My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 197 196 Chaotic Confrontation

Chapter 197 196. Chaotic confrontation

The representatives of the forces in the Elk Mansion were forced by Yuan Zhihai's order to attack the believers.

But not long after the fight, they discovered a terrible reality. The believers on the opposite side were basically above the first level of immortality, close to the second level of immortality.


The swords chopped, blood splattered in the conference room, heads rolled down, and several representatives of the forces died instantly.

They were no match for the cult at all, and half of them were slaughtered in the chaos in a short while.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Zhihai was frightened and sweated, and his reason returned.

He hurriedly shouted, "Wait, Lord Saint, I have never betrayed the cult. There must be some misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" Melanie casually admired her beautiful nails, "Yuan Zhihai, your son took my people out of the shelter last night. If it wasn't your order, your stupid son?"

When Yuan Ang was mentioned, Yuan Zhihai's heart was burning with anger. He suppressed his anger and whispered, "This is a misunderstanding, but your cult can't kill him without a thorough investigation."

Melanie raised her eyebrows, "When did we kill your son..."

The woman narrowed her eyes halfway through her words, "Oh no, we fell into the enemy's trap, quickly evacuate the shelter."

Yuan Zhihai's face changed, and he also reacted, "Is it an insider?"

The fact that the Elk Mansion colluded with the cult was exposed? !

"Wait, this is a trap set by the Alliance, quickly catch those untouchables!"

"If they run away, the Alliance might bombard the shelter, and then none of you can escape."

Yuan Zhihai's angry voice was close to a roar, and immediately woke everyone up.

"Quick, leave the shelter and catch those untouchables."

Everyone left in a hurry and ran towards the elevator of the shelter.

"Lord Saint Envoy, what should we do?" Han Feng asked.

A strange light flashed in Melanie's eyes, and she sneered: "Do these idiots in the mansion really think that the Fuling potion given to them is a free lunch? It's time for them to pay the price."

"It's just right, let the undead in the world see what the power of God is."

"Let's follow them."


In the shelter base, armored vehicles and trucks drove out one after another, filled with panicked people fleeing.

Lieutenant Gong Jinfa received the evacuation alarm from the shelter. After realizing that something had happened in the shelter, he immediately ordered the troops to return to the city to pick up the fleeing residents.

Fortunately, the reinforcements from the South District Headquarters had already arrived, which greatly relieved the pressure on the action team.

"Quick, quick, start the car, don't dawdle."

"Throw those who don't want to get on the car."

Gong Jinfa knew that time was urgent and the window for evacuating the people was shrinking. He could only keep urging them, shouting until his throat was smoking.

"Sir, what should we do with the undead people in the Elk Mansion?" A soldier ran over and asked.

Gong Jinfa had read the evidence provided by the rebels in the mansion and knew the details of these guys. After thinking for a while, he whispered cautiously: "Confiscate their weapons and arrange them in the same car for the last evacuation."

"Whoever dares to make trouble will be shot directly."

"Yes." The soldier left in a hurry.

The convoy kept going back and forth, and soon the Undead Guards arrived.

The Undead Guard Corps has the same functions as the Undead Squad that Liu Zhifeng managed before. It is also an Undead team guarding the shelter, but it is larger in size, with a total of 100 people.

The main force of the Undead in the Alliance is still developing in Haidu, the northern district, and cannot come back in a short time. In a hurry, they can only send the Guard Corps of the Southern District Headquarters Shelter to help Gong Jinfa.

The burly man leading the Guard Corps carried a machine gun on his back and a cigar in his mouth, and led a group of Undead to Gong Jinfa, "Hello, Lieutenant, I am Xiang Zhengchao, the head of the Guard Corps."

"Hello." Gong Jinfa shook hands with him.

"Captain Xiang, the Elk Mansion colluded with the Doomsday believers and threatened the people in the shelter. Evacuating the people would cut off their roots, and they would definitely stop it."

"Leave it to me, we are professionals."

Xiang Zhengchao waved, and the Undead Square Team walked into the base against the flow of people and the convoy.

The people in the shelter had almost been evacuated. They were driven out of the ground base by the soldiers, and the entire base became empty and spacious.

Xiang Zhengchao's eyes fell on the elevator in front of him, and the floor number on the display screen was still jumping.

"Is there anyone else?"

He narrowed his eyes, raised the machine gun, and the barrel slowly turned.


The elevator arrived, and as soon as the door opened, a group of undead people raised their rifles and fired wildly.

"Da Da Da!!"

"Fuck him!" Xiang Zhengchao roared, and the machine gun turned quickly, spraying fire snakes, and the shells fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"Kill them!"

The two sides came into direct contact, and the undead of the Guards Corps raised the heavy and tall bulletproof shield to advance, step by step.

On the other side, many undead people in the mansion fell, and the remaining undead people relied on the disaster ability to resist the impact of bullets.

"Xiang Zhengchao, get out of here!"

Yuan Zhihai came out of the elevator, his body grew taller in an instant, his skin turned into hard rock, and the bullets shot on it left only white marks.

Representatives of other forces were not to be outdone and used their calamity abilities to transform into calamity creatures, and their momentum immediately overwhelmed the Guards.

Xiang Zhengchao's face became solemn, and he commanded: "Retreat, don't confront them head-on."

Although the mansion managers such as Yuan Zhihai were not as powerful as the first generation of undead, they were not something the guards could confront head-on.

They could only suppress them with firepower and trick Yuan Zhihai and others out of the shelter.

But... although the idea was good, the enemy would not let them leave easily.

"Little brother, why are you in a hurry to leave?"

"Don't you want to play with me?"

A charming voice sounded from behind Yuan Zhihai, and pink mist spread out, instantly surrounding the guards.

"Not good!" Xiang Zhengchao wanted to struggle, but his body was blown soft and weak by the fragrant wind, and he couldn't even lift the machine gun in his hand.

"Sleep...Sleep, sleep in your sister's arms..." Melanie's seductive voice echoed in everyone's ears, making them sleepy and wanting to fall asleep in the gentle land.

"Damn it!" Xiang Zhengchao roared in his heart, "Xiang Zhengchao, how could you betray your beloved machine gun!"

I don't know if his roar worked, the illusion of Slaanesh suddenly broke, the pink mist dissipated, and the guards broke free from it.

"Retreat, quickly!"

Xiang Zhengchao shouted, leading the guards to quickly withdraw from the base.

"Huh?" Melanie retracted her magic and showed a look of surprise. Just at that moment, she felt that the illusion she created seemed to be cut open by something, which allowed the guards to break free from it.

"Saint Envoy, what should we do next?" Yuan Zhihai asked.

Melanie returned to the voice of God and sneered: "So many sacrifices can't be let go. God will only respond to loyal believers when he is bathed in blood. Chase after them."

Melanie and her group got on the armored vehicle and chased out.

And on the ruins of the high-rise building that they couldn't see, Su Hong took back the broken blade of the Song of the Soul.

"Melanie is just a small fish. We must fish out the big fish behind her."

"I hope you won't let me down."

His eyes flickered, and he turned into a shadow and followed.

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