My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 804 Both Killed

Soon, both sides who changed their strategies had certain gains.

In just a few minutes, the mutant tiger killed more than 20 mutant zombies, especially the slow-moving power-type mutant zombies and meat-shield-type mutant zombies. These two types of mutant zombies died the most, with five and seven killed respectively. Even the speed-type mutant zombies, which mainly rely on speed, were killed by three.

No matter how fast the speed-type mutant zombies are, they are not as fast as the large-scale sweep of the mutant tiger. The tiger tail, which is like a steel whip, will kill anyone who touches it. No mutant zombie can survive the sweep of the tiger tail.

These speed-type mutant zombies died in this move of the mutant tiger.

And the mutant tiger did not come without a price. Under the sneak attacks of various mutant zombies and the leaders of the zombie group, the mutant tiger's left eye was successfully blinded.

This is also the only attack by the leaders of the zombie group and the mutant zombies that has effectively hurt the mutant tiger so far.

The mutant tiger, who lost one eye, became very manic. He no longer avoided the attacks of the mutant zombies, but continued to attack despite the damage.

The sudden change caused heavy casualties on the mutant zombies side. Almost half of the mutant zombies lost their ability to fight. Even the leader of the zombie group was slapped by the mutant tiger without paying attention. Fortunately, his body was relatively strong, otherwise this slap would be enough to crush him to pieces.

The battle continued fiercely. Several hours had passed unknowingly. In these hours of fighting, all the mutant zombies on the side of the leader of the zombie group died, leaving only it alone to fight.

The mutant tiger also paid a considerable price. Because he ignored the attack of the mutant zombies, his weak points and other relatively vulnerable places were all attacked by the mutant zombies and the leader of the zombie group.

The mutant tiger has now completely lost his eyes and a hole has been stabbed in his stomach. The fragments of his internal organs slowly flowed out of the hole and hit the ground. It was as miserable as it could be.

While the two sides were fighting to the death, the human side had killed all the zombies outside the checkpoint. Only a few zombies survived because they were buried in the pile of corpses, but they couldn't live for too long. Once the human side started to deal with the battlefield, all the corpses had to be finished off. At that time, they couldn't survive even if they wanted to.

"Company commander, the two on the opposite side are almost done, do you want to attack?"

"The opportunity is not to be missed, everyone listen! Immediately launch a concentrated attack on the two sides, rocket launchers! Anti-materials! Tank guns! Use everything you can! Don't let them live!"


The officers who had watched the battle for several times finally issued a series of attack orders now. All weapons with a caliber of more than 7 mm were pulled out and fired at both sides.

In an instant, a large number of bullets, rockets, and artillery shells formed a firepower network that instantly covered the area where the mutant tiger and the zombie leader were.

Before the mutant tiger and the zombie leader could figure out what was going on, they were covered by the explosion.

The bodies of the two were blown to pieces by bullets and shells. The limbs of the mutant tiger were blown off, and a big hole was broken in its stomach, exposing the internal organs and heart to the air.

The leader of the zombie group was even worse. Although his body was very hard, he still couldn't escape the range of the creatures. Since he was a creature, he couldn't resist the direct fire of the tank gun.

Half of the body of the leader of the zombie group was bombed into pieces by the tank shells. If the shells were a little more off, the leader of the zombie group would probably be killed on the spot.

At this moment, the tiger and the corpse, who had been fighting very fiercely, lay directly on the ground and couldn't stand up at all. Although they were still breathing, that was it. The mutant tiger and the leader of the zombie group, who had lost their ability to move, had lost their ability to resist. Even if a three-year-old child ran over to provoke them at this time, they could only watch and do nothing. It perfectly explained what it meant to be powerless.

Human side

"Report to the company commander! All shells have hit the target. The mutant tiger and the zombie leader have been confirmed to have lost their combat capability. Do you want to continue shooting?"

"No, it will only waste bullets if we continue like this. Send a raiding team to confirm the current status of the mutant tiger and the zombie leader. If they are still alive, we will finish them off. Especially the mutant tiger, its vitality is terrifyingly tenacious. It is necessary to confirm whether it is dead again and again before dragging it back. Do you understand?"


"Go ahead"


The mutant tiger's flesh can be made into a strengthening potion, so it must be dragged back. As for the zombie leader, his words are of no help to them at all, so just kill him on the spot.

Soon, a team of soldiers wearing exoskeletons walked out of the gate of the checkpoint and quickly rushed to the place where the mutant tiger and the zombie leader fell.

A few minutes later, when the commandos arrived at the location of the mutant tiger and the zombie leader, the two monsters were still struggling to stand up. Seeing this, the team leader took out a rocket launcher and fired a shot at the tiger and the zombie.

If the mutant tiger and the zombie leader were not injured, they would definitely be able to avoid the rocket, but they were now seriously injured and could even be said to be dying. In this case, let alone avoiding the rocket, it was difficult for them to even get up.

So, the mutant tiger and the zombie leader could only watch the rockets coming at them, unable to do anything. The mutant tiger couldn't even see where the rocket launcher was fired because his eyes were blinded. He could only take a rocket on his head and then get a box lunch.

After carefully checking the vital signs of both parties, the commandos confirmed that the two monsters were completely dead.

The captain immediately conveyed the news to the rear, and the other team members went to the nearby area to find the mutant zombies that were not dead yet, ready to shoot them in the head again.

After hearing the news that the mutant tiger and the zombie leader were confirmed dead, the company commander in the checkpoint immediately sent all the soldiers to clean up the battlefield, gather the corpses of the zombies and burn them, so as to avoid any plague or other mutants.

While these soldiers were dealing with the battlefield, the company commander ordered the logistics team to drag the corpse of the mutant tiger back and send it to the Xinguang gathering place to make new strengthening potions with the flesh and blood of the mutant tiger.

As for the corpse of the zombie leader who had no soft tissue, the company commander did not let it go. He ordered his soldiers to piece together the corpse of the zombie leader as much as possible, and then make specimens and send them to the exhibition hall of the Xinguang gathering place for exhibition to help people broaden their horizons. This was the only thing he could do.

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