My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 89: Escape

Deng Jie's bright eyes began to scan the group of policemen, and the policeman hiding behind others tightened himself. Reading

Perhaps it was because of the venting just now, Deng Jie did not lose her temper now, but said lightly

"It's almost time, let's go to the cafeteria to eat. As for the three of them, tie them firmly to the pillar and starve them for a day. After eating, change their posts with the guards above"


After seeing the response, Deng Jie took the lead and walked to the cafeteria area. During the few days trapped here, another female police officer was cooking. Although Deng Jie also wanted to help him, after helping him once yesterday, she was voted by all the staff not to enter the kitchen again. As for the reason, it's better not to say.

The cafeteria is an open cafeteria. There is only a transparent glass between the kitchen and the dining area. The purpose is to let customers see the cooking environment and the cooking skills of the chefs.

Now there is a young woman in a chef's uniform in the kitchen. She is beautiful, gentle, and good at cooking. She is simply the dream goddess of male policemen.

"Siya, is the meal ready?"

Siya, who was watching the fire, smiled gently and elegantly after hearing the voice, and replied

"Yes, it's almost done. As long as the rice is cooked, we can eat. Please sit down first."

The male compatriots following Deng Jie began to tidy up their clothes one by one, obviously wanting to attract the goddess's attention or surprise.

Her full name is Gongsun Siya. It is said that she is the eldest daughter of the Gongsun family. For some reason, she took the initiative to become a police officer, and she is also a good friend of Deng Jie.

Gongsun Siya looked at the men who pretended to be spirited, and couldn't help but smile, instantly charming the male compatriots around her to look intoxicated. Deng Jie looked at their expressions, and the anger that had just been suppressed seemed to rise again.

A sharp-eyed male policeman, seeing Captain Deng's expression, quickly grabbed the uniforms of others and watched everyone trying to wink at Deng Jie. Now the policemen who were originally intoxicated all woke up and quickly sat in their seats, straightened their backs, looked at the opposite side, and did not dare to move.

Gongsun Siya looked at the people who suddenly became honest, and knew that it was the credit of her bestie. Gongsun Siya had nothing to say about this, she was used to it, and they had been good besties in the same dormitory since college.

She naturally knew her bestie's personality very well. She had a strong sense of responsibility, did things without dragging her feet, and always adhered to the bottom line. It can be said that if she were not a girl, she would want to marry her.

When Gongsun Siya looked at Deng Jie with a very regretful look, the rice was cooked.

Gongsun Siya placed the dishes she had made before in front of everyone one by one. Because there were a lot of people, she used the kind of round table in the restaurant. After the dishes filled the round table, Gongsun Siya placed the rice she had just made on the round table, and everyone could serve the rice at will.

The dishes on the table are all home-cooked dishes that can be made by ordinary families, such as three fresh dishes, leeks and eggs, stir-fried meat with garlic sprouts, fried meatballs, braised pork slices, and egg drop soup.

Although the dishes are home-cooked dishes, they are full of color, aroma and taste, and are no worse than the skills of chefs in some five-star hotels.

"It's time to eat, everyone, don't be polite, everyone, pick up your chopsticks"

"Thank you, Siya, it looks delicious, I won't be polite"

A male policeman couldn't wait to take a bite. To be honest, even if it's not delicious, as long as he looks at her face, he can eat it happily even if it's Houttuynia cordata, not to mention the dishes made by someone with such high appearance and cooking skills.

"Eat slowly!"

"Shut up! Shameless little thief! Leave some for me!"

Everyone started to eat the food on the table one bite at a time. Deng Jie also picked up the chopsticks and took a bite, then said with a sigh

"As expected of you, the taste is beyond words, so delicious, why can't I make such delicious food?"

Gongsun Siya looked at Deng Jie and smiled.

"Who told you to mistake sugar for salt, MSG for sugar, and salt for MSG? You can't even tell the difference between seasonings. It's strange that your cooking can be delicious."

After saying that, she covered her mouth and laughed a few times. Deng Jie didn't want to talk about this and started to eat a lot.

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh at you anymore. Next time I have a chance, I will teach you how to cook."

Just when Deng Jie and the others were eating happily, Shen Jialong, who was unconscious in another room, woke up. To be honest, the kick he just received was really heavy. Fortunately, his physical fitness was better than the other two, so he could wake up in a short time.

Otherwise, it would be bad. Yes, the three of them did it on purpose. They deliberately made trouble and deliberately got knocked unconscious. Even if they were not knocked unconscious, they pretended to be knocked unconscious.

But what they didn't expect was that Deng Jie hit them so hard. It turned out that she wanted to pretend to be unconscious, but she didn't expect that she was really unconscious. The three of them agreed to find a chance to escape after the police guarding them left.

They even got the handcuffs keys when the police were careless. Now they are waiting for an opportunity. When they are completely relaxed, it will be the day for them to escape.

And now is the best opportunity. The police thought that the three of them were completely unconscious and would not wake up for a long time. Unfortunately, man proposes, God disposes. These two guys who are more likely to fail were actually knocked unconscious.

It's not his fault that Shen Jialong is disloyal. Shen Jialong took out the key that he had prepared long ago from his shoes and opened the handcuffs and leg cuffs. After moving his wrists and ankles, he ignored the remaining two people and sneaked towards the window.

As for why he didn't go to the gate, it was because the gate was not only locked from the inside, but also piled up with obstacles like a hill blocking the door. It would take dozens of minutes just to move the obstacles in front of the gate. It would be better to find a window and jump out of it.

Although the window was boarded up, Shen Jialong knew that there was a window that was not boarded up, but simply covered with a layer of newspaper to block the zombies' sight.

That was the utility room where the sundries were stored. The main reason was that the window of the utility room was on the wall, which was out of reach for ordinary people. It could only be reached with a ladder. People needed tools to reach it, let alone zombies, so there were no wooden boards on the windows of the utility room.

This gave Shen Jialong a perfect escape route. Shen Jialong tiptoed slowly towards the utility room. He was highly focused along the way, fearing that he would be discovered by the police. Fortunately, besides the police who were eating, there were only police officers on guard on the roof of the rest station.

Shen Jialong successfully arrived at the utility room without being discovered. After carefully opening the door of the utility room, he flashed into the utility room and then gently closed the door.

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