My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 824 Goblin

"Enemy attack!"

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝕥𝕨𝕜𝕒𝕟.𝕔𝕠𝕞]

Cai Wenjie, who was brought back to reality, frowned and looked at the deep forest outside the camp.

Although it was night, the soldiers could still see clearly a little further away due to the sufficient moonlight.

Therefore, when dense figures appeared in the deep forest, the sentry on guard immediately noticed something was wrong. After confirming that the enemy was not a friendly force he knew, he immediately sounded the alarm in the camp.

The soldiers who heard the siren immediately picked up their newly issued weapons, came to the wooden wall at the edge of the camp, and then aimed at the dense figures appearing on the other side of the deep forest.

The same goes for Cai Wenjie. He came to the wooden wall with the attitude of trying out new weapons and stood with the soldiers around him.

Although the brightness of the moonlight is good

"Bring me the night vision goggles."


Soon, a soldier came to Cai Wenjie with a night vision goggle and handed it to him.

After Cai Wenjie took the night vision device and looked inside the deep forest again, he discovered what those densely packed things were.

"This is... Goblin?"

That's right, those who appeared in Cai Wenjie's field of vision were all green-skinned monsters. Looking at the green skin, concave teeth, and lower body surrounded by unknown animal skins, they looked very much like the legendary monsters. Green Goblin.

After taking off the night vision device, Cai Wenjie asked the soldiers behind him to take out the lights and shine them directly into the deep forest.

Those goblins who thought they had not exposed themselves directly revealed their prototypes under the strong light.

Under the strong light, the goblins were blinded, and each of them covered their eyes and screamed.

"Intimidation shot!"

Because he didn't know the purpose of the other party's arrival, Cai Wenjie just issued an order to intimidate and shoot, trying to drive them away with gunshots.

"Chu, chu, chu! Bang, bang, bang!"

A series of loud gunshots caused the temporarily blind goblins to panic. They hid here and there without any threat at all.

Just when Cai Wenjie thought that these goblins would give up and retreat, the black dragon girl Wei'er who heard the gunshot came over and asked what happened.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, we encountered some green-skinned monsters similar to goblins, and we are driving them away now."

"What! Goblin!"

The black dragon girl Wei'er immediately showed great anger after hearing the word goblin. He turned his head and looked at the goblins running around outside, his eyes full of hatred.

Looking at the out-of-control black dragon girl, Cai Wenjie also felt something was wrong. She seemed to hate goblins very much, and she showed great hatred even when she heard the name of goblins.

Not to mention the large group of goblins she had already seen on the other side of the deep forest.

"Cai Wenjie, these goblins are very bad, very bad. Hurry up and order these goblins to be killed. They don't deserve to live in this world."

Listening to the hateful words of the Black Dragon girl, Cai Wenjie didn't ask why but just nodded, then turned around and started giving orders.

"Cancel the intimidation shots and start annihilating all the goblins!"


After receiving Cai Wenjie's order, the soldiers immediately adjusted their guns, aimed the crosshairs at the heads of the goblins, and then pulled the triggers without hesitation.

Originally, you didn't need to deliberately aim at the head to kill Goblins, but soldiers were used to killing zombies. Even if they didn't aim at the head intentionally, they would subconsciously aim their guns at the Goblins' heads.

One after another, the hot bullets broke through the resistance of the air and accurately hit the Goblin's head, allowing the originally panicked Goblins to leave this world peacefully.

The goblins who had recovered their eyesight became even more panicked than before after seeing their kind falling one after another. They tried to escape from this dangerous area, but it didn't work. No matter how they ran, No matter how fast it goes, it can't compare to the flying speed of a bullet.

When the last Goblin fell to the ground, only three minutes had passed. Hundreds of Goblins holding simple cold weapons or simply wooden sticks had no room for resistance and were directly fucked. It became crumbly.

Even in a different world, modern weapons can still exert their due power, not to mention that the warriors are now armed with the latest exciting magical weapons, which have the power of modern weapons and the magic of magic weapons. This is simply cheating. existence.

"Go and check if anyone is alive. If you find someone still breathing, just take another shot."


If it were anyone else, they would feel guilty or have some other psychology towards these goblins who had not caused any damage to them but were still slaughtered.

But Cai Wenjie was different. Facing these green-skinned monsters, Cai Wenjie was even more active than killing zombies.

Because he discovered that killing monsters in this world was actually rewarded, and it was actually points and energy points.

Killing an ordinary goblin can get 100 points and 10 energy points, which is more cost-effective than killing zombies. These hundreds of goblins sent to hell created a total of 30,000 points and 3,000 energy points for Cai Wenjie. Oh, good guy, I directly earned three high-quality magic weapons and 30,000 rounds of ordinary bullets.

Cai Wenjie, who learned another way to earn energy points, intentionally or unintentionally set his sights on the bodies of the goblins.

However, the thanks from the black dragon girl Wei'er drew Cai Wenjie's attention back to reality.

"Thank you, Cai Wenjie"

"You're welcome, but can I ask why you hate these goblins so much?"

After a short silence, the black dragon girl Wei'er began to slowly tell a story.

A story about her and her best friend


"... Alas, no wonder you hate them so much, it is indeed understandable"

After listening to the story of the black dragon girl Wei'er, Cai Wenjie found that she was indeed qualified to hate these green-skinned monsters so much.

After all, her best friend was abused by these goblins... As her best friend, after learning that she was abused by the goblins, she would naturally want revenge.

The goblins in this world can be said to be the natural enemies of women of all races, because there are no females in the goblin race, only male goblins. If they want to reproduce, they must use the wombs of women of other races. Moreover, the genes of goblins are strong. No matter what race the women abducted back are, once they are sowed by goblins, the final product must be a male goblin.

And the growth cycle of these goblins is very short. It only takes one month for a goblin to grow from a toddler to an adult. However, this growth method also has a huge weakness, that is, the life span of goblins is very low, usually less than ten years.

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