My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 536 Former champion battle?


Kashiwagi yawned.

To be honest, I didn't sleep very well last night. The memory of the dancer's sword dance was too noisy.

In my memory as a chef, I never felt this tired...

Mentally tired?

Fortunately, this memory is more or less of reference value. Even if you don't conquer other Pokémon with "sharp weapons", you can still join in the battle rhythm and gorgeous performance of Big Mouth.

More or less.

"Need a refreshing drink?"

The old housekeeper's voice rang in his ears.

Kashiwagi's thoughts quickly returned, he turned his head and whispered softly: "Please give me a drink."

at the same time.

"Staying up late is not a good habit. It will cause great harm to the skin."

A familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded.

"Well, I learned a lesson."

Kashiwagi glanced at Mikri, who was holding a teacup and sipping tea directly opposite him.

The other party was wearing a sky blue open-fronted nightgown, revealing his snow-white collarbones and chest, and his legs were crossed with a slightly lazy expression. It was completely different from his teacher Adam's neat and well-dressed character at all times.

After the Miguel Cup.

As the current leader of the gym, he naturally moved back to the gym, but this also attracted a lot of fans. Thanks to Miss Junsha and the police officers who helped persuade them to leave, the peace around the gym was ensured.

Talk about it.

At that time, Mi Keli was planning to go out in his nightgown to say hello to the fans and help Miss Junsha and the others with persuasion, but Kashiwagi noticed in time that he hurriedly stopped him.

——Wouldn’t it just be a disservice to you to go out dressed like this?

Of course, the words were not so straightforward. He was not very familiar with Mikri.

Fortunately, the latter was quite clear about how charming he really was, and after persuading him, he stopped going out to provide visual benefits to his fans.

A pleasant breakfast ended.

Since temporarily staying at the Liuli Gym, Kashiwagi has given the old butler full control over the food and drinks of himself and his Pokémon, which makes him feel a lot more relaxed.

Taking care of three meals a day for a dozen Pokémon every day, even with the help of Happy Egg, is actually a bit tiring.

But without the part of making food and feeding it with your own hands, it will inevitably feel a bit lonely.

It’s hard to have everything done right…

Kashiwagi walked slowly towards where the Pokémon was, but was stopped by Mikri halfway.

"Kashiwagi-kun, when are you going to challenge me?"

He asked with a smile: "Or do you need more time to prepare? But since you are both a trainer that Daigo admires and a temporary student of the teacher...ah, yes, you are also the new winner of the Mikri Cup, the gym battle It's really hard for me to challenge you at my normal level.

"So I won't abide by the strength limit of the gym challenge, and I won't let you go in the slightest. Even if you perform well enough, I won't give you a badge as long as you don't win. What do you think?"

There was no trace of malice on Mikri's face when he said this.

But Kashiwagi is really a bit creepy.


What hatred or resentment.

It sounded like Chao was intimidating him.

And he blatantly said something that would not abide by the strength limit rules of the gym challenge. If this statement is recorded and posted to the alliance or online, even if you are a former champion and current gym owner, you will probably be punished by the alliance.

If nothing else, the holidays are definitely gone.

Baimu twitched the corner of his mouth, met Mikri's expectant gaze, nodded and responded: "If possible, the time might as well be this afternoon."

"Ah! What a refreshing answer! You are worthy of being the winner of the Miccoli Cup! It's so elegant~"

Mi Keli raised his head and sighed inexplicably, and then walked away looking very happy.

Are strict requirements a good thing?

For Kashiwagi——


Because his ultimate goal is not to participate in the Caiyu Conference, but to win the conference and return to Ole to compete for the regional championship.

The intensity of the Gym Challenge increases, and the battle against the serious former champion Mikoli is equivalent to training him and his Pokémon in practical combat.

How can he become the regional champion if he can't even win as the gym owner?

Not to mention fighting against an even more monster and unreasonable Dan Emperor in the global championship in the future.

Furthermore, Kashiwagi would have to stay in the Liuli Gym for a long time to receive Adam's teachings. Even if he lost to Mikri, he would still have plenty of time to challenge again.

Mikri's approach can be described as extremely considerate.

The big one is coming!

"Guys! Great news!"

Kashiwagi trotted up to the Pokémon excitedly and told them that they would participate in the gym battle in the afternoon. A group of eager Pokémon responded in turn.


Leisure afternoon.

The water venue of Liuli Gym.

Adam, with his arms around him, and Lucia, who looked expectant, were sitting in the audience. The old butler Sebastian held the flag high and acted as the referee for this match.

