My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 83: After the War

"Hello, villagers of the former Jiufeng Village! I am the person in charge of the Xinguang Gathering Place and the manager of this army!"

After Cai Wenjie finished speaking, he saw the people below. The emotions revealed in their eyes were clearly detectable. Fear, confusion, and hatred were all normal. Only one person had the same emotion in his eyes. Others are different. ReadМ

That was the child who was initially determined to be Zhou Zucai's daughter. There was no hatred in his eyes, only relief and admiration.

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Although he was a little confused, Cai Wenjie continued.

"As for why I came to your village fully armed, it's because your previous village chief Zhou Zucai robbed the food that the official gathering place urgently needed. Without food, the official gathering place can't hold on for long, and they will all starve to death! But! Your village chief, Zhou Zucai, recklessly stole food and even kidnapped the driver and special police officer of the convoy. How audacious!”

Cai Wenjie simply said the reason why he came here

"So, the army sent me to deal with this matter. Because of its serious nature, the village chief Zhou Zucai shot him directly! The property was confiscated, and all the armed personnel involved in robbing the grain team were also dealt with. As for the ordinary villagers, since you did not directly participate in the robbery, Therefore, death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be avoided. From now on, half of the food production of your village will be handed over to Xinguang Gathering Area in three years! It will be changed to 30% in three years, and all of you alive must farm."

Cai Wenjie couldn't think of any punishment for a while, so he could only tell half of the grain output without any pain, but the people below still objected to such a request.

"No! Why should I hand over half of the food? We don't agree!"

"Yes! No! We don't agree!"

The person who said this was a young man, and the one who echoed was also a young man, while the middle-aged people and women all closed their mouths and accepted it silently.

"I think you are wrong in some places. I am not asking you! I am informing you that if you don't even agree to these, then I can only ask you to meet your village chief."

After Cai Wenjie finished speaking, some of the soldiers below pulled out all the people who had just spoken, and forced them to kneel down, with the muzzle of the gun pointed at their forehead.

When had the young man experienced this kind of intimidation? He was so frightened that he began to tremble and begged for mercy.

"I agree! I agree! Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Seeing that the young man had surrendered, Cai Wenjie shook his head, and the soldiers understood and put down their guns.

"Who is against it now?"

Everyone avoided Cai Wenjie's gaze wherever they looked. Cai Wenjie nodded with satisfaction and continued.

"From now on, your new village chief will be appointed by me personally, and your village name will be changed back to Jiufeng Village, and it will become an affiliated village of Xinguang Gathering, specializing in the production of food! The security issues of Jiufeng Village will be provided by Xinguang Gathering!"

In fact, weapons and ammunition are provided, and personnel are recruited locally.

"The new village chief will be the housekeeper of the original villa, Qu Liangchen, and he will be responsible for everything in Jiufeng Village."

Qu Liangchen, who was beside Cai Wenjie, first adjusted his clothes and slightly bent his head on the stage. Cai Wenjie continued after watching Qu Liangchen's movements.

"I hope I won't come here fully armed again in the future. I hope you can take care of yourself! Let's go."

After Cai Wenjie finished speaking briefly, he took the drivers who originally surrendered to the big truck containing grain. In order to confirm that Cai Wenjie personally inspected the grain, and after confirming that it was real grain, he led the crowd to escort the grain truck away from Jiujiu. Peak Village.

As for how Qu Liangchen handles the remaining problems, it depends on his own abilities. Qu Liangchen did live up to Cai Wenjie's trust. After Cai Wenjie left, he used his own methods to reorganize the villagers and build a defense team. , specializing in protecting the safety of the village.

He cleverly transferred the prestige of the former village chief to himself and became a veritable village chief.

Cai Wenjie, on the other hand, led his motorcade to the stadium gathering place. At this time, it started to get bright and it happened to be morning.

Watching the dawn dawn, Cai Wenjie opened the system task list

first is

Random mission: Take back the food! (completed)

B-level mission

Mission goal: Recapture the food at the stadium gathering place and escort it to the stadium.

Mission introduction: The food convoy that originally supplied the stadium was robbed by vicious gangsters. The stadium gathering area is in urgent need of this batch of food for the winter. Please take back the robbed food before the stadium gathering area runs out of food.

Mission rewards:


Type 89 heavy machine gun*2

Extra bonus:

Clone soldier*1

In addition to the fixed five thousand points for B-level missions, there are also two heavy machine guns and a quota for a clone soldier.

Points aside, there is a very interesting story about this Type 89 heavy machine gun.

The Type 89 7mm heavy machine gun is the main weapon for long-range fire support of the active infantry unit of the Z country army. The most important thing is that with a total weight of 2 kilograms, this gun has become the lightest active 7mm heavy machine gun in the world.

The birth of the Type 89 heavy machine was completely caused by an "own error". When developing the Type 89 heavy machine, the military industry of Z country referred to the weapons intelligence of these two powerful countries. It turned out that Mao Xiong's newly developed NSV heavy machine gun actually only has 25 Kilogram weight.

At that time, the weight of heavy machine guns in the world was generally 60~100 kilograms. For this shocking data, the military industry of Country Z could only face the challenge and repeatedly revised the design of the Type 89 heavy machine gun, and adopted a large amount of lightweight materials, and finally developed a prototype gun that weighed only 5 kilograms including the tripod.

Although it is slightly heavier than the rumored NSV heavy machine gun, it is quite close. At this time, the exact news came that the gun body of the NSV heavy machine gun weighed 25 kilograms, not including the bracket.

According to rumors, after hearing the exact news, the R\u0026D personnel blocked the intelligence officer who spread the wrong message in the alley and beat him up.

And the intelligence officer was beaten directly and stayed in the hospital for several months.

After talking about the Type 89 heavy machine gun, Cai Wenjie looked at the biggest gain of this time

Campaign mission: Break through Wumi Village (completed)

No level mission

Mission goal: Break through Wumi Village, kill all enemy armed personnel, and rescue hostages.

Mission introduction: The villagers of Wumi Village not only robbed the food, but also kidnapped the driver of the food convoy and the special police escorting the food. As the manager of the Xinguang gathering place, you have promised others to take back the food, but as a manager, you feel that taking back the food is not enough, so you decide to eliminate all the armed personnel in Wumi Village and rescue the kidnapped hostages.

Mission rewards:


Wuzhi-10 armed helicopter*2

Additional rewards:

Ace helicopter pilot*4

Satellite real-time monitoring plug-in*1

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