My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 742 Dangerous Mistake

After they quickly discussed the countermeasures, a soldier from the guard company took off the armor on his arm without hesitation, and then cut his palm with his dagger. Google Search Reading

The sharp blade directly cut a hole in the soldier's palm, and fresh blood immediately flowed out from the wound on the palm, dripping onto the floor.

The mutants who smelled the blood immediately lost their minds, and rushed directly towards the bleeding soldier regardless of the difference in the number of enemies and ourselves.

"I attracted them! Cover me!"

Seeing the mutants take the bait, the soldier turned around and ran, ready to guide these mutants to a place without dangerous objects, and the soldiers next to him also ran out.

Although the mutants moved very fast, the exoskeleton and the Tianbing mecha warriors were not slow either. Anyway, the mutants could not catch up with the soldiers in a short time.

Just as the two waves of people, one in front and one behind, quickly moved away from the dangerous area, the people in other teams also discovered the situation here.

When the other teams saw the leading warriors dripping blood, they thought they were being chased by the mutants behind them, so they took out their weapons without saying a word and attacked the three mutants behind them.

The mutants, who were originally attracted by the smell of blood, subconsciously stopped their steps when they heard the gunfire and prepared to dodge to the side, but this was not a movie, and they were not the protagonists. The moment they stopped, hundreds of bullets and dozens of grenades hit them.

Their bodies were directly smashed into pieces, and at the same time, the explosion of several rockets directly blew the mutants that were beaten into pieces into pieces.

In short, they didn't even leave any dregs.

Fortunately, they were a little distance away from the sample room just now, and the explosion here did not affect the laboratory, otherwise all the people here would probably report to the Hades.

"Brother! Are you okay!"

After seeing the mutants being blown into pieces, the warriors who decisively attacked the mutants breathed a sigh of relief and asked with concern.

Although he wanted to scold them, he held back. After all, the other side didn't know their current situation, and helping them was kind-hearted. He couldn't scold them for this, so he could only force a very complicated smile on his face and answer.

"I'm fine, thank you for your help"

"You're welcome, we're going to take a look over there, be careful"

"Okay, see you later"

"See you later"

After saying goodbye to each other, the other teams began to move in other directions, while their team first had to escort the damaged Tianbing mecha out of the institute safely, and then search for surviving researchers.

The search and rescue mission lasted for nearly half an hour, and in the end, only 19 of the more than 20 researchers were rescued, and the remaining researchers were confirmed to have been killed.

Cai Wenjie, who learned of this result, looked gloomy. The loss of each researcher was a heavy price that Cai Wenjie could not afford. Now that so many people have been lost at once, how could he not feel uncomfortable?

"Pass my order! All personnel are allowed to use heavy weapons. I have only one request, to flatten all mutants in the institute, and leave no one alive!"


"Also! No living organisms are allowed in all samples in the future!"


With Cai Wenjie's order, the soldiers inside the institute can finally let go. They were afraid of destroying the professional experimental equipment inside the institute, so they didn't dare to attack freely. Now with Cai Wenjie's permission, they can finally eliminate the mutants by any means.

For a while, all kinds of fierce gunfire and artillery sounds appeared everywhere in the institute, accompanied by huge explosions, and those mutants were being eliminated at a very fast speed.

No matter how powerful the mutants are, they can't withstand a rocket. Even if these mutants unite to prepare for a group battle, it is useless. For the soldiers, the role of these mutants uniting is just to increase the number of targets, and they don't have to spend time looking for them one by one, saving a lot of trouble. If these mutants can understand human words, the soldiers really want to say something to them.

"Thanks to nature for the gift"

As more and more mutants were wiped out, the control of the entire institute returned to people's hands again.

"Check every corner carefully! Don't let any mutant go! Especially those places with horns and horns! Those mouse mutants like to appear in such places the most!"

"Yes! Squad leader!"

After about two hours, the mutants inside the institute were completely wiped out, and all places in the institute were sprayed with a large amount of disinfectant, especially those places touched by the flesh and blood of mutants, which were a one-click three-combo.

The so-called one-click three-combo is, first, use a flamethrower to purify the places where there may be body fragments, second, spray a high concentration of disinfectant on the basis of flame purification to eliminate viruses, and third, use a ten-fold diluted virus inhibitor for the final cleaning work.

After this set, let alone viruses, even microorganisms can't survive.

Although the institute had just experienced a big battle, the rescued researchers still strongly suggested that it should be put into use at night. After all, their various research still needs a lot of verification and cannot be delayed.

For this request, Cai Wenjie thought about it and agreed.

"I agree to your request, but you must pay attention to safety. Although the institute has been thoroughly cleaned, it is not ruled out that there are mutants who are good at hiding in that corner. For safety reasons, I require you to have at least two security guards to protect you during the experiment."

"Don't worry, chief. If there is any problem, we will press the alarm as soon as possible."

"In short, don't force yourself too much. Each of you is one of the future guides of our Xinguang gathering place. I don't want to see you get hurt or have an accident."

"Thank you for your relationship, chief. We will pay attention."

"Okay, you go."


After a brief exchange with the researchers, Cai Wenjie set his sights on the bodies of the mutants neatly placed not far away. Although most of the bodies of the mutants were no longer complete, Cai Wenjie still relied on his imagination to complete the appearance of these mutants before they died.

"Really, a group of monsters"

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