My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 826 Hurricane Knights

The black dragon girl Wei'er seemed to enjoy the process. Her face was slightly red and she showed a happy expression.

"Can I eat a few more sheep?"

"Of course I can"

"Yeah! Cai Wenjie, you are the best"


There is a human city about three kilometers away from the Muyue Forest. Because this city is close to the Muyue Forest, it is also called Muyue City.

And this Muyue City belongs to a border city of a human kingdom, and it is also a very important border fortress, or it can be said that this is a fortress that looks like a city.

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It is a common operation to set up a fortress on the border. After all, since it is a border, it will definitely border the territory of other countries, or beware of some monsters attacking the city.

To deal with this situation, a fortress is indispensable.

The main reason for the establishment of a fortress in Muyue City is to prevent the monsters in the Muyue Forest from going crazy and forming a huge beast tide to attack the city.

Over the past hundreds of years, this place has suffered countless beast tides. Each time a beast tide attacked, a large number of humans were forced to lose their homes, leave their homes, or be attacked by the beast tide and become food for the monsters.

Yes, the fortress is not invincible. Over the past hundreds of years, the fortress has been attacked by a huge number of beasts several times. Every time the fortress was attacked by the beast tide, a large number of civilians and human warriors lost their precious lives. Ye Yan

If it weren't for the fact that the king sent a large number of high-level warriors and magicians to help in the end, otherwise this Muyue City would have long been lying in the river of history, forgotten or even forgotten.

And now, the lord of Muyue City named Turshen is preparing a huge plan, the purpose of which is to annihilate all the monsters in the Muyue Deep Forest in one fell swoop and solve the problem of monsters once and for all.

Of course, the monsters in the Muyue Deep Forest are not so easy to annihilate. On the contrary, these monsters are basically very cunning. If you want to annihilate these monsters, you must pay a huge price.

The mayor of Muyue City naturally knew this truth, so he had made full preparations. Since last year, he began to recruit various adventurers and strong young people in the city as soldiers who obeyed his orders to deal with the beast tide siege that could happen at any time.

He also ordered all the craftsmen in the city to keep making various weapons and arrows and enough crossbows.

Needless to say, consumables such as arrows, like crossbows are the big killers against the beast tide. The huge power plus the crossbow arrows that are almost three meters long can easily kill any monster or carnivore.

From last year to now, a large amount of military supplies have been produced, and the twenty or so arsenals in Muyue City are all filled. These stored supplies can fully arm 30,000 troops, and the food in the grain warehouse is enough for 30,000 troops to persist in the wild for half a year.

Of course, some monsters cannot be eliminated by ordinary means, so necessary magic means are also indispensable.

The magician branch in Muyue City has agreed to his request and can let the magicians in the magician branch assist him in destroying the monster, but the price is that the magic core of the monster must be divided into 50% for them.

This request is not high. As long as the magicians can help, 50% of the magic core of the spoils is really not expensive, so the mayor of Muyue City readily agreed to the request of the magician branch.

Now Muyue City is ready for everything except the east wind, and this east wind is actually the attitude of the kingdom. Although he is the mayor of Muyue City, such a large-scale military action must be supported by the royal family, otherwise his current behavior is no different from rebellion.

More than half a month ago, the mayor of Muyue City had written a letter with the intention of attacking Muyue Deep Forest, and then sent someone to deliver it to the main city of the kingdom. According to the current delivery speed, the reply will come back today.

Therefore, even though it is late at night, the mayor of Muyue City still did not sleep, but was looking forward to the arrival of the letter.

Finally, around 2 a.m., an envoy carrying a royal order came to the office of the Lord of Muyue City with the messenger.

"Hello, Lord Turshen, I am an envoy sent by His Majesty the King"

"Great, I finally waited for you, please sit down, envoy"

"No, let's get straight to the point"

The envoy sent by the royal family refused the request to sit down, but began to read the brocade book with the king's order.

"Dear Marquis Turshen, I agree with your proposal,..."

The first half of the brocade book is some unnecessary nonsense, and the most important thing is the support mentioned in the last half.

"... In order to support your actions, I decided to send the Hurricane Knights to assist you in the battle. I hope you can make good use of them and don't let me down"

After reading all the content, Lord Turshen immediately shouted to thank the king, and then bowed in the direction of the kingdom.

It's no wonder he was so excited, because the Hurricane Knights were really strong. Every member of the Knights was at least a high-level warrior, and the strength of the deputy leader and the leader reached the epic level.

The level of warriors was very simple, from the weakest warrior apprentice → elementary warrior → intermediate warrior → high-level warrior → epic warrior → legendary warrior.

There are six levels of warriors in total, and warriors at each stage can easily defeat several or dozens of warriors at the previous stage.

And this gap becomes larger and larger as the level increases. For example, a legendary warrior can easily resolve the crisis even if he is faced with a joint attack by hundreds of epic warriors.

But only the empire can possess legendary-level warriors, or in other words, only those who possess legendary-level warriors are eligible to become an empire.

Therefore, the Hurricane Knights are the top force in the kingdom, and the king can provide the support of the Hurricane Knights to Lord Mutsuki, which can be said to be very optimistic about Turshen.

"It's a long journey, please come to my bedroom to rest. I will arrange fine wine and food to entertain you tomorrow. Please be sure to accept this."

Turshen took out an ordinary wooden box from somewhere and quietly gave it to the envoy.

The envoy did not refuse, but bumped the wooden box with a smile. After hearing the crisp sound of gold coins hitting and feeling the weight, the smile on his face became more real.

"You are so generous. Please be assured that I will convey your greetings to the King."

“Then I’m sorry to trouble you.”

At this time, the Hurricane Knights did not follow the envoy into the city, but chose to station themselves in the outer area of ​​Mutsuki Deep Forest.

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