My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 174 173 Helena's full firepower

Chapter 174 173. Helena's firepower is full

"Fragments..." Su Hong murmured, and walked towards the control room.

When he returned to the control room, the ten-minute countdown had ended. Helena said: "Some servers have been restarted. The remaining twelve positions of the shelter can be used. There are an unknown number of self-destruct drones in the hangar. Two missile silos have been detected to be in a non-launched state."

"Have the blasphemous servants come?" Su Hong asked, and then pulled out the hard drive containing the alchemy factory and other scientific and technological information and Helena's data.

For him, the data in this hard drive in his hand is much more valuable than the disaster items. If the alliance can digest the technology inside, the disaster technology can take a big step forward.

Then the alliance's chances of winning against the Dawn Cult can be greatly improved.

Hearing Su Hong's question, the screen flickered, and several blurred photos taken by the camera jumped out. In the dark snow scene, a blood-red figure flashed by.

The human centipede climbed over the high wall, leaving a pale mark in the camera.

"The radar has detected the target and can open fire at any time."

"Attention, the blasphemous servants are wandering nearby. The data center estimates that the Dawn Cult has discovered our intentions."

Su Hong waved his hand, "The position artillery starts firing and dispatches bomb drones."

"The order is being executed..."

In the monitoring screen, on the steel base more than ten meters high, the originally motionless machine gun muzzles and electromagnetic gun muzzles suddenly lifted up, the fire control radar showed the target, the electromagnetic gun was ready to go, the capacitor indicator light gradually lit up, and then with a bang, the iron bullet was ejected at a high speed, burning the air, and shooting at the target aimed at by the fire control radar.


A loud noise resounded outside the shelter, making everyone nervous.

Helena reported calmly: "The target was not hit, and crossfire was activated."

"Da da da da!!" Eight nearby machine guns rotated, spraying flames, thousands of revolutions per second, and a large number of shells were thrown out, falling to the ground with a crisp sound.

In order to avoid the machine gun strafing, the two targets on the radar moved quickly, but at this time, the two electromagnetic guns had cooled down, the indicator lights were fully lit, and two iron balls were fired from the muzzles, shooting into the ruins at a speed that the camera could not capture.

A rumble sounded, and the target on the radar stopped moving.

"The target has been hit. It is inferred that the target has lost its mobility. The suicide drone team is approaching."

Fires lit up in the ruins, smoke and dust filled the air. The electromagnetic guns and machine guns concentrated their firepower and continued to bombard the targets in the ruins. After a few minutes, they disappeared completely on the radar.

Helena: "The target blasphemous servant, the flesh giant, has died."

"So it was killed like this?!" Li Qingzhen was shocked. He found that the firepower system of the shelter was just like a toy in Helena's hands. With the turret, it could easily kill the fourth-level undead creatures.

"Self-planning, self-decision-making, when did the alliance have such powerful artificial intelligence technology." He was secretly surprised.

Helena: "Locked on the blasphemous servant Human Centipede, the blasphemous servant is a high-mobility target, and more drones have been dispatched to restrict its movement."

In the camera monitoring, the Human Centipede quickly roamed around the shelter position to avoid the machine gun shooting.

Its speed was too fast, and the speed of the eight machine guns could not keep up with its speed. The projected bone spear even penetrated one machine gun.

But the machine gun was controlled by Helena, an artificial intelligence with a mind. The server began large-scale calculations to estimate the movement trajectory of the Human Centipede.

The machine gun muzzle, which could not catch up with the Human Centipede, suddenly moved an advance amount. The Human Centipede did not react and just fell into the attack range.

"Da Da Da Da!!!"

The machine gun concentrated its firepower, and the bullets poured out, instantly penetrating the Human Centipede's carapace defense, smashing the human limbs wandering on it.

The Human Centipede wailed and moved quickly, trying to avoid the machine gun shooting, but Helena once again predicted its movements in advance, and the machine gun accurately shot at the same body position.

After several rounds of back and forth, under the gaze of everyone, the human centipede fled in a panic, and its speed slowed down a lot, but it had already approached the turret, and it threw out a bone spear, and pierced through the two machine guns in front of it.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the human centipede threw the bone spear, an electromagnetic cannon attacked, completely piercing its body from the middle, and the human centipede broke into two pieces, twisting and struggling on the ground.

"Good opportunity!" Everyone watched this scene nervously, and the drones lined up to fly towards the human centipede and detonated together.


Fires shot up into the sky, soil splashed, and the violent explosion affected the close-range machine guns, destroying several gun barrels.

The machine gun and the electromagnetic cannon began to fire together, suppressing the target for a few minutes, and the bullet inventory was reduced by hundreds of thousands, and finally the human centipede was eliminated.

"Great, we succeeded!" Liu Fan was the most impatient and shouted excitedly.

Su Hong saw this scene and was about to relax, but he still cautiously issued an order to Helena, "Search for surrounding targets again."

"Ding, the radar is scanning..."

Su Hong stared at the radar map, and a red dot appeared on the screen that was originally empty.

He frowned, "Helena, what enemy is it?"

"Warning, a large number of targets are detected approaching the shelter, and it is speculated that the cult troops are returning to defend."

As soon as Helena finished speaking, more red dots immediately appeared on the radar map. Their number was so dense that it made people's scalps numb.

"Why so fast?!" Su Hong's face darkened, "Can we send out a missile?"

"The missile is loaded with a nuclear warhead, and the target is only 300 meters away from the shelter. The detonation of the missile is likely to cause damage to the shelter structure."

"No need to worry about that, launch it."

"The missile silo has been opened. It is recommended that the manager retreat into the shelter."

On the snowy ground more than ten kilometers away from the shelter, flames suddenly burst out from the ground, and a missile sprayed tail flames and rushed towards the shelter.

In the shelter, Su Hong pulled out the encapsulator and hung it on his body. Then he led Li Qingzhen and the others to follow Helena's instructions and ran to the more solid shelter.

In just a dozen seconds, the flames burned the gloomy clouds red, and a missile carrying the most terrible destructive power of mankind fell like a sky fire on earth, falling towards the most densely populated place of the cult.


The flames devoured everything, and the heat wave swept, submerging the shelter in dust and flames.

The underground shelter was shaking, the walls were cracked, and the collapsed pipes almost hit Su Hong.

The muffled thunder lasted for dozens of seconds before it completely subsided. There were not many places in the shelter that suffered serious damage. The power of the nuclear missile was indeed terrifying, but it could not penetrate the ground.

However, a large number of electronic equipment were completely scrapped in this storm, and Helena could not contact the server.

"Warning, a large number of high-risk targets are approaching, it is recommended to leave the shelter."

As soon as Helena finished speaking, she seemed to detect something, and her voice changed emotionally.

"It was detected that a very high-risk target entered the shelter through the underground track."

"Manager, we have no way to escape."

"Super high risk?!"

Su Hong was shocked. The blasphemous servant who had just entered the fourth level of immortality was called a high-risk target by Helena. How powerful must the super high-risk target be? !


A loud noise suddenly spread throughout the shelter, the walls and ceiling collapsed, and the target was approaching them at a very fast speed.

Su Hong gritted his teeth and said, "Does this shelter have a self-destruct program? Let's fight him."

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