My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 836 Joint Operations

Hearing the voice coming from behind, Deng Jun, who was originally singing and howling, immediately quieted down. ♬♦  ♦♧

"Chief? Is that you, Chief?"

After hearing the familiar voice, Deng Jun turned his head and looked at the iron gate. When he saw Cai Wenjie's figure, Deng Jun, who was originally sitting on the ground, excitedly ran towards the iron gate with his hands and feet.

"What happened? Who locked you up here?"

"Well, it's not their fault, because since you disappeared, the command system of the entire Xinguang gathering place has been in chaos. The troops stationed on the edge of JL Province rushed here without any notice. Fortunately, they didn't want to rebel, but protected your parents and family, and didn't let anyone get close, even the person in charge of the Civil Affairs Center..."

After Deng Jun's detailed explanation, Cai Wenjie understood why Deng Jun was locked up here. It turned out that this guy stopped the clone soldiers and officers from looking for him when he came back, and then was thrown into the confinement room by the excited clone soldiers to prevent him from continuing to obstruct them from looking for him.

"What am I talking about? That's it? Okay, I'll open the door for you now, come out"

After speaking, Cai Wenjie looked at the locked iron door and turned to look at the soldiers who were on standby not far away.

"You are the guard of this confinement room, open the iron door and let him out!"

"Yes! Chief!"

The guard of the confinement room took out a key without saying a word, and then opened the iron door of the confinement room as quickly as possible.

"Okay, come out"

"Thank you, Chief!"

"You look dirty, go wash up quickly, and then go home to rest for a day"

"Uh, I don't need to worry, Chief"

"This is an order"

"Yes! Thank you for your concern, Chief"

After seeing Deng Jun off, Cai Wenjie continued to walk towards the command center.

When Cai Wenjie arrived at the command center, other personnel of the command center had already lined up in several rows to welcome Cai Wenjie's arrival.

"Hello, Chief!!!"

When Cai Wenjie stepped into the command center, the huge welcome almost scared him to death.

"Okay, I know your intentions, go back to your posts and continue working"

"Yes! Chief"

After letting the general staff return to their posts, Cai Wenjie called several responsible persons to a meeting.

After about half an hour, Cai Wenjie took the minutes and read them carefully.

Although he had heard everything that had happened in the past few days during the meeting, he still had to watch.

Although nothing major had happened in the past few days, there were many small problems. The most obvious one was the shutdown of the factory. It was not because of the lack of raw materials or labor, but because without Cai Wenjie's permission, the factory could not accept orders and produce on its own.

Therefore, in the past few days, although the orders of the factory had piled up, they did not dare to produce on their own without Cai Wenjie's permission, which resulted in a large number of workers having nothing to do and almost caused a big riot.

Fortunately, Cai Wenjie returned in time, and the orders of those factories could be approved at the first time, and then production could be started.

The workers could finally return to their jobs and continue to work to support themselves and their families.

In addition to this kind of thing, there is another very important thing, that is, the task from the superiors.

Before, because Cai Wenjie had perfectly completed the task of retaking JL Province, other official gathering places with some strength sent people to learn from him and learn some combat experience.

When these people returned after completing their studies, although they did make great progress, they could not retake a province in a short period of time like Cai Wenjie, after all, the ammunition problem was too difficult to solve.

Cai Wenjie himself was a mobile munitions warehouse, which could supply unlimited weapons and ammunition needed for combat anytime and anywhere, but others could not. Others either transported ammunition by truck or used transport planes for air transport.

This would not only waste a lot of time, but also there was a high possibility of unexpected situations. By then, let alone destroying zombies, the zombies would destroy them.

Therefore, these gathering places that returned after completing their studies jointly asked their superiors to allow joint operations.

That is, to integrate the power of several official gathering places, and then concentrate their energy and strength to retake a province together, and then use the same method to seize other provinces.

The superiors would naturally not refuse this proposal, so they agreed to their request and allowed joint operations.

Since joint operations are possible, these official gathering places naturally want to find powerful allies to fight together.

Cai Wenjie's Xinguang gathering place just meets this standard. After all, Xinguang gathering place is the only one with experience in successfully retaking a province.

So the Xinguang gathering place suddenly became a hot spot in the eyes of others.

The official gathering places of HLJ Province and LN Province, which are closest to JL Province, have sent invitations to Cai Wenjie's Xinguang gathering place for joint operations.

In fact, not only the official gathering places of these two provinces, but also provinces farther away have sent invitations.

However, because Cai Wenjie was not in this world during this period, the invitations from these official gathering places all sank into the sea, without a single reply.

But other official gathering places did not give up, but continued to send invitations to the Xinguang gathering place every day. The channels included but were not limited to broadcasting, the Internet, radio, letters, real couriers, pigeons, and they used everything they could think of.

Just when Cai Wenjie was meeting with others, he also received several invitations. At that time, because Cai Wenjie was still in a meeting, others did not report the matter.

After the meeting, someone told Cai Wenjie about it.

Regarding this joint combat mission, Cai Wenjie was very happy to let his troops participate in this battle. In addition to earning points, it can also greatly improve the favorability with other official gathering places, which is not bad for himself and the Xinguang gathering place.

"Li Po!"


"Reply to all the official gathering places that have sent invitations to us, and tell them that our Xinguang gathering place has agreed to their request, but we cannot directly send troops to multiple provinces, so we must come one by one, and our Xinguang gathering place will be the general commander in this joint battle,"

"Yes! I will reply now"

Soon, one message after another spread from the Xinguang gathering place, and basically all the official gathering places that sent invitations to the Xinguang gathering place received a reply.

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