fight! The gym leader has no usable Pokémon!"

The old butler Sebastian held the flag high, and his slightly old voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"I declare! Challenger Kashiwagi wins!"


Lucia jumped up happily, grabbed the wings of the Tanabata bluebird next to her, and danced a joyful pas de deux with it.

And in the field.

Kashiwagi, who was soaked all over, slowly squatted down and grabbed the clothes he threw on the ground.


He clenched his fists as if dreaming.

Finally, finally won!

This was definitely the most difficult battle he had experienced after the battle with Shanmin in the Yellow Iron Arena. Most of the Pokémon in his hand had reached the point where they were running out of oil.

It's so hard.

But he won!

All this is due to the three evil dragons that finally burst out in anger. The passionate emotions forced it to show strength beyond its normal posture.

For the first time, Kashiwagi also enjoyed a Pokémon "explosion".

It is based on this that the [Meteor Swarm Charge], which was originally in the experimental stage, was successfully used. It has to be said that it is a very good approach method.

Danger is danger.

In the end, the three evil dragons successfully took away the Diya Sea Lion without giving it a chance to recover.

Kashiwagi put on his coat, put the three evil dragons that had turned into ice sculptures into his ball, and took out the Poke Balls of all the Pokémon that participated in the battle this time.

"Thank you for your hard work! We won! We won very thoroughly!"

Got no response.


Boss Cordora has no strength, Sun Coral rarely responds to his words, and Dragon Baruto usually doesn't respond either, but this time he is probably autistic. After all, he was forced to do nothing by the Diya Sea Lion and ended in shame.

The remaining four have not yet awakened.

Kashiwagi was thinking about how to comfort Doronbaruto at night. This guy always kept quiet, and it would be bad if he had some mental illness.

It was his first official battle to encounter this kind of situation. Is this considered a lack of consideration on his part?

no way.

This is the only gym battle left.

Rebuilding your self-confidence can probably wait until you participate in the Caiyu Conference, as long as you don't have a guy like Xiaozhi who has traveled to many areas and whose strength fluctuates back and forth between the gym owner and the king.

"What happened?"

Mikri's voice rang in his ears.

Kashiwagi turned his head and suddenly realized that compared to his slightly embarrassed self, Mikri's body could be said to be spotless, as if the person he was fighting just now was not him.

"No, I'm just thinking about how to review this battle."

" are indeed a very serious person as I thought."

The smile on Mikri's face was a little weird. It wasn't the first time he met this kind of trainer... who had to conduct a follow-up review after winning the final game.

But Kashiwagi is definitely the strongest one.

He took out a badge composed of three drops of water from his pocket and said, "This is the glass badge you deserve. To be honest, this battle has greatly refreshed my understanding of you."

"Uh...thank you."

Kashiwagi took the badge, not knowing how to respond to the other party's words.

"In short, I have an explanation for Daiwu. As a descendant of the Liuli people, I also recognize your strength. As the master of the gorgeous competition, I can't help but look forward to your future..."

Mikri said a long list in one breath, and finally smiled and patted Kashiwagi on the shoulder, "I hope you won't regret that I didn't choose Menas."

Hear him say that.

Kashiwagi suddenly felt blessed and asked:

"Then will I still have a chance to fight you in the future?"


"Have the opportunity!"

Before Mikri finished speaking, Lucia's shout rang out, and she ran over with the Tanabata Blue Bird in a hurry, followed by Adam.

"Uncle, he will stay at the gym in the past few months, so he will be fine!"

She gave a thumbs up to Kashiwagi and then looked at Mikri, who looked confused, "right! Uncle?"

"But, but next is my annual vacation..."

The man who was known as the Prince of Water in the world twitched at the corner of his eye, and his gaze turned around on the faces of Lucia and Kashiwagi who seemed to be looking forward to it, and then looked at the smiling Adam with a wry smile.

"It is indeed an elegant thing to have a fierce battle once in a while~"

Mikri seemed to be convincing himself.

Kashiwagi said happily: "Thank you very much!"

He quietly gave Lucia a thumbs up where Adam and Mikri couldn't see her.

As expected of you!

Teacher Liu!

You are my god!

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