My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 512 Attack instead of defense

Most good trainers never have just one Pokémon by their side.

But there is no doubt that no matter how the members of the team change, there is one Pokémon that they will always keep with them.

[Ace], [Core], [Soul Partner]...

There can be many titles, but what remains the same is that once the trainer confirms it, it is difficult to change it.

Some scholars believe that there is a special connection between trainers and ace Pokémon. This connection can effectively enhance the Pokémon's final combat power and produce an extraordinary improvement effect.

He used the Four Heavenly Kings and champions of each region as examples, and also used some conference winners for analysis.

The result is obvious. These people all have irreplaceable Pokémon, and most of the difficulties encountered in the battle will be habitually left to it to solve.

But so far, there is still no systematic and accurate answer to how much impact the identification of the ace Pokémon will have on its strength, and how to identify and help trainers select the ace Pokémon.

Adam also relied on the experience accumulated as a gym leader to be able to confirm that the latter already had the absolute ace Pokémon when Boss Kodora and Kashiwagi shouted the strange Menas that stimulated the state of enchantment. .

that's too regretful.

He originally thought that Kashiwagi had been exposed to Pokémon for less than a year, and might not have decided on the real ace Pokémon yet, but it turned out that an excellent trainer would not lose to others in all aspects.

'My third generation training plan...'

Adam had a look of sadness on his face, watching Kashiwagi talking to his Pokémon with a smile on his face, and out of nowhere he felt the pain in his heart.

It's as heartbreaking as going to draw a card with great joy, only to find that you missed the up time of the limited pool.

Forced change?

It is neither Adam's style to influence other people's will, nor does it go against the gentlemanly etiquette he has always observed. It also greatly deviates from the basic rules of a gym leader.


He opened his mouth to call, and the old housekeeper's voice came from behind him.

"Are you calling me? Master."

"Please let the doctor treat the two injured Menas, and then take him to change into dry clothes."

Adam saw Kashiwagi turning his head as if he had heard something, and said gently: "Wet clothes will affect your condition. Come back after changing."

"Good teacher."

The cypress wood is natural, and the lava is equipped to resist ultra-high temperature and attribute energy impact, and can even slow down physical collisions, but it is not waterproof and penetrates... is it for the convenience of cleaning?

And after he put away the Pokémon and left with Sebastian.

Adam looked at the messy pool field and said loudly: "Site change, wetland mode."


A dull machine sound sounded.

The pool began to release water, and the middle cracked and disappeared. A mixed field of ponds, grass and rocks slowly rose up and clicked into place.

He silently thought about the main direction of his next teaching.

It's not that he was planning to hide his secrets after finding out that Kashiwagi couldn't become the third generation successor of Liuli Gym.

The main teaching content that was previously thought up was basically to give priority to Meenas, reducing the proportion of teaching time for other Pokémon.

In this way, paired with his support, Kashiwagi will soon be able to identify the heterochromatic Menas as his trump card...

The battle just now actually had a certain degree of inducement.

You definitely can’t do that now.

Have to make adjustments again.

"Oh, it's true."

Adam shook his head. He was so entangled with the students who accepted him on a whim. Maybe he was really old.

It is inevitable that you will worry about gains and losses.

Not long after.

Kashiwagi returned in a light blue sportswear, which was brand new clothing specially provided for challengers. After all, in a water-based gym, it is normal to get wet due to various moves.

As a gentleman, Adam naturally cannot just drive away wet challengers. He often arranges bathing places, clothes drying machines and temporary changes of clothes for them.

This tradition has also been inherited by the new museum owner Mi Keli.

Lots of good reviews.


He quickly came to the edge of the field and whispered "Adam, the old god is here" in a low voice.

The middle-aged gentleman came to his senses as if he had just woken up from a dream, "Here you come? Since Menas is still undergoing treatment, let's talk about the gorgeous contest.

"Release your other two participating Pokémon."

"Okay." Kashiwagi obeyed.

Bang bang!



The big-mouthed baby and Happy Egg who landed on the ground quickly looked at Adam. They couldn't wait to find a place for their companions.

Especially the former, whose eyes are full of provocation——

Bullying a little girl is nothing, come on!

Adam felt the desire to fight in the eyes of the two Pokémon, smiled and threw the Poké Ball forward.

"Please, Goldfish King."


There was a flash of white light.

The goldfish king, with its body surface stained with black ink, its tail fin as wide and gorgeous as a butterfly wing, and a single horn on its forehead, fell into the irregular pond in the venue.

"Mah woo!"

