My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 872 The Guide

In theory, such air-raid shelters should have their own circulation system to maintain a basic ecological environment, at least there will be no water shortage.

However, these people who live in the three-defense air-raid shelters are all covered in dust and their clothes are tattered and dirty. They don’t look like the high-ranking officials who live in the air-raid shelters at all.

"Takahashi! It's a plane! And it's a military plane!"

"Are they here to save us? Great! We can finally escape from this hell."

"Looking at the plane, it looks like the M Army's Osprey transport plane, but it should be the latest model of Osprey transport plane. This is the first time I've seen this model."

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝓉𝓌𝓀𝒶𝓃.𝒸ℴ𝓂]

"Wait a minute! What is that!"

The group of survivors trapped in the underground air-raid shelter saw three surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles suddenly appear on the screen. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that the three surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles would shoot down the three new "Osprey transport planes" that they had never seen before.

They stared at the screen nervously, and then saw the three surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles behind exploded without any attack.

Although they didn't know what was going on, they still shouted excitedly.

If they just guessed that the three transport planes would save them, they are now certain that the three transport planes are here to save them.

Because they saw that the three transport planes did not change their course from the beginning, and they were still flying straight towards this side.

Now the capital of the entire narrow island country has become a ruin, and only their side has a few remaining buildings, which is also the entrance and exit of this underground air-raid shelter.

If this transport plane is not looking for them, then what is it?

It is precisely because of this speculation that the people in the underground air-raid shelter are sure that the three transport planes are coming for them.

However, there is really no big problem with what these people think, except that Cai Wenjie's purpose is not these living people, but something on one of them.

After dealing with the anti-aircraft missiles, the three transport planes officially entered the capital of the narrow island country and successfully arrived at the upper area of ​​the target, which is also above the entrance and exit of the underground air-raid shelter.

"No mutant zombies were found nearby, so you can land."


Except for the transport plane where Cai Wenjie was, the other two transport planes landed on the ground first.

The two transport planes that landed first opened the hatch before touching the ground, allowing the soldiers inside the cabin to leave the cabin as quickly as possible, and then began to guard the surroundings.

At the same time, a soldier with a nuclear radiation detector began to check whether the surrounding radiation exceeded the standard.

"The nuclear radiation value is normal, you can continue to move."

After confirming that the nuclear radiation in the surrounding area did not exceed the standard, the transport plane carrying Cai Wenjie landed on the ground with confidence.

Cai Wenjie, who was also wearing an enchanted exoskeleton armor, walked out of the cabin.

He first looked around, then looked down at the map for a while, and immediately locked their current location and the area where the target was located.

"Looking at this reaction, is the system plug-in underground?"

He was clearly standing on the red dot displayed by the target, but there was no prompt, which left only one explanation, that is, the target was under his feet.

There was no other way. In order to obtain the system plug-in, Cai Wenjie was going to let the soldiers work together to dig, even if they had to dig three feet deep to find the system plug-in.

However, before Cai Wenjie officially gave the order to dig, a voice appeared in the ruins nearby.

"See you there!"

Cai Wenjie, who was already proficient in the languages ​​of three Asian countries, immediately understood the meaning of this sentence. He turned his head sharply and looked at a place buried by tiles in the ruins, where the voice came from.

The other soldiers also heard this voice. Except for those soldiers in the outer realm, the others immediately turned their guns and aimed at the place covered by tiles.

"Wait a minute! Don't shoot, we are just civilians, not zombies!"

A tall, bespectacled man who looked very thin crawled out of the ruins, or more accurately, crawled out of a secret door in the ruins.

By the way, to avoid accidental injuries, the tall man with glasses, while repeating in the island language and English that he was not a zombie, raised his hands high and dared not move.

Now it was Cai Wenjie's turn to be a little surprised. He didn't expect that after this narrow island country suffered so many nuclear bombs, there were still survivors, and the survivors appeared in the capital, the main target of the nuclear bombs.

This made Cai Wenjie sigh at how strong the human instinct for survival is.

For this survivor, Cai Wenjie did not respond immediately, but quietly looked at the man with glasses not far away without saying a word, just staring at him.

And the tall man with glasses began to feel uneasy in his heart. He originally thought that these people came to save them, but now this situation is obviously a bit wrong.

The tall man with glasses stopped repeating the two sentences, and then carefully observed the people in front of him.

Soon, the tall man with glasses shrank his pupils, as if he saw something incredible, pointed at the soldiers' armbands with trembling hands, and then asked in a trembling voice in the unfamiliar Chinese language.

"Are you a Z-pot?"

Cai Wenjie looked at the tall man with glasses who was shaking for some reason and answered in a teasing tone.

"What, is there a problem?"

"Mei, Meisheng?"

"Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense with you. You crawled out from the ground, that is to say, this

"Seems, seems"

"You are honest. I won't make things difficult for you because you are so honest. I came here to find something, and this thing is here with you

"Understand, I will lead the way"

The tall man with glasses did not have the courage to refuse Cai Wenjie at all. He just kept nodding and bowing, and took the initiative to ask to lead the way.

Looking at the tall man with glasses who was so humble, Cai Wenjie immediately lost interest, turned around and waved his hand, asking the soldiers to follow the tall man with glasses into the air-raid shelter.

I don’t know if it’s because he feels that he has saved his life, or for some other reasons, but I always feel that this tall man with glasses is unusually happy, and Cai Wenjie can see a hint of smugness and a feeling of revenge from his eyes from time to time.

Soon, under the guidance of the man with glasses, Cai Wenjie and the soldiers successfully arrived at the underground air-raid shelter.

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