My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 788 The war officially begins

Unlike others who were scornful, Cai Wenjie did not change his mood and remained calm as he listened to the representative's questions.

"You asked me just now, is it worth it to lose a capable unit in order to rescue a non-combatant unit? My answer is not worth it!"

As soon as these words came out, not to mention the other representatives in the audience, even the representative who raised this question couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. To be honest, he had already guessed the various reasons Cai Wenjie would say, but The only thing he didn't expect was that Cai Wenjie would say it wasn't worth it. The sudden change made him freeze on the spot, not knowing how to talk.

Cai Wenjie continued when he saw it.

"If all the troops have their own tasks and have not completed their tasks, if one unit is surrounded by a group of zombies and loses its combat effectiveness due to a small mistake, then the nearest unit wants to rescue the trapped unit. You have to give up your own mission to save people. If the final battle failed because these two troops failed to complete their mission, then of course what they did was not worth it."

As he spoke, Cai Wenjie paused deliberately to see how the people below would react.

After hearing Cai Wenjie's words, everyone in the audience did not refute, but instead thought about it seriously.

Looking at everyone thinking, Cai Wenjie nodded happily and then continued.

"But! Just because I think what they did is worthless doesn't mean that I will oppose their behavior. Maybe the outcome of a battle is really important, but what is more important than the outcome of the battle is our lives.

Only if we survive can we continue to protect our homeland!

Only if we survive can we take back our home from the hands of zombies and various infections!

Only if we survive can we create a prosperous age before the end!

Do you know how many people are still alive across the country? "

As Cai Wenjie spoke, he stretched out his right hand and said loudly

“Twenty million! This is the number of people from all over the country combined!

More than 20 million?


Is 20 million less?


China has only 20 million people left in its 9.73 million square kilometers of land! From 1.5 billion to 20 million! We have lost almost 98% of our population. In contrast, the number of zombies and various infectious agents now exceeds 11 billion! This is only domestic data! If you add foreign countries, you wouldn’t even think about it.

Do you know what this concept is? This means that if we want to eliminate the infected bodies in the country, each of us will have to face 550 infected bodies!

Does 550 infected bodies seem like a small amount? If some people think it is less, let me be more precise. Excluding the old, weak, sick, disabled, women and children, among the 20 million people, the number of people who can fight is less than 10 million. Even if it is regarded as 10 million people who can fight, everyone here will have to face The number of infected zombies is directly doubled, which means that each person needs to face 1,100 infected bodies.

Among the less than 10 million combat-ready personnel, how many can actually be armed and form a certain combat effectiveness? …”

After a series of analyses, the result is that each combatant must face at least two thousand infected zombies in order to eliminate the entire domestic infected population.

Everyone in the audience, even the representative who asked the question, had a deep understanding of what despair meant, and they also understood why Cai Wenjie said such things.

Indeed, what they have to do now is to protect as many people as possible. Only by ensuring the population base can the Chinese civilization be passed on. Otherwise, the five thousand years of Chinese civilization will end here.

"So, what I want to say is that this is no longer something worth doing, but something that must be done."

After a heated speech, everyone realized the key points of the matter. Even the representative who originally raised the issue bowed deeply to Cai Wenjie to express his apology and gratitude.

This swearing-in ceremony lasted for almost two hours. During this period, all official gathering places had a clear purpose, which was to consume the number of corpses as safely as possible while expanding the scope of the safety zone.

At the same time, gather the remaining zombies together as much as possible to facilitate the subsequent concentrated bombing to eliminate as many zombies as possible.

Every day since then, the airport inside the Xinguang gathering area has been used all the time, especially unmanned bombers, because Cai Wenjie has promised to other gathering areas before. When they encounter a large number of corpses or cannot deal with them, When there are mutated zombies, unmanned bombers will be sent for support, so now all the unmanned bombers in the Xinguang Gathering Area are rushing to different battlefields non-stop.

At the same time, piles of materials were pulled out of the warehouse, packed into boxes, and flown by transport planes to where they were needed.

Fortunately, Cai Wenjie had predicted that this would happen. Several small and medium-sized airports had been built in the peripheral areas of Xinguang gathering place to complete the take-off and landing of drones and the transportation of various transport aircraft.

In addition to these places, Cai Wenjie also arranged an apron and a small airport for each food base and fixed military base. If a large amount of materials needs to be transferred, then air transportation is undoubtedly the best choice.

Not only Cai Wenjie, but other official gathering places that have alliances with Cai Wenjie, large or small, have built a small airport.

Besides, they spent a lot of effort to get there. Even if they were poor, they used a mixture of asphalt and concrete to cover 600 meters. For ordinary small transport planes and airplanes, 600 meters is enough for flying and landing, not to mention that the current transport planes are manufactured according to the standard of vertical take-off and landing.

In this way, the transport planes of the Xinguang gathering place are more convenient when transporting materials, and sometimes they can even refuel at these airports.

Under the full operation of the Xinguang gathering place, the official gathering places in other places have officially contacted the zombie groups. Although they all contacted with various rockets and bullets, it is also considered contact, isn't it?

In just one day, the number of zombies in JL Province decreased by more than 30,000. Those zombie groups that were gathered together in advance were killed in the first wave of bombing. A large number of zombies were forcibly sent to hell, which also brought Cai Wenjie a good number of points.

But compared with the material cost consumed every day, this amount of points is not even enough to fill the gaps between teeth.

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