My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 736 Three important news

At the same time

Cai Wenjie had just woken up from his big bed at home. After gently pushing Xiang Xue's thighs away, Cai Wenjie yawned, got out of bed, and slowly walked to the bathroom to wash up. →

Since the three grain bases were officially put into use, Cai Wenjie's daily task is to inspect the work of the three grain bases in a cycle.

Originally, this matter would not have been handled by Cai Wenjie himself, but I don't know who was so mouth-watering that the matter of the grain base was known by Cai Wenjie's direct superior, that is, the chief of the Northern Theater.

Not long ago, the chief had a video call with Cai Wenjie for half an hour. During this half hour, the chief was very pleased with what Cai Wenjie did. At the same time, he expressed his full support for Cai Wenjie's grain base plan, and said that if there were any difficulties, he could report to him and he would do his best to help him.

After hearing this, Cai Wenjie also realized what the chief meant, and immediately said that when these three grain bases can officially produce grain, they will definitely help the troops in other regions so that they will not starve.

After getting the answer he wanted, the chief was very happy and said that he would definitely go there in person if he had time in the future.

"It seems that these three food bases are not enough. How about three more?"

After washing and having breakfast, Cai Wenjie was thinking about whether to build a few more food bases in his office. In the end, Cai Wenjie decided to build a few more food bases, but not now.

Because of the three food bases and a mine, the current Xinguang gathering place does not have much manpower to use. Even if it wants to build, it cannot be built. Even if it is built, no one can go to farm.

Therefore, Cai Wenjie has only one goal now, that is, to take advantage of this time to recuperate, expand the scope of the Xinguang gathering place, and absorb as much population as possible from the surrounding areas to strengthen himself.

Other things are easy to say, but absorbing population is a bit difficult. After all, most of the living people now gather in the official gathering place, and the few people who do not belong to them also have their own positions and will never easily join the Xinguang gathering place.

To sum up, if you want to attract people to settle in Xinguang Gathering Area, you must pay a certain price and then transport them from other official gathering places.

Cai Wenjie never expected that he would be anxious because of the population problem.

However, there are still solutions to this problem, such as asking for help from his superior, that is, the chief, and asking the chief to migrate people from other places to live in Xinguang Gathering Area.

Just when Cai Wenjie was worried about the population problem, a report suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

"Report! An emergency notice was sent from the war zone!"


"Online meeting? Major things?"

After listening to the report, Cai Wenjie always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. After thinking for a long time, Cai Wenjie decided to ask his superior in person about the situation.

After Cai Wenjie tidied his clothes at his seat, he started a video chat with the superior.


After hanging up the video chat, Cai Wenjie basically understood the content of this meeting, and also knew what the major news was in advance.

Simply put, the troops across the country have achieved good results in the counterattack. About 20% of the hundreds of cities in the country have been recaptured, and most of the first-tier cities have been recaptured. These cities have begun to rebuild, and the situation is moving in a good direction.

As for the major events to be announced, there are actually three.

First, starting from May, the gun ban will be officially lifted. Ordinary people can legally own guns, but they are still not allowed to carry guns in public places in official gatherings to avoid causing panic.

Second, starting from May, all official gatherings can apply to the central government to become new cities, county towns, and villages, but once they apply to become cities, county towns, or villages, they must meet the following conditions:

To apply for a change to a village, the population must be no less than 100, and the grain must be produced and sold by itself.

To apply for a change to a county town, the population must be no less than 1,000, and on the premise of producing and selling grain by itself, there must be one or two industrial plants to produce certain industrial products.

To apply for a change of city, the population must be no less than 10,000. In addition to maintaining self-production and self-sale of food and having factories, the safety of the surrounding 100-kilometer area must be guaranteed.

If the above conditions are met, you can apply for a change.

The third and last important news is that the antidote to the virus has begun to be developed. It is estimated that it should be developed and mass-produced within five years.

To be honest, when Cai Wenjie heard these news, he couldn't help but be shocked. The other things were okay, but the last one, the development of the antidote to the virus, really surprised Cai Wenjie.

You know, before his rebirth, he had experienced ten years of apocalyptic life. At that time, let alone the antidote, even the virus inhibitors were about to lose their original effects.

But now someone suddenly told him that the antidote to the virus would be developed within five years. How could this not surprise Cai Wenjie?

In order to confirm the accuracy of the matter, Cai Wenjie asked his superiors again and again whether this matter was true, and his superiors replied very straightforwardly, saying that it was indeed true.

The original words of the superior at that time were as follows.

"You have contributed to the development of the virus antidote. The monster you sent to us last time was found to have a cell substance that can kill viruses. This cell substance can..., in simple terms, this thing can eat viruses, use viruses as fuel to drive itself to complete division, and continue to hunt virus cells. It can be said that this cell substance is the natural enemy of viruses! But..."

"But what?"

"But, although this cell substance can prey on viruses, it will also attack other immune cells, especially white blood cells and T cells. As long as it encounters these two cells, it will attack them crazily and never stop..."

At this point, Cai Wenjie also understood why it was said that it would take five years to develop the antidote. Solving this problem is not something that can be solved in one or two days.

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