Finally, when the drone descended to 18 meters, the speed-type mutant zombie hidden on the top of the hill immediately burst out all its strength and performed a run-up jump with all its strength. →

Finally, at the cost of being shattered to pieces, the drone was successfully taken down from the sky, and fell more than ten meters high with the speed-type mutant zombie.

On the other side, the operator who remotely controlled the drone, looking at the drone falling into darkness on the screen, immediately realized that he seemed to have been fooled.

"These zombies actually have this ability?"

The operator, who felt insulted, immediately stood up and came to Cai Wenjie, telling him everything he had encountered.

"...It seems that this should be the work of the mysterious mutant zombie, but it can find a way to lure you in such a short time, which means that the body of this mysterious mutant zombie must be nearby"

After hearing what the operator of the drone said, Cai Wenjie immediately realized that this should be the mysterious mutant zombie that controls the entire group of zombies.

"This zombie must not be left alive! Pass my order, let the armed helicopters and drone bombers take off urgently, blow these zombies to pieces, don't worry about anything else"

"Yes! Make sure to complete the mission"

A moment later, in Cai Wenjie's temporary base, all the armed helicopters, drone bombers, and reconnaissance and strike machines were dispatched.

They moved straight to the place where the drone reconnaissance aircraft just crashed.

At this time, the corpse controller had already led other zombies away from the original area quickly.

It must be said that the corpse controller is very decisive. Since it controlled the speed-type mutant zombie to pull down the drone reconnaissance aircraft, it immediately realized that it would be in danger, so it decisively abandoned other ordinary zombies and took only the mutant zombies to find another way to escape from here.

Not long after the corpse controller left with its mutant zombie army, the armed helicopters and drone bombers that came from the temporary base arrived here.

"Arrived at the designated location and started cruise bombing"


After the two armed helicopters began to divide the areas they wanted to bomb, they began to pour all their ammunition.

As for the drone bombers, they specifically chose the places where the zombies gathered the most to drop bombs.

The zombies without any means of counterattack could only be slaughtered like fish on a chopping board.

Every time a large number of drone bombers dropped bombs, a large number of zombies would die, especially those zombies with strange appearances.

As long as there were a few zombies with strange appearances, they would be targeted by the drone bombers in the sky.

In this way, with the cooperation of drone bombers and armed helicopters, after a few hours, the zombies below had nothing to move and all died under the artillery fire.

Unfortunately, even in the end they could not find the mutant zombie that could control the zombie group, that is, the corpse controller.

At this time, the corpse controller had brought his mutant zombie troops to a small mountain village with no people.

The ground of this small mountain village was full of skeletons, some human and some animal, which was very strange.

After seeing this situation, the corpse controller stopped immediately and did not dare to move forward.

It was not afraid of the skeletons on the ground, but because it sensed that there was something in the villa, and this unknown thing could threaten its life, so it did not dare to move forward.

The corpse controller, who cherished his life, immediately controlled other mutant zombies to cover it to leave the villa. At the same time, it also controlled a speed-type mutant zombie to quietly approach the villa to see what was inside that could make it so afraid.

The speed-type mutant zombie was very agile and light, so when it slowed down its speed and quietly approached the villa, it did not make any sound.

Just when the corpse controller thought he was about to know what was inside, a slight sound interrupted his thoughts.

It turned out that because of the distraction just now, the speed-type mutant zombie controlled by the corpse controller accidentally stepped on the forearm of a skeleton, and the forearm bone was directly broken into two pieces because it could not withstand the pressure, and it also made a crisp sound.


Even if the sound was small, it was still very harsh in an open place.

The corpse controller decisively controlled the speed-type mutant zombie to run back, but before the speed-type mutant zombie turned around, a dense mass of small flying insects appeared in the sky. If you look closely, you can find that these small flying insects are actually bees.

However, compared with ordinary bees, these bees are much stronger than ordinary bees in terms of size and other aspects.

When the swarm of bees appeared in the sky, the speed-type mutant zombie stopped instead, and then stared at the bees in the sky motionlessly.

At this time, the corpse controller was also using his mental power to control the bee swarm.

The corpse controller thought that if he could control zombies, then it was a sure thing that he could control insects smaller than zombies.

But he suddenly found that he could not control these insects, which he thought was a sure thing. This made him feel very incredible.

And the other side seemed to be angered by his behavior. The dense bees began to gather together and turned into a bulging black smoke. People with trypophobia would jump off the building in fear when seeing this scene.

However, the corpse controller was not very scared. It felt that the bees' attack method was at most to attack the enemy with the sting in their tails. If it was a living creature, it might feel unbearable pain because of the toxins in the sting.

But facing the bug-level existence of zombies that were not affected by toxins at all, the sting was just like tickling at most, which was useless to them.

However, when these bees really started to attack, the corpse controller found that he seemed to have misjudged.

After the dense bees surrounded the speed-type mutant zombie, they began to attack the body of the speed-type mutant zombie like mosquitoes in summer.

Unlike bees that sting people with stingers, these bees do not sting, but start to bite.

Perhaps because of the virus, the mouths of these bees can bite off a piece of flesh and blood the size of a fingernail at a time, and then swallow it quickly.

One or two of them are not a big deal, after all, zombies have lost their sense of pain, and they won't even feel a ache even if their kidneys are bitten.

But the problem is that the speed-type mutant zombies are now surrounded by thousands of bees. Even if a bee bites off a small piece of meat at most, the large amount will cause a qualitative change. This speed-type mutant zombie can't even hold on for ten seconds, and it turns into a skeleton wearing tattered clothes.

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