Michaeli stood on the high platform and said with a smile:

"Well, although my little remarks this morning irritated you a little, it's great that you didn't get nervous because of it."

God is so exciting.

And this is what was said.

They are just like Adam, should they be called masters and disciples?

Kashiwagi on the opposite side was somewhat speechless and tried to calm down. The next battle might be the strongest battle he had ever experienced so far. He didn't want his Pokémon to be affected by his poor condition.

Even during a battle, Pokémon still pays attention to its trainer, and its combat effectiveness is affected by the trainer's status.

The old butler Sebastian said loudly:

"The Gym Battle of the Glazed Gym begins now. There are five Pokémon that can be used, and the battle is divided into two rounds. In the first round, you need to choose two Pokémon for a doubles match..."

The rules for gym battles in Liuli Gym are relatively complicated.

To put it simply, the first two Pokémon are selected for a double battle. When one of the Pokémon falls, another Pokémon can be sent out to supplement. No exchange is allowed during this period.

But when either side's first two Pokémon fall, the first battle is over.

Pokémon that have not lost their fighting ability after the first round can be used in the second round. The second round is a singles battle, and only the challenger is allowed to exchange Pokemon.

"As a trainer who wants to challenge the Caiyu Tournament, no matter what rules you encounter, you must be as flexible as water."

Adam didn't know who he was explaining to, and he never looked away.

But as he said, the Caiyu Tournament is a special tournament that mixes doubles and singles. The rules of the Liuli Gym give challengers a preview in advance.

within the venue.

Mikri threw two elf balls with a smile and said, "Then let me see how much strength you can show."

Bang bang!

White light flashes.

The stinging jellyfish with countless tentacles fell into the water and blew bubbles, and the Lotte Kappa, who looked like a cross between a pineapple and a duck, stood on the floating board and danced.

"Puff puff..."

"Throat bang bang~"

"They were all specially bred after I became the owner of the museum, and they are also the most commonly used Pokémon. Please don't underestimate them, you will suffer a loss."

At the same time Mikri spoke.

Kashiwagi also sent out the Pokémon he decided.



The area distribution between Porygon II and Galar Sun Coral is like a miniature replica of the opposite one. One is on the floating board, and the other is floating on the water with the waves.

[Download] Characteristics are triggered, Porygon II’s abilities are rapidly improved——

It's a special attack!

Kashiwagi's signal from Porygon II's tail confirmed his enhanced ability, and he no longer waited.

The right to move first is important!

"Angled paddle! Reflective stone!"

"Hoar? Are you taking the initiative? You are quite decisive."

Mi Keli, who heard the command, also followed, "Please rain! Poison Ling!"


Porygon II's oval-shaped legs are wrapped in white light and turn into two propellers as it dives into the water, allowing it to move smoothly on the water.

It carries the Galar Sun Coral and approaches the stinging jellyfish and Lotte Kappa. A translucent square glass appears in front of it, reflecting colorful halos under the light.

However, before it could get closer, the purple light arrow flew into the sky along with the stinging jellyfish's tentacles.

Whoosh whoosh——

"Throat slap! Throat slap!"

The Lotte Kappa danced a strange dance on the floating board. Dark clouds quickly gathered under the ceiling, and the purple poisonous water chestnuts flying into the air fell like a goddess scattering flowers.


Porygon II deftly dodged the poisonous caltrop.

The poisonous caltrop in the animation is not like in the game, which can only be triggered after being exchanged. If it is hit by the opponent when it is released, it will also fall into the poisoned state.


A steady stream of rain fell.

Lotte Kappa's figure became visibly faster, as if it was the result of the [Free and Easy Swimming] characteristic being triggered.

Mi Keli smiled and said: "Crack the tiles."


A soft cry.

Porygon II's eyes only felt blurred. After greatly accelerating, Lotte Kappa jumped in front of him, holding up his right palm shrouded in a brown-red cyclone and slashing down fiercely!

Youyou Ziru surprisingly not only increased its movement speed, but also increased its attack speed!

"Sun Coral!"


The Galar Sun Coral suddenly flew up and rushed towards the right palm.


The heavy blow caused it to be knocked back to Porygon II's back, but the brown-red cyclone suddenly dispersed like smoke instead of directly penetrating its body.

There is no doubt that this is the result of the ghost attribute being immune to fighting attribute attacks.

"Huh~~~The perfect combination of normal attributes and ghost attributes, elegant!"

Mikri smiled and said: "But it's not a good habit to get so close casually - mud wave!"

"Hold! Trick Space!"

Kashiwagi's instructions followed.