It flicked its tail fin and suddenly jumped up. The splashing water gave off a charming halo in the deliberately adjusted light.

As a Pokémon worthy of being a top coordination trainer, it must have a short performance with its own special effects when it appears.

This must have become its habit.

Kashiwagi looked away and was about to walk towards the trainer's position, but was stopped by Adam.

"Don't worry, Kashiwagi-kun, what do you think is the most important thing about the gorgeous contest?"

"The most important thing, is it ornamental?"

He replied without hesitation, compared to the goal of final victory, there are endless ways to fight Pokémon.

Almost from beginning to end, the format of the gorgeous competition is based on the best viewing pleasure. Even though there are many helpless situations in the gorgeous battle where you win by defeating your opponent, its essence remains unchanged.

"You can say that."

Adam nodded, "So how do you make your Pokémon look gorgeous?"

Kashiwagi thought for a moment and replied tentatively: "Hmm...advanced aesthetics?"

If you want to attract the attention of others, it will definitely not work without some aesthetics. You will not be able to impress the audience and judges. How can they be willing to give high scores?

"Hahahaha, interesting explanation, and it is indeed not wrong. Aesthetics is indeed very important."

Adam laughed and continued: "In my opinion, gorgeous is a rather general word. If we want to accurately reflect it, it can be divided into five types -

"Beautiful, handsome, strong, smart and cute."

Um? Isn’t this the gorgeous competition grouping in the game?

Kashiwagi was stunned.

Adam only thought he was listening with rapt attention, and continued: "These five expression methods implement the gorgeous competition and complement each other. No matter which one is developed to the peak, it can help you become a top coordination trainer."

"……I see."

He had a teachable look on his face.

There is no concept of detailed grouping in animation, so the ability to distinguish these five properties comes purely from the experience of a middle-aged gentleman.

Although the content is not advanced or even basic, its importance is unquestionable.

"What I'm going to teach you today should be familiar to you, which is the art of showing Pokémon's 'smartness' - using offense instead of defense."

Adam said softly: "Do you still remember that water ring that merged with the blizzard and hit your Menas?"

"Yeah." Kashiwagi nodded wildly.

"Hehehe, it seems like it left a deep impression on you, so why don't we review it again."

He looked at the two Pokémon with a smile, spread his hands as if to invite them, and said, "Please feel free to attack."

"Hey?" "Happy?"

Big Mouth Baby and Happy Egg looked at each other, then turned to look at the trainer.

Kashiwagi looked at the latter and said decisively:

"Happy egg! Use your mind to force it!"

Spiritual power is invisible, and he is curious about how the water flow ring can fight back in a manner that almost fuses it like it does to a blizzard.

Adam acted so confident that he probably wouldn't be disappointed.


Happy Egg took a step forward, raised his two little hands high, and his eyes glowed with blue light.

Immediately after, there was a layer of blue film covering the body surface, and the invisible force rushed towards the goldfish king in the pond like tentacles.

"Ring of water."


The Goldfish King flicked its tail fin, and the surrounding tide suddenly surged up like a high wall. But in the next second, the tyrannical spiritual power hit the water wall and disintegrated it in an instant.

But Happy Egg didn't feel excited. Instead, his eyes widened in disbelief.


Because the disintegrated water did not break up, but continued like waves, flipping and rolling, forcibly tearing off the spiritual power it released.

As a result, a special individual that is different from the ordinary horizontal rotation of the water flow ring and adopts a vertical rolling pattern comes into being!

Adam turned to look at Kashiwagi and said softly:

"Psychic power is indeed a very tricky attack method, but even if it is covered with an invisible and qualityless coat, it still cannot change that it belongs to a certain energy.

"And water has form and quality, but it can contain everything in the world."

The words fell.

The vertically flipped water flow ring expanded instantly, and Happy Egg could feel his mental power being smashed back like a wall in the rolling water flow.

There is also ice-cold water splash by the way.



Happy Egg wiped his wet little face in frustration. Although with its exaggerated endurance, this kind of attack was no different from tickling, it was really insulting to Egg.

Of course, the gentle Big Egg is rarely really angry with other Pokémon. It just feels that it underestimates its enemies.

If you give it another try, it will definitely not be defeated so easily!

"Did you see it? It's water that uses offense instead of defense."

Adam's voice swirled around Kashiwagi's ears.

He silently thought about the sudden changes that occurred when the water flow ring was used just now.

Although Happy Egg follows the path of continuous damage like Galar Sun Coral, its mental strength is definitely not weak, otherwise it wouldn't be used frequently by him for output.

