My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 515 Liuli Conference

Lively venue.

The symphony dedicated to the gorgeous competition is constantly being staged.

The host Vivian raised her right hand high, greeted the dense crowd of people and Pokémon in the audience, and shouted in an emotional voice:

"Gentlemen and ladies! Welcome to the gorgeous competition, the Miccoli Cup, hosted by Master Miccoli!"

"I believe everyone is familiar with the venue of this event - yes! It is the hometown of Master Mikri! Liuli City!"

The audience who had been waiting for a long time burst into cheers.

The front row, almost all dressed in white hats, proves how powerful Michaeli's charm is.

Prepare the interior.

A large number of contestants gathered in front of the TV that broadcast the venue in real time. Their faces were either excited or expecting.

"here we go!"

"Is Master Mikri going to appear?"

"Come on, come on! Mikri is about to appear!"

Kashiwagi stood in the crowd, and next to him were Lucia and other pretty girls. Xiaosheng and Xiaogang were squeezed out of nowhere.

He looked at the huge TV screen, full of curiosity about Mikri.

I've been staying at Liuli Gym for many days, but I haven't been able to see him even once.


it's not true.

According to Lucia, Mikri did not return to the gym because he did not want those fanatical fans to chase him and stay at the gym. This would not only cause trouble to Miss Junsha, but also disturb the semi-retired Adam and his active preparations for the competition. of them.

What an Assasi man.

No wonder he is regarded as a close friend by Daigo. The two are exactly the same in terms of their gentleness towards others.

Kashiwagi was thinking, Vivian Jiao Didi on the TV shouted:

"Please let me introduce--"


I saw a pattern suddenly appear on the largest screen in the venue.

It was a green-haired man with a slender and well-proportioned figure wearing a white hat, standing on a high platform, commanding a ferocious Diya sea lion.

"Sometimes Gym Leader!"

The scene changed, and the green-haired man was wearing a champion's cape, standing gracefully in the venue where everyone was watching.

“Sometimes a regional champion again!”

The scene changed again, showing a green-haired man with a friendly smile, holding a water-drop hourglass-shaped blue-edged ribbon.

"Sometimes he is also a top coordination trainer!"

Vivian's voice suddenly increased, "However, his true identity is——"


The pool in the center of the venue suddenly rose into the sky, and then the water exploded and turned into water droplets all over the sky.

Menas, who closed his eyes and concentrated, slowly appeared. Three bright translucent water rings revolved around it, causing the water droplets around it to jump with it. With the sun as the background, the sacred radiance shrouded its extremely beautiful figure. !


The long low sound is like a song.

The auditorium was filled with excitement instantly!


Menas opened his eyes, and as the light surged, large waves rolled up out of thin air on both sides of the pool, rolling towards the stage in the center of the pool!


Then it turned its enchanting figure and sang melodiously, sending three translucent water rings around its body downwards.

The waves swept over and submerged the stage with a roar, but were attracted and rotated by the translucent water ring, and then turned into a waterspout that soared into the sky, expanding and then slowly calming down.

Center stage.

The elegant green-haired man was half-kneeling on the ground, his dark blue cloak fluttering in the wind, and the translucent water ring casting a gorgeous afterglow.

Vivian's extremely excited voice reached everyone's ears, "The super talented Master of the Magnificent Competition, Mr. Mikri!!"


Mikri stood up suddenly and raised his cloak. His voice was as clear as the cry of an oriole and he said loudly:

"Dear viewers! Good Morning~~!"

ah--! !

Screams echoed over the venue in an instant, and the enthusiastic fans held high fans and acrylic boards to show their admiration for their idols.

The same goes for the prep room.

Even though Mikri couldn't hear him at the scene, it still didn't stop Kashiwa's ears from being filled with fans screaming.

"Uncle is so awesome~~"

Lucia's eyes were full of little stars, and Xiaoguang and Xiaoyao next to her were equally in admiration.

"No matter how many times you watch the show of Master Mikoli and Menas, you can't stop watching it."

"Yeah, the coordination is so exquisite."

So far, there is no world number one in the battle world, but in the hearts of all coordination trainers, Mikri, who is known as the master, is definitely the number one person in the gorgeous competition.

A competition named after itself and officially recognized is something that many people dare not even think about.

on the TV screen.

As bright blue water jets surrounded the stage, Micoli, accompanied by Menas, officially announced the start of the Micoli Cup.

"Let us look forward to it with confidence and boldness, who can dance most gorgeously in this glass pavilion!"

"Thank you very much, Master Mikri."

Vivian stepped forward with a slight smile, "Master Mikri will also serve as a special judge to watch and review all performances."

"Next, we will introduce the judges of this conference."

After her introduction, the gray-haired old man Patstein, the little fresh meat Yanase, and Miss Joy from the Pokémon Center in Liuli City, whom Kashiwagi was very familiar with, thanked him in turn.

As the number of judges increased, the total score naturally increased to forty points.

The highlight is coming.