Porygon II and Sun Coral are medium- and slow-speed Pokémon. When the accumulation of levels and abilities cannot crush the opponent, it is a fact that one must accept the fact that their moves are one step slower than the opponent.

However, the slow move speed can be compensated by using moves with high priority.


A large glob of purple slurry spurted out from the stinging jellyfish's mouthparts hidden under its claws, instantly turning the originally clear pool water into the color of venom.

Fortunately, the part that came directly was blocked by the spherical honeycomb light shield released by the Sun Coral, which also gave Porygon II a chance to open the [Magic Space].

A translucent blue grid space immediately rises from the edge of the site.

"Hahahaha! Trick space speed replacement!"

Lucia clenched her fists excitedly, and her position was completely on the side of the cheap "student" Kashiwagi, "Uncle's rainy day was taken advantage of instead!"

Adam shook his head and said, "I'm pretty good at using changing moves, but it's not that simple."

The words fell.

"Let the surf mixed with poisonous water attack!"

Mikri's voice suddenly sounded loud and clear.

"Throat bang bang!"

Lotte Kappa inserted his hands into the pool water and suddenly lifted them up with force!


A huge wave rolled up, with purple and blue rolling in it. Compared to this, Porygon II's "small boat" was just a lone boat, and it could be submerged by the wave of poisonous water at any time.


The moment when the magic space is used successfully.

The fastest speed in the field has changed from Lotte Kappa to Galar Sun Coral!

"Tidal whirlpool! Electromagnetic levitation!"

After Kashiwagi's shout, a huge vortex began to rotate under Porygon II, and the huge wave that came was gradually disintegrated under this torsion.

But in turn, Porygon II was almost pulled underwater by the whirlpool.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, it used electromagnetic levitation, which replaced the speed of the Stinging Jellyfish and was not much slower than the Sun Coral.

By comparison.

Although the stinging jellyfish used part of its tentacles to pull somewhere on the edge of the field, the other part pulled the floating board where the Lotte Kappa was to prevent it from being attracted by the tidal whirlpool.

But Lotte Kappa's dancing has become slow motion, as if it has lost its energy, and its tentacles are not swinging as fast as before.

"Tighten up!"

Several dark tentacles broke through the water following Mikri's instructions.

"Let it catch! One hundred thousand volts!" Kashiwagi shouted, and Porygon II, who was about to dodge, immediately stopped and let himself be tightly entangled by the tentacles.

The dazzling electric light also lit up.

The sun coral was very clever and detached from its back to avoid accidental injury.

"Night Stalker—huh!?"

As soon as Kashiwagi gave the order to Sun Coral, he saw this guy's body tremble suddenly, and he fell into the water inexplicably when he should have stayed in the air.

"Cut off the tentacles!"

On the other hand, Mikri promptly caused the stinging jellyfish to "cut off its wrists", but it didn't suffer too much damage. "The Lotte Kappa parasitic seeds were thrown to Sun Coral!"

"Throat bang bang!"

Lotte Kappa shuddered, and several mung bean-like seeds spurted out from the top of his head and fell towards the Sun Coral.

Purple bubbles popped out from the corner of the latter's mouth, and he tried his best to dodge the flying bright green seeds, but still missed one. The moment the latter touched it, it sprouted into living vines and stretched into its holes. Strengthen the power of confinement.

"Poisoned...didn't you completely escape the poison wave?"

Kashiwagi frowned. The trouble with the abnormal state thing is that no matter how much it touches, there is always the possibility of being hit.

It is completely different from what normal people think of as "toxicity" in terms of measurement.

Porygon II, which was tied into a rice dumpling by its tentacles in the sky, saw that its companion was in a bad situation and tried to break free and quickly return to aid.

"Don't panic! You can't get away like this! Use angularization again!"

Kashiwagi raised his head and shouted, and then said to the sun coral in the pool: "Curse - stinging jellyfish!"

In the void.

A dark purple nail was driven into Sun Coral's skull. Driven by the ghost attribute energy, the strong resentment turned into an illusory ghost and flew towards the stinging jellyfish.

Mikri originally thought he would choose Lotte Kappa, which had a narrower range of activities and slower speed. He was ready to dodge it, but he didn't expect it to be a stinging jellyfish.

"Get away from—"

The order was late.

The ghost shadow sank into the stinging jellyfish's body, causing it to twitch all over.

But on the other hand, poisoning, parasitic seeds, and curses, as well as multiple physical losses, also made the Sun Coral almost "dying".

Polygon II, which transformed into a long square stick in mid-air, finally broke away from its remaining tentacles. Judging from the particularly bright red part of its surface, this guy seemed to be angry.

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