My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 832 Black Hole

After being awakened by the vice-captain's iron fist of love, the leader of the Hurricane Knights first used healing magic to wipe off the wounds on his body after regaining his original fighting spirit. Then he summoned all the members of the Knights and announced something to them.

"Knights of the Hurricane Knights, you should know what happened in the Mutsuki Forest. Now there is a dragon of the Yuanling clan in the forest. This dragon is so powerful that we cannot deal with it. Even if we pay the price of our lives, we can't defeat the dragon on the opposite side."

The leader paused for a moment, looked at the other people's reactions, and then continued.

"What we can do now is to block the Mutsuki Forest to prevent others from nagging the dragon on the opposite side, and at the same time eliminate the monsters around the Mutsuki Forest to bring safety to the people in the city. I need to return to the royal city to convey the words to the king, so during my absence, all actions of the Knights will be commanded by the vice-captain... I'm leaving."

After handing over the command of the Knights to the vice-captain, the captain turned around and left the Knights' station, and ran straight towards the direction of the royal capital.

As the leader of the Knights, he had a group of war horses, but these war horses were ordinary horses, not magic beasts. There was no problem riding a war horse at ordinary times, but in this case, riding a horse would be slow, and if you want to move quickly, you still need to rely on your own legs.

This is especially true for the leader who has reached the epic level. His full-strength burst speed can reach about 160 kilometers per hour.

At this speed, it only takes about two and a half hours to reach the capital.

Don't underestimate this distance. Although it seems less than 500 kilometers, this is similar to the ancient magic civilization. It takes a long time for an ordinary team to complete this distance. It is good to advance 30 kilometers a day. If it is a large caravan or army, the speed will be slower.

Of course, if you have a flying pet or magic beast to take you a ride, just ignore what I said.


On the other side

Cai Wenjie, who was thinking about what to do in the future in the temporary residence, suddenly found the word "return" marked in red font in the corner of the system page.

Cai Wenjie originally thought that these two words meant to return to the previous page or the previous operation, after all, the word has become a fixed meaning.

However, in previous shopping, Cai Wenjie would directly close the entire system page after buying items, and there was no use of return. Moreover, there should not be this word here in his previous memory, but Cai Wenjie discovered these two words today.

Feeling strange, Cai Wenjie thought about it and directly chose to press the "return" with his finger to see what would happen.

When Cai Wenjie pressed "return", the energy points displayed on the system interface directly decreased by 10 million.

Then a dazzling blue light appeared in front of Cai Wenjie, and these blue lights slowly turned into a black hole-like state.

The sudden change made the guards around him use their bodies to separate Cai Wenjie from the black hole in the first place. In short, they stood in front of Cai Wenjie.

However, at this time, Cai Wenjie was staring at the scene in the black hole and couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

Because he saw a "person" through the black hole, a "person" who was completely rotten all over his body, that is, a zombie.

Cai Wenjie never thought that one day he would almost jump up with joy because of a zombie.

"Zombie! It's a zombie! Great! It's a zombie!"

Although Cai Wenjie has been emotionally stable and not panicked since he came to this world, he still misses his parents and wife in his heart, so when he saw the zombies unique to his world, he immediately became excited.

At this time, the zombies outside the black hole also discovered the black hole and the humans inside the black hole.

The zombie in a black suit immediately became energetic, and then changed his slow movement and ran directly towards the black hole.

The guard standing in front of Cai Wenjie immediately pulled out his pistol and pulled the trigger at the zombie's head without hesitation.

The zombie fell down. After the bullet pierced his head, he was undoubtedly dead, but at the same time, half of his arm also passed through the black hole to another world.

Cai Wenjie knew very well what this meant.

He quickly pushed aside the guard in front of him, strode to the zombie's body, grabbed the arm that crossed the line and pulled the zombie's body to the other world.

However, when Cai Wenjie dragged the zombie's body, a stream of black blood shot out from the toes of the zombie's two feet.

"Is this... refusing the virus to enter this other world?"

Seeing this, Cai Wenjie immediately realized that this was the space barrier automatically expelling the virus from the zombie's body, which means that the zombie's body has now become an ordinary body and will no longer carry the virus.

"Immediately slice this body to see if there is any virus in this body!"


If this space barrier can really automatically expel the virus, it is tantamount to a super antidote.

At this time, on the other side of the black hole, the small group of zombies awakened by the gunshots just now also discovered the existence of the black hole, as well as Cai Wenjie and others in the black hole.

The zombies, who had not tasted human flesh for a long time, roared and charged towards Cai Wenjie after discovering living humans.

The guard next to him saw this scene and immediately stepped forward to grab Cai Wenjie's arm and tried to retreat, but Cai Wenjie was not pulled away. Instead, he grabbed the guard's arm and calmed him down.

"Wait, let me see if the living zombies can pass through this passage."

The guard's strength was no match for Cai Wenjie. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pull Cai Wenjie a step. He had no choice but to give up in the end, but he still called other guards and urgently arranged a firepower network with the weapons in his hands.

Used to block the zombies that might be transmitted through the black hole.

Under Cai Wenjie's expectant eyes and the guards' vigilance, the zombies slammed hard on the black hole, and then their heads were broken and bleeding like they hit a concrete wall.

But even so, the zombies kept pushing and shoving to move forward. The zombies at the front of the zombie group were lifted into the air by the zombies behind them.

Almost all parts of their bodies made creaking sounds, and it seemed that their bodies were collapsing under the strong pressure.

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