Vivian held up a light blue ribbon and announced loudly: "The winner of the Michaeli Cup is given the Water Column Medal!

"This medal is not only valid in Hoenn, but can be used in gorgeous competitions all over the world. It is a medal that can participate in dreamy gorgeous large-scale celebrations!"

There is no doubt that GM is one of the reasons why so many coordination trainers are here from all over the world.

Kashiwagi could feel the breathing of the people around him becoming rapid.

Especially when the staff appears and shouts the names of the contestants to get them on the field or to prepare.

"The beloved disciple is in the middle?"

Lucia stood on tiptoes and looked at the number plate in Kashiwagi's hand. Due to the large number of contestants, the entire day today will be used for the first review.

The middle number will most likely have to wait until the afternoon.

"It's not a big problem." He smiled and looked at Xiao Guang, who was slightly nervous. This was the first one among them to play - No. 18.

But sensing the sight of people around her, Xiaoguang quickly adjusted her mentality.

"No problem! Look at me coming back with a super high score!"

She gestured to everyone, and Pogaman at her feet held her head high and confidently.


Although the little penguin didn't perform on the stage, given the strength of his companions, if he scored thirty-nine and forty points, why not pinch him with his hands?

It shyly looked at the big-mouthed kid next to Kashiwagi, thinking that if it played on its own, it would be able to dedicate its high score to its goddess, but it's a pity...

the other side.

Kashiwagi praised Urala's dark blue princess dress and learned that the other party had successfully obtained the ribbon for the Twilight Water Conference. Like him, she was only one ribbon away from participating in the grand grand celebration of Hoenn.

"I will never lose to you again this time!" Ulala said harshly with interest.

"We'll see."

He chuckled, and when he moved his brows, he noticed someone was peeping. He turned his head and found that it was Xiao Shun.

However, before he could react, the man moved his eyes away without any trace, as if he just glanced at him inadvertently.

Is Xiaoyao's rival...

When Kashiwagi first watched Super Generation, he was still young and didn't understand what cp speculation meant, so he didn't care at all about some strange units that the screenwriter included.

When I grow up and review it, I won’t even care anymore. It’s just a supporting role that was completely lost in the crowd.

But think about it now.

Xiao Shun's strength is undoubtedly very strong. Not only has he never dropped below twenty-nine points in the first review of an ordinary competition, but he has also won the runner-up result in his first participation in a gorgeous large-scale celebration.

We can't leave this guy out.

"The first person is on the stage! Look!"

The shouts of passers-by brought his eyes back to the TV. Under the introduction of host Vivian, a boy with a tense expression walked out.

It finally begins!

Miccoli Cup!


After the game started, time flew by like water.

The atmosphere in the prep room was anything but relaxed.

After all, the number of people watching the Miccoli Cup is several times that of an ordinary conference. If you don't perform well and make a fool of yourself, it will be a big loss.

However, it is precisely because of this invisible threshold that ordinary coordination trainers will not come to participate in the Michaeli Cup. All the contestants present have more or less two brushes.

Of course, there must be some stupid ones, but not too many.

The first review was conducted after fifteen people.

There was a short break in the venue, and the judges relaxed appropriately to avoid eye fatigue.

The contestants whispered to each other, with solemn expressions.

The reason is that in the previous performances, although the judges had many praises, none of them had a total score of thirty-eight points, let alone thirty-nine points.

Such strict evaluation made them somewhat nervous.

At this time, various advertisements began to appear on the TV. Basically, they were endorsed by Mikri, and there was also an advertisement for Lucia.

They are gummies made into various Pokémon shapes.

"Is this gummy delicious?"

"In general, it sticks to your teeth. I have a lot of stock in my room. Can I give it to you to try when I go back?"


Kashiwagi nodded, and from the corner of his eye, he saw Xiaoguang leaving under the leadership of the staff.

Bogaman reluctantly said goodbye to Big Mouth Baby.


This needs to be prepared in advance.

Why do you always feel like something is missing?

He lowered his head in thought, and it seemed that something not very important, but not lacking in taste, had yet to appear.

But if I think about it carefully, I can't figure it out.


A man rushed in from outside, shouting as he ran, "Oh no! Team Rocket is here!"

Team Rocket? Team Rocket!

Kashiwagi's eyes lit up, yes, this is it!

Although the biggest protagonist of the animated series, Ash Ketchum, is not here, there are so many supporting characters gathered together that it can be regarded as a spin-off animation, so their presence is inevitable.

He ran over excitedly and asked, "What's going on? Where is Team Rocket?"

"Uh, right at the main venue."

The man suddenly stopped and ran out of breath, choked for a moment before continuing: "They descended from the sky in a hot air balloon and wanted to snatch away the Pokémon stored by the contestants!"


Kashiwagi was slightly surprised. When he saw the expressions of the contestants around him changing wildly, he knew that some unknown incident had occurred.

After losing God's perspective, it's not even clear what Team Rocket is doing behind the scenes.

