My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 68: Village Speech

half an hour later

Cai Wenjie returned home just in time for Cai's mother to be busy.

"Wenjie, come in and help me. Cut the green peppers and meat for me to make shredded green pepper pork."

When Cai's mother saw her missing son coming back, she quickly called to her son who was going upstairs and asked him to help cut vegetables. She was obviously too busy to prepare meals for about forty people.

Of course, Cai's father was also helping to pick vegetable leaves, not to mention Song Yi and others.

An hour later, with the joint efforts of the family, today's lunch was completed.

Three kinds of fresh ground vegetables, shredded pork with green pepper, sliced ​​pork belly, Sixi meatballs, ginseng stewed chicken soup, and six large buckets of rice.

Cai Wenjie asked Song Yi to ask Deng Jun and his soldiers to come over for dinner. Then he set up six large round tables in the front yard and put bowls and chopsticks on them.

Soon Song Yi came back with more than 30 people. At Cai Wenjie's signal, Song Yi, Deng Jun and others sat down on the large round table one by one. Everyone stood up and looked forward.

Cai Wenjie looked at the neatly seated soldiers below, cleared his throat and said

"Enough talking, these are the meals my parents specially cooked for you. Don't waste it. Let's start dinner!"

As soon as the order to start the meal came out, the soldiers began to wolf down their food, and Cai's father and Cai's mother also looked at them with relief.

"Dad, Mom, let's go in and eat too."

"Okay, Song Yi, you guys also come in and eat together."

Mother Cai greeted warmly

Song Yi, Zhang Fei and Shunliu looked at Cai Wenjie together.

"What are you looking at me doing? Go in and eat."


In this way, with the efforts of Cai's father and Cai's mother, they had a very enjoyable lunch, and soon it was afternoon.

It is located in the open space at the entrance of the village. Almost more than a hundred people have gathered, most of them are elderly or middle-aged people. Apart from the policemen from the police station, the only young people are Jin Peng and the soldiers brought by Cai Wenjie.

A small speaking platform was also built at the entrance of the village. It was actually a square wooden box covered with a piece of red cloth.

When Cai Wenjie led his soldiers to the entrance of the village, he found that almost everyone had arrived. He scanned the crowd and found that most of them knew each other. When he often returned to the village as a child, Cai Wenjie liked to visit from house to house.

For no reason, every time they visit the house, the aunts and uncles like to give themselves small snacks, candies, apples, pears, etc., so Cai Wenjie liked to visit the house very much when he was a child, and the aunts and uncles also like the children to chat with them, back and forth. It's very familiar.

When Cai Wenjie observed the crowd, the elders and ladies in the crowd also whispered to each other.

"Isn't this the grandson of Lao Cai's family? He has grown so big."

"Yes, and he seems to have become an officer. Lao Cai will definitely be very happy if he is still alive."

"The child who used to come to my house to visit me, an old woman, when I was little has grown up so much."

"I don't know if he is still married. If not, my granddaughter happens to be single."

"Save it for yourself, your granddaughter is still fifteen years old, you've got the guts to let her commit a crime."

Cai Wenjie looked at the old men and old ladies who were whispering below. He didn't say anything, nor did he stand on the small podium. Instead, he spoke directly.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

Because Cai Wenjie's physical fitness has reached the limit of the human body, when he speaks loudly, it feels like a microphone is turned on. The old men and women who were whispering below also stopped talking and focused on Cai Wenjie.

"Very good! All the grandparents here must know who I am, but for those who don't know me yet, I would like to introduce myself."

After Cai Wenjie attracted the attention of the crowd, he began to introduce himself, mainly for the sake of Jin Peng and others who did not know him and the policemen at the police station.

"My name is Cai Wenjie, I am also a newly appointed company commander and the future manager of the Xinguang Village gathering place."

When they heard that Cai Wenjie was the company commander, the old men and ladies below felt even more proud.

"As expected, the people who came out of Xinguang Village have become company commanders in the army. Old Cai Quan will definitely be very pleased to know this."

"Yes, I really envy Lao Cai. His grandson is so successful. It would be great if my grandson could also be so prosperous."

The old men and women below began to whisper about Cai Wenjie's childhood to the villagers who didn't know Cai Wenjie at first.

Cai Wenjie ignored the old lady who spoke softly and continued to speak loudly

"In response to the request from above, Xinguang Village will be renamed Xinguang Gathering Area from now on and will begin to accept survivors. I found that the food in the village is very sufficient, enough to sustain a year's rations for thousands of people, but there is a serious shortage of labor because the young people in the village They all went out for development, leaving only the elderly in the village.”

As he spoke, Cai Wenjie motioned to the people below to look around. The old men and women turned back and looked around, and then realized how much the village was lacking young people.

They were all used to the faces around them, so they didn't feel anything. Only after Cai Wenjie's clear words did they realize that only the old man was left in Xinguang Village, which made them very emotional.

"Do you know what the situation is like outside the village now? There are mountains of corpses everywhere and rivers of blood, which is enough to describe the situation outside. YJ City has become an empty city. Zombies are rampant in the city. Zombies will pounce on and tear apart their prey whenever they find a living thing. Then they were eaten, and the remaining survivors were taken to the gathering place by the army for unified management."

The old men and women below began to frown, mainly because they were worried about their families outside. At this time, an old woman stood up and asked uneasily.

"Grandson of Lao Cai's family, do you know where my dog ​​is? He hasn't answered my calls since yesterday."

Because the army sent troops to protect important facilities from the beginning, water, electricity and communications have not been disconnected and are still at the same level as before the apocalypse. Therefore, unless the mobile phone is out of battery or does not bring a mobile phone, there is only one reason for not answering the phone. .

Gou Sheng's full name is Quan Jiayou and he is the grandson of this old lady. Gou Sheng is actually a nickname. Old people are superstitious and like to give their children a cheap name that will make them earn a living.

Cruel reality and beautiful lies, if it were you, which one would you choose?

"I'm sorry grandma, if he doesn't reply to your call for more than three days, there is a high probability that your grandson is dead! Please express my condolences!"

It's obvious that Cai Wenjie doesn't like lies, no matter how beautiful the lie is, it can't be reality.

Maybe people just like to fantasize. The old lady who heard Cai Wenjie's reply did not despair, but her face clearly relaxed, and she murmured:

"There are still two days, it doesn't matter, there are still two days."

Looking at the old lady Cai Wenjie who was deceiving herself, she felt indescribably uncomfortable.

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