My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 749 Sacrifice

Unable to see the surrounding environment clearly, the mutant instinctively began to retreat, but the waving of its arms just now had caused it to leave its original position, so when it retreated, it bumped into the wall instead of leaving the laboratory. Google Search Reading

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As for the human side, they had already put on gas masks, and on this basis used various auxiliary systems such as thermal imaging and infrared. Even in a full smoke situation, they could still clearly see the exact location of the mutant.

As long as the location of the mutant can be determined, the human side will have a great advantage.

However, they still have unfinished tasks, so they have no choice but to quietly leave the laboratory, leaving the mutant building to continue spinning in place.

After escaping the laboratory, they immediately called for support from the military base.

The military base was also not ambiguous. In addition to the infantry fighting vehicles that greeted them, four tanks were directly sent to assist them in destroying the alien mutants.

Perhaps because of hitting the wall everywhere or not seeing any scene, the alien mutant began to be manic. It actually began to use the power of its body to forcibly rush around. As long as it hit the wall, it would directly clench its fists and frantically attack the wall.

Under the inhuman strength of the alien mutant, cracks began to appear on the wall of the laboratory, and the cracks were still spreading to the vicinity at a very fast speed. In the end, the wall of the laboratory was overwhelmed and a hole was smashed directly.

The clear view outside the cave made the alien mutant feel refreshed for a while, and he left the laboratory through the cave entrance without caring about anything.

Unfortunately, when the alien mutant came out, it just blocked the road they had to evacuate, which led to them having to fight a tough battle with the alien mutant.

"Ready the rocket launcher! Blow him to death!"


While the mutant hadn't reacted yet, the soldiers took out their rocket launchers, quickly aimed at the mutant in front of them and fired a rocket launcher.

At this time, the mutant was less than 30 meters away from the human. After being hit by a rocket launcher at close range, the mutant was directly blown away by the shock wave generated by the explosion.

However, when the mutant stood up, the soldiers found that the rocket launcher just now did not cause any effective damage to the mutant. The shell was not broken, and only a few cracks appeared on it.


The platoon leader who couldn't believe it continued to let the soldiers use rocket launchers to blow up the mutant.

This time, the soldiers took out three rocket launchers and fired them almost at the same time.

The mutant who had just stood up was blown away by three rockets again before he could stand firm. The huge force directly blew him out of the glass window, and the armor shell on his body fell to the ground.


As soon as the platoon leader finished speaking, the alien mutant that was blown away climbed out of the window, then grabbed the metal trash can next to him and threw it towards everyone. Because it happened suddenly, the platoon leader did not react immediately, and was lucky enough to escape until he was pounced on by a soldier next to him.

But the soldier who pounced on the platoon leader could not escape the metal trash can that was flying at him, and the huge force directly broke the soldier's spine.

The alien mutant's powerful attack was even greater than that of the mutant of the power-type mutant zombie. The metal trash can it threw out with all its strength had an instant burst of power of more than ten tons. With such a strong power bonus, let alone a metal trash can, even a hard steamed bun could kill people.

"Platoon leader, hurry up! I'll try my best to hold it back!"

"Xu Yu!"

Even though his spine was broken, the soldier still endured the pain and shouted loudly to the platoon leader beside him.

The soldier knew the consequences of a broken spine. The situation was urgent. In order to protect the platoon leader and the black USB flash drive in the platoon leader's hand, he was determined to sacrifice himself in exchange for some precious time.

"Platoon leader, hurry up! Hu Zi! Hurry up and take the platoon leader away! Hurry up!"

The soldier named Hu Zi was his fellow villager and a friend who had grown up together, so in a hurry he said his friend's childhood nickname. Originally, once the opponent heard Hu Zi's words, he would definitely rush over and punch him, but now Hu Zi said nothing, and decisively pulled up the fallen platoon leader without saying a word, and carried the platoon leader and others away from here.

If someone could see Hu Zi's face, they would find that a big and strong man was actually crying silently.

"Hu Zi! I'll leave my mother in my hometown to you!"

The soldier named Xu Yu turned his body over with difficulty with his arms, and looked at the alien mutant approaching step by step, and he smiled.

"It's worth it to have a monster like you accompany me on the road to the underworld!"

Xu Yu took out the C4 time bomb he carried with him, set the time of the time bomb to three seconds, and then decisively pressed the start switch.

At this time, the alien mutant also came in front of Xu Yu, looked at the little thing in front of him, snorted with disdain, and then slowly raised his right foot, ready to crush this little thing into a pie.

"Oh, I really want to try the New Year's Eve dinner made by my mother, but unfortunately I don't have the chance..."

"Drip! Drip! Drip! Boom!!!"

As the countdown ended, a huge explosion directly enveloped the area. Even the alien mutant, which was as strong as steel, could not remain intact. The outer shell armor on its body was directly shattered, and the muscle tissue inside was severely burned and cracked. In addition, the shock wave of the explosion caused a large area of ​​internal injuries inside the body, and many internal organs and important organs were ruptured.

If this injury was placed on a human body, even if it did not die on the spot, it would not survive for more than an hour due to various reasons.

However, the alien mutant is not a human, especially the alien gene has a rapid recovery effect. These injuries can be restored to their original state in just a few days as long as there is enough food supply.

In short, no matter how much damage the alien mutant suffers, as long as there is a constant supply of blood and flesh for it to eat, it can quickly recover from its injuries.

Because of this strong vitality, the alien mutant did not die from the explosion, but was blown out of the window again.

On the other side, Hu Zi, who was running with his platoon leader, could no longer hold back his tears after hearing the explosion behind him.

Because he knew that this explosion was caused by his brother's life.

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