My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 845 Reinforcement

On the other side

The battle on Cai Wenjie's side was coming to an end. After continuous fighting, the number of zombies on the opposite side was less than a few dozen, or more accurately, only a few dozen could still move. (-_-) (-_-)

"It's almost done. The infantry will stay, and the veterans will take the new recruits to collect heads and train their courage. The rest of the troops will immediately reinforce the mecha troops."

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In order to save time, Cai Wenjie did not let the infantry go to reinforce, but let armored vehicles, armed helicopters and other more mobile armored units support the battle in the rear.

As for Cai Wenjie, he did not go to reinforce the rear together, but stayed to command the infantry to re-shoot the corpses and deal with the aftermath. After all, leaving so many corpses alone is definitely not a good thing, and they must be burned immediately.


The sight turned back to the mecha troops.

The soldiers of the mecha troops successfully blocked the zombies in a narrow passage with special incendiary bombs, and used long-range sniper weapons to eliminate dozens of mutant zombies that were enough to pose a certain threat to the mecha.

However, the zombies in these zombies were controlled by other mutant zombies, so although these zombies instinctively did not want to get close to the sea of ​​fire, they slowly approached the sea of ​​fire under the control of other mutant zombies, and then turned into torches one after another.

It only takes a dozen seconds for these zombies to turn into charcoal after entering the sea of ​​fire, but when more and more zombies poured into the sea of ​​fire to serve as pedals for other zombies, there was still a group of zombies with better luck rushing out of the sea of ​​fire, especially those mutant zombies.

Of course, although the zombies' methods have a certain effect, it is also equivalent to constantly adding burning materials to the sea of ​​fire. The flames that could only last for a few hours are now enough to burn for several days and nights after being filled by countless zombies.

Although the number of zombies and mutant zombies who forcibly rushed out is small, they are all relatively strong.

If they fight mecha troops in close combat, although they still cannot beat the mechas, they can still cause some trouble to them.

The mecha troops who have been guarding outside naturally know this, so they took the lead in launching the attack.

The three mechas standing in the front immediately put away the sniper cannons in their hands, and then took out the 20mm caliber Vulcan cannons from their backs. After slightly aiming the direction, they pulled the trigger at the mutant zombies a few hundred meters away.

In an instant, the firepower network formed by the three Vulcan cannons with a shooting rate of 6,000 rounds per minute directly beat the zombies and mutant zombies who rushed out by chance into a pool of meat paste.

Even those power-type mutant zombies and shield-type mutant zombies, after encountering the continuous attack of the Vulcan cannon, could not escape the fate of being turned into meat paste.

Under the suppression of the Vulcan cannon, not only these zombies and mutant zombies who rushed out by chance, but also those zombies and mutant zombies who had not yet rushed out suffered together. After all, the penetration ability of the Vulcan cannon is not a joke.

In less than a minute, the zombies and mutant zombies who had managed to escape from the sea of ​​fire were almost dead.

When there were no more living zombies and mutant zombies in sight, the mechas operating the Vulcan cannon stopped shooting.

Each mecha can only carry 30,000 spare bullets. According to the firing rate of the Vulcan cannon, they can only shoot for about five minutes at most.

"Stop shooting, save ammunition!"

If Chief Cai Wenjie was there, they would not need to save bullets, but the problem is that Cai Wenjie is not around now, so they must save bullets to avoid unnecessary waste.

The zombies were temporarily suppressed back into the sea of ​​fire, but they would definitely rush out again after a short time.

But the zombies could not wait until that time, because the first batch of reinforcements had already arrived above the scene.

Two armed helicopters flew over the heads of the mecha troops and began to fire rockets at the other side of the sea of ​​fire.

The density of the zombies was too high. Often, a rocket could take away dozens of zombies. This was not an exaggeration. There was no other way. The zombies were crowded and ready to rush into the sea of ​​fire.

It was difficult not to kill so many zombies when they were bombed at this time.

After the two armed helicopters fired all the rockets, at least nearly 3,000 ordinary zombies were eliminated, and even more than a dozen mutant zombies died here.

After the armed helicopters fired all the rockets, they did not leave directly, but kept circling over the zombies and then used machine guns to attack the zombies below.

At this time, the armored forces on the ground also arrived here, and the armored forces composed of dozens of infantry fighting vehicles and dozens of tanks appeared strongly.

Although the zombies were trapped behind the sea of ​​fire and could not rush out, this did not affect the performance of the armored forces.

Three unmanned reconnaissance aircraft took off urgently. After flying behind the sea of ​​fire, they used their own high-definition cameras to transmit the location and direction of the zombies to the command system of the rear armored forces.

Relying on the images and coordinates provided by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, the tanks of the armored forces began to slowly adjust the muzzles. After everything was ready, more than a dozen tanks officially joined the battle.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

The continuous bombardment directly blew up the zombies on the opposite side, who could not even rush out of the sea of ​​fire. A large number of zombies were blown to pieces while looking confused, and the rest were also blown more than ten meters away by the shock wave of the tank shell explosion.

The continuous bombing, coupled with the machine gun strafing of the armed helicopter, the zombies had no ability to fight back at all and could only passively take the beating.

The number of zombies was also decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. If the fight continued like this, the zombies would definitely lose.

At this time, the mutant zombie who controlled the entire zombie group also felt helpless, but he couldn't bear to leave so many tool zombies behind, so the zombies began to flee collectively for the first time.

The armed helicopters and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft discovered the strange behavior of the zombies at the first time.

"Are they running away?"

"I guess so. We need to notify them quickly.

Soon, the armored forces on the ground learned that the zombies on the opposite side had escaped, and immediately increased their artillery firepower, trying to keep them here.

However, it is a pity that the zombies ran too fast, and the tank troops' firepower coverage soon lost its original effect, and the lethality was greatly reduced.

"We can't let them go back like this, use our advantage to take a detour! Relying on our speed, we can appear in front of them in advance and intercept them."


The armored vehicles, tanks, and infantry fighting vehicles of the armored forces stopped shooting, and then began to take shortcuts, heading to the place where the zombies were going back at the fastest speed, preparing to annihilate all the zombies there.


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