But he was still very interested and had the courage to do what was right.

Last time he captured so many people from the Rockets, there were already irreconcilable conflicts between the two sides. It was what he should do to send a few more people to stay in the game.

There is just a problem.

It shouldn't be the Rockets trio that appears now, right?

"Brother Kashiwagi! Wait for me!"

"Me too!"

The voices of Xiaosheng and Xiaogang came from behind. They had been dealing with Team Rocket for hundreds of episodes. They were familiar with those people's tricks and how to deal with each other.

Kashiwagi looked back at the two of them and was about to walk to the main venue when another staff member ran over.

"Please don't be nervous. The accident has been solved by Master Mikri. The Pokémon we stored are safe and sound."

he said loudly, pointing to the large TV again.

in the screen.

Mikri commanded Menas to blast away the blond female Rocketeer, green-haired male Rocketeer and their Pokémon.

Kashiwagi suddenly understood.

It turned out to be these two people - Amado and, it was Kozaburo.

They are also considered the standard villains of the extra chapter. Unfortunately, they are not as strong-willed as the Rockets trio. I remember that during the subsequent journey, they could not bear the pain of repeated failures and writing reviews, so they chose to leave the team to make a living on their own.

Armado took Lada to open a coffee shop, and Kosaburo took his mother's Meow Meow to open a bakery.

It sounds a bit outrageous.

After all, who would think that a villain organization like Team Rocket would have the option to resign.

"It seems there is no room for us to perform."

Kashiwagi patted Xiaosheng and Xiaogang on the shoulders, ignored the looks of other contestants, and returned to the starting position.

Lucia smiled and said: "How handsome. He was the first one to rush forward when he heard something happened."

"Knee-jerk reaction."

He replied casually, looked at Xiaoyao who seemed to be relieved, and asked, "Are you nervous?"

"No la."

Xiaoyao denied it and complained angrily: "Kashiwagi, you don't know how bad the Rockets are. They succeed more than they succeed and fail more than they do. They always make trouble. It seems like nothing good happens every time they are around!"

To fans of the Pokémon anime, the Team Rocket trio are lovable and charming villains.

It's not bad enough, but it's not bad enough, and occasionally there are some bright moments.

But in Xiaoyao's view, Team Rocket is undoubtedly a very disgusting organization. They have caused all kinds of troubles since they first met, and even robbed her and her companions of their Pokémon.


It's just because of her good character that she doesn't rush forward and kick her.

Kashiwagi understood Xiaoyao's thoughts very well, and when he was about to say something, Xiaosheng shouted.

"Xiaoguang is on the stage!"

on the TV screen.

Xiao Guangshi, who was wearing an aqua pleated short skirt, stepped forward and faced tens of thousands of eyes without any stage fright, waving her hand and throwing the elf ball.

"Pokkiss! GO!"


Pink light whiskers flew out of the ball.

It is continuously surrounded on the top to form an exquisite pattern like a crown.

Togekis, whose feathers were as white as if they were not stained by any dust, stood among them and let out a crisp low cry.


"What a cute Togekiss!"

Mi Keli's eyes lit up, and he also recognized Xiaoguang, the little girl who had received the Water Column Medal from him, and couldn't help but look forward to it even more.

Xiaoguang had a just right smile on his face:

"Use high speed stars on the sky!"


Togejis raised his head, not flying but his wings flapped rapidly.


A large number of huge stars dragging golden wakes are like fireworks, rushing into the sky with an extremely gorgeous trajectory!

"Bird Slam!"


Pokkisi let out a long cry, and dazzling white light enveloped its body. It fluttered its wings and quickly flew up. The dissipated attribute energy was like a twinkling star, casting a dazzling luster.

In the blink of an eye, it caught up with the golden stars that had flown to the ultimate height.


It swirled gracefully, and the soft white light on its surface gradually spread toward the golden stars. It did not break the fragile golden stars, but seemed to coat them with a thin film.

After the light on Togekis dimmed.

Swish la la——

The golden stars fell leisurely like a meteor shower, and Togekis was mixed in among them, and the colorful light curtains drifted down as they fell.

Vivian couldn't help but sigh, "What a beautiful scene!"

But this is not the end.

"The last move! Fairy Wind!"

Xiaoguang's voice sounded.

The next moment.

The golden stars fell to the calm water surface, seemingly about to sink into the water, but a soft wind suddenly came, sweeping the colorful light curtain and coating them with a second layer of film, which also caused misty smoke to appear out of thin air above the pool. airflow.


The sweet sound beats like a musical note——


It was the stars dancing on the water.

All the spectators opened their eyes wide, watching the colorful stars leaping like elves and slowly splashing ripples on the water, and were completely attracted by them.

Until Pokkisi's dragonfly touched the water and spread out the curling smoke with the largest ripple.

The stars suddenly disappeared completely like illusory mirages.


Togekis flapped his wings and jumped back to his trainer.

Xiaoguang looked at it, lifted up her skirt and bent down to thank her, "Finish~"

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