My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 65 Stockholm Syndrome

The people on the rooftop hadn't eaten for a day and were cold and hungry. Although the rooftop was safe, there was no food or place to warm up, so it was not a place to stay for long.

As the most powerful leader among the group, Kuroda Yoshikawa stood up and took the initiative to talk to the leaders of the other two groups, but it might be more appropriate to say that he was forcing them.

"Things have come to this point. I don't think anyone thinks there will be rescue, right? I am Kuroda Yoshikawa, the leader of the Kuroda Group. These are my brothers. For our safety, I volunteer to be the leader on this rooftop. Otherwise..."

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Although he didn't finish his words, everyone around him knew what he meant. It was nothing more than driving them out to feed the zombies.

At this time, a young man with a young age but well-developed muscles stood up from another group of passers-by and began to refute.

"You can't be so dictatorial and arbitrary. We need to vote. The person with the most votes will become the leader. That's fair!"

Seeing someone stand up, the people behind began to whisper

"That's right!"

"We want to vote"

"We want democracy!"

In the end, the female students and teachers also began to agree.

The largest but also the weakest of the three groups are the students and teachers of the original school, because nine out of the twelve people are female students and only three are teachers, one of whom is a female teacher, and there are only two male teachers.

Seeing that everyone around them opposed, the younger brothers of the Kuroda group began to stir. Although there were fewer people, they were all elite fighters in the group. If they started a conflict, they would not be at a disadvantage.

Kuroda stopped his younger brothers in time, mainly because he didn't want to attract the attention of the zombies under the rooftop. The others who were originally a little bit more motivated saw that the younger brothers were thinking of taking action, and immediately became turtles.

Kuroda stopped the younger brothers who wanted to come forward, took out a cigarette from his pocket and put it in his mouth. A younger brother behind him immediately came forward with a lighter, lit the cigarette for Kuroda Yoshikawa, and then returned to his original position.

Kuroda took a breath with the cigarette in his mouth, slowly exhaled smoke rings, and spoke.

"Want a democratic vote? Sure! Then I will tell you my voting declaration."

As he spoke, Heitian slowly approached the muscular man, stood in front of him, took out a dagger, and stabbed it directly into the muscular man's stomach, and said.

"First, I will keep everyone alive and safe."

At this time, Kuroda pulled out the dagger again

"Second, I will let everyone eat fairly."

Grabbing the muscle man's shoulder, he stabbed the dagger again

"Third, I will make everyone warm every night."

Pulled out the dagger and stabbed it several times quickly. The muscle man didn't react at all and was stabbed several times by Kuroda. Then he carried the muscle man to the rooftop, grabbed the muscle man who was holding his stomach and threw him out of the rooftop. In less than a few seconds, there was a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground under the rooftop, and the zombies howled.

"Voting starts now!"

Everyone was directly shocked by Kuroda's operation. Kuroda now came to the first person who agreed with the muscle man with a dagger dripping with blood. Seeing the man in front of him trembling, Kuroda laughed weirdly.

"Who are you going to vote for?"

The person who was frightened by Kuroda's dagger barely spoke in a frightened voice

"I, I, I vote for you"

Kuroda then let go of the person in front of him and began to look at the people next to him. Everyone who was swept by Kuroda's eyes avoided his sight, but Kuroda obviously didn't want to let these people go. He began to ask everyone one by one who they would vote for?

The answers of the people who were questioned were all to vote for Kuroda. Soon it was the turn of the student group. The two male teachers bravely stood up in front of the female teachers and female students, and said in a trembling voice

"They are still students and have not reached the legal age to vote. We abstain!"

"Abstain? That means you don't agree with me becoming a leader?"

Kuroda narrowed his eyes, took out the bloody dagger again, and shook it in front of the male teacher.

The male teacher looked at the dagger and said with difficulty.

"No, we didn't disagree, but the students didn't have the judgment to vote. We teachers agreed that you should be the leader on their behalf."

"So that's it."

Just when the male teacher thought that the matter was over, Kuroda stabbed the male teacher with the dagger again.

"It's a pity, I don't like people playing tricks in front of me."

The male teacher's stomach was pierced by the dagger, and the female students who were trembling behind the male teacher screamed in fear.

"Teacher Nakamura! You! Ugh"

When another male teacher was about to fight with Kuroda, he was stabbed decisively by Kuroda, and fell down with his hands on his stomach like Teacher Nakamura

"Teacher Kamijou, Teacher Nakamura, no!"

The female teacher who was protected by the two male teachers cried sadly, and the female students began to cry silently after the initial screams. Matsuyama Yukiko and Sakai Ami also covered their mouths and cried silently in the group of students.

Kamijo and Nakamura, as the few young male teachers in the girls' high school, are very popular with these little girls. There are also many female students who have a crush on them. Yukiko and Ami happen to be among them. Now the person they have a crush on is lying in a pool of blood in pain, which is a big blow to the two of them. However, they dare not speak out because they are afraid of Kuroda, and can only cry silently.

Kuroda's commander threw the two male teachers off the rooftop, and then stood in the middle and wiped the dagger with the cloth strips that he had just torn from the clothes of the two men, and spoke in a careless voice

"Since everyone voted for me to be the leader, then I will accept everyone's kindness. From now on, I am the boss of this group, and no one can disobey my orders!"

No one else made a sound, just lowered their heads and looked at the ground, which made Kuroda a little unhappy.

"Do you have any opinions?"

Kuroda stared at the people in front of him with a piercing look, and the people stared at could only say words of praise against their will

"It is our honor to have Boss Kuroda lead us"

"Long live Boss Kuroda!"

More and more people began to praise Kuroda against their will. Didn't Kuroda know that these people said these words against their will? No! He knew, but he also knew a mental illness.

Stockholm syndrome, the Stockholm effect, also known as Stockholm syndrome or hostage complex or hostage syndrome, refers to a complex in which the victim of a crime develops feelings for the criminal, and even helps the criminal in return.

This emotion causes the victim to have a good impression, dependence, and even help the perpetrator.

And Kuroda's purpose is this, to make this group of people have Stockholm syndrome, so as to control them

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