My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 829: Gathering

The unmanned reconnaissance aircraft was conducting reconnaissance in the sky, and naturally discovered the movement made by the Had team and the leader who was moving at high speed.

"Report! Unidentified human activities were found!"


Cai Wenjie, who was testing his magic, immediately put down his work after hearing the words of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft operator, and then walked directly behind the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft operator and began to observe the pictures fed back by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

Originally, there was no way to use long-distance real-time transmission technology in the other world, because there were no artificial satellites in the other world.

However, fortunately, there are system satellites launched by the system. As a transmission point, the system satellite can transmit the pictures taken by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to the base camp in the back in real time.

It is precisely because of this that the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft will continue to play its original role and continue to serve as the eyes of everyone in the other world.

Through the high-definition camera of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, Cai Wenjie discovered the Had team who were struggling to escape, and a person who was approaching the Had team at a high speed from behind, that is, the leader, but Cai Wenjie did not know their identities and could only rely on the existing intelligence to make guesses.

"Look at the speed of the person behind, I guess this is the so-called epic warrior in this world."

Cai Wenjie looked at the speed of the person behind him and vaguely guessed the strength of this person.

According to the general strength of this world mentioned by the black dragon girl, a strong man with epic strength can cause strange phenomena to a certain extent.

For example, now, this epic strong man who quickly approached the team in front from the back was emitting a milky white halo while moving at high speed. It seems that he used magic to strengthen his body, thereby enhancing his movement speed.

"What should I do, Chief? Do you want to stop it?"

"Don't act rashly. It is a taboo to act rashly without knowing the detailed information, especially in this strange world. Continue to observe and send an unmanned attack aircraft to stand by here, ready for battle at any time."

Although Cai Wenjie did not choose to attack directly, he still sent an unmanned attack aircraft. Having a gun but not shooting and having no gun to shoot are two concepts.

If this team and this epic warrior are enemies of each other and a fight breaks out, Cai Wenjie will intervene in the fight without hesitation and help any party present, especially the weaker party.

This is not because Cai Wenjie has any intention of helping the weak, but because he thinks that it is easier to gain favor by helping others in times of need than by adding icing on the cake.

As long as there is a certain degree of favor, it will be easier to obtain various intelligence and required information from these people.

Unfortunately, reality does not turn according to Cai Wenjie's wishes.

The epic warrior behind easily caught up with the team in front, and at this time Cai Wenjie's unmanned attack aircraft did not reach the designated attack position. Even if they had a fight now, Cai Wenjie could not assist any of them for a while.

But just when Cai Wenjie thought that the team in front would pay a tragic price, the epic warrior not only did not attack them, but began to perform magic treatment on the members of that team.

It seems that the team in front and the epic warrior behind are not enemies but their own people.

Seeing that his plan failed, Cai Wenjie was not disappointed. Since the plan could not keep up with the changes, he had to accept the reality.

"Let the unmanned attack aircraft come back, and the reconnaissance aircraft continue to observe their every move at high altitude, keep a close eye on them"



"It's the captain! The captain is here to pick us up"

A team member who came out to take charge of the sentry soon found the captain who was catching up at a high speed.

"Mosen! Is it Mosen? Great, you are fine, what about the others, how are they!"

The captain quickly observed the team member who was on sentry. He was overjoyed and immediately rushed towards the team member named Mosen.

Then he hugged the young man in front of him and said excitedly.

"Don't worry, captain, all members of the Hard team survived"

"That's good, take me over to see"

"Okay, captain, follow me"

Mosen nodded, and then took his captain to their temporary station.

After walking out of the poisonous swamp, the Had team set up a temporary station in a hidden spot nearby for temporary rest.

Now all members of the Had team are resting in this temporary station, recovering their physical strength and treating their wounds urgently.

When Mossen brought the leader to their temporary station, everyone in the Had team breathed a sigh of relief, including the captain Had.

After all, since the leader appeared here, it means that they don’t need to worry about the threat of monsters in the Mu Yue forest. They are safe now.



"Thank God, you are okay, my child"

"Sorry, captain, I made you worry"

"It’s okay, it’s okay, let me see where you are injured"

As the leader of the Hurricane Knights, in addition to his warrior skills, he also knows some healing magic. Although it is not as good as the healing magic released by the priests of the same level, it is at least the healing magic released by the epic strong, which is not much worse than the general high-level priests.

As the captain's right hand glowed green, some of the external injuries on Hader's body were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon, there was no trace of the injury on Hader's body. Now Hader felt no discomfort except for feeling a little exhausted.

"Thank you, captain, for your trouble"

"It's okay, kid, go and recover your strength first, and we'll leave here after I heal the external injuries of others"

"Okay, captain"

Next, all the members of Hader's team recovered to their original state with the help of the captain. All the external and internal injuries were restored to their original state under the captain's healing magic. Except for some exhausted team members, everyone returned to their original state.

Looking at the recovered team members, Hader expressed his gratitude to the captain again.

"Let's not talk about this for now. We must go back quickly so that our deputy captain won't worry, right? Haha"

The captain laughed at Hader, and Hader also laughed awkwardly several times with the captain's laughter.

However, this seemingly ordinary communication had another purpose.

This was the exclusive communication code between Hader and the leader, and the meaning of this code was that someone was always monitoring them.

Hader naturally understood the code sent by the leader, and carefully felt the surrounding situation, and then indeed found a sense of surveillance that was looming.

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