The Goldfish King was able to defeat this move, which is enough to prove that Adam's attack-replacing-defense approach is real and not just a flimsy attempt to defeat the weak.

"The water flow ring is just a form of offense instead of defense. Don't pay too much attention to it. The focus is on guiding and counterattacking the moves, and seizing the important moment of opportunity."

Adam paused and said, "You launch another attack."


Kashiwagi held down the restless happy egg and looked at the big-mouthed baby who had been waiting for a long time, "Big-mouthed baby... use big characters to explode!"


The big-mouthed baby excitedly swung its giant jaws behind its head, causing it to suddenly open and spit out a ball of fire, and then hit the ball of fire hard like a racket!


The fire ball exploded and turned into a large font of flames that flew away!

This was a move it had inexplicably used when reviewing the Flame Whirlwind Dance not long ago. It was a surprise to Big Mouth Baby, who had not been able to realize the new skill for a long time.

I have to say that this Pokémon is obviously a physical attack oriented Pokémon, and its special attack moves look quite powerful.

It's as if in the animated world, high-power moves have additional damage compensation.

Seeing the majestic characters exploding in flames, Adam smiled helplessly, "Goldfish King, Unicorn Diamond."

"Mah woo!"

The Goldfish King's eyes were fierce, and the horn on his forehead spun at high speed like a drill, making an extremely sharp whistle!

Buzz—! !

But the moment the large-character explosive flames fell on it, it seemed to be pulled by a mysterious force, surrounding the Goldfish King's horned diamond like a whirlpool of flames.

"Bounce back."

"Mah woo!"

In response to the trainer's instructions, the Goldfish King suddenly accelerated the rotation of his horn, turning the blazing flames into a thick pillar of fire, which rebounded menacingly!

Kashiwagi narrowed his eyes, "Swivel Flame Fang!"


The big-mouthed baby responded excitedly and quickly spun on one foot.

During the rotation, flames once again emerged from the giant jaws behind its head. The strands condensed together and spread. Within a moment, it was completely wrapped into a flame projectile, which collided with the giant pillar of flames spewing out.

Bang! !

The huge flame pillar was exploded, a small part collapsed, and most of it was integrated into the swirling flame projectiles, and it suddenly swelled to form a huge fireball!


Accompanied by a high-pitched cry, the big-mouthed baby turned into a giant fireball and leaped high with a pop, rushing towards the Goldfish King like a fireball from a red cannon!


The helplessness on Adam's face turned into surprise.

He originally wanted to tell Kashiwagi not to worry too much, even if it was teaching, he should give full play to the strength of the Pokémon. It was pointless to let the Pokémon use special attacks when it was clearly good at physical attacks.

But now that they met, it was clear that this pair had other plans!

Adam immediately shouted: "King Goldfish! Ultrasonic!"


The Goldfish King opened his mouth and screamed, and the white sound wave visible to the naked eye turned into an impact and hit the big-mouthed kid who had already rushed in front of him, but it only dispersed the most superficial layer of flames.

And it seemed like a fuse was lit, and the giant fireball suddenly exploded!

boom! !

The deafening explosion and the sky-high firelight flooded the pool where the Goldfish King was, and the billowing air waves blew against the faces of the two Pokémon outside the venue like aftershocks.

After a while.

The Big Mouth Baby appeared at the edge of the pool, while the Goldfish King had already left his original position and was on the water bank in the far distance. Only a single horn and a pair of eyes were exposed, and his underwater body seemed to have some scorch marks from the flames.

"This is really, really amazing."

Adam watched this scene with emotion.

Kashiwagi bowed his head and apologized, "I'm sorry, Teacher Adam, I overstepped my bounds."

The Fire Pillar that Big Mouth Boy had just returned from the Goldfish King's counterattack was obviously using offense instead of defense.

After all, he has always used this thing in actual combat. King Goldfish and Adam just gave him inspiration, plus the little selfishness of Big Mouth Baby.

In the end, this led to the [attack instead of defense] based on the Flame Fang.

So far, it seems that Dazuiwa has been quite successful.

But now it was Adam's teaching time, and it would be rude for him to experiment with moves without permission.

Even if the opponent never said that counterattack is not allowed.

"It's okay, I'm not angry about it yet."

Adam shook his head, "On the contrary, I am very happy. I am lucky as a teacher to be able to teach students like you who understand a little bit and dare to practice."

But after feeling relieved, he couldn't help but think of the fact that Kashiwagi already had the ace Pokémon.

He obviously has such good talent.

What a pity! !

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