My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 726 Abnormal

The Second Battalion will pass through several villages on the way to HC City. To be on the safe side, the Second Battalion Commander ordered that they must search any village they pass through to avoid zombies lurking there.

After searching all the villages, the Second Battalion also successfully arrived at the suburbs of HC City.

At the same time, twelve armed helicopters departing from the Xinguang gathering place also arrived here to join the Second Battalion.

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Twelve armed helicopters lined up and landed on the suburban national highway where the Second Battalion was located. After the armed helicopters stopped steadily, a pilot of the armed helicopter walked out of the helicopter and walked straight to where the Second Battalion Commander was.

"Hello, Captain 2, I am responsible for your air support in this mission. My name is Lei Ting. Please take care of me."

"Hello, Captain Lei Ting, I am Zhao Hu, the commander of the 2nd Battalion. You will have to work hard this time."

After the two introduced themselves to each other, they began to make a detailed battle plan. After all, they would cooperate later, and it was not strange to communicate with each other before the battle.

"Regarding this matter, the leader has already instructed us, saying that you can freely play this mission. I just need to obey your orders, and the same goes for the armored company that will arrive in time."

"I see, I know, in this case, let's first..."

Because it takes several hours for the armored company to arrive here, the commander of the 2nd Battalion decided not to wait for the armored company to arrive, and try it with the power in hand now.

The population of HC City before the end of the world was only more than 200,000. After the young people went out to work, or after other reasons of population loss, the current population of HC City is only more than 100,000, and the number of zombies is at most tens of thousands, not more than 50,000.

Others have followed the troops to a safe gathering place, so there is no need to worry too much about the number of zombies.

As for how to take down HC City? The second battalion commander has already made a detailed plan.

First, the helicopter formation consisting of twelve armed helicopters will be scattered in the direction of the city. The large loudspeakers on the helicopters will play noise in a loop to attract the zombies that can be attracted. After the zombies are gathered in one place, they will be directly bombed to kill them.

After these zombies are killed, the armed helicopters will temporarily return to the rear, and the second battalion will officially advance to find and kill the zombies that are not attracted by the sound, especially the mutant zombies. These mutant zombies will ignore these sound traps because they are too cunning, and can only actively look for these mutant zombies.

The first half of the plan went very smoothly. Most of the ordinary zombies will be attracted by the sound in the loudspeaker and come to an open space. When the number of zombies exceeds a certain scale, the armed helicopters will cover and bomb the lower part to kill all the zombies as much as possible. ơɱ

To be on the safe side, artillery positions in the rear will also fire shells to assist armed helicopters in eliminating the zombies.

This time, the bombing directly wiped out nearly 20,000 ordinary zombies, and the price paid was only dozens of surface-to-air missiles and dozens of large-caliber howitzers.

After confirming that the armed helicopter had returned, the second battalion commander led his troops and began to march towards the city.

Although the armed helicopter wiped out nearly 20,000 zombies, there were still scattered zombies in the city, and the total number of these zombies even exceeded 50,000.

Fortunately, these zombies were scattered, and as long as they were not too radical, the troops could still slowly eliminate these zombies.

However, if nothing unexpected happened, an accident would happen. Not long after the troops entered the city, they suddenly found that the mutant zombies that were supposed to hide in the dark now appeared in front of the troops openly, and not one or two, but dozens or hundreds of mutant zombies appeared together.

After seeing this scene, the second battalion commander was a little surprised, but he still remained calm and began to calmly issue combat orders.

"Bring up the heavy machine guns and grenade launchers! Armored vehicles move forward! Snipers, watch out for the self-destructing zombies, and kill them immediately if you find them! Don't let them get close!"


Just as the soldiers began to deploy heavy weapons, the mutant zombies on the opposite side had already started charging. The ones leading the way were the meat shield mutant zombies and the Titan mutant zombies. One of them was thick-skinned and the other was extremely powerful, and they could easily close the distance between the two sides.

However, the soldiers were not vegetarians. After knowing that small-caliber rifles would not have much effect on them, they decisively took out the rocket launchers on their backs, aimed at the target slightly, and pulled the trigger directly, firing a high-explosive rocket.

No matter how thick the meat shield and the Titan were, they could not withstand a rocket, so when the rocket accurately hit the body of the meat shield mutant zombie, the huge explosion directly blasted half of the meat shield mutant zombie's body into pieces.

And there were more than one rocket like this. In an instant, more than a dozen rockets rushed out from all corners and hit the meat shields and Titans in the front row.

The mutant zombies hit by the rockets had no chance of surviving. One after another, the mutant zombies were blown into pieces of meat by the rockets. After seeing the situation in front, the mutant zombies behind continued to charge regardless.

Soon, the second echelon of speed-type mutant zombies and claw-type mutant zombies began to quickly approach the distance between the two sides, but at this time, all the heavy weapons in the rear of the troops were moved to the front and deployed.

The next second, the heavy machine gun began to exert its corresponding firepower. Those mutant zombies, no matter how fast they were, could only bow down in front of the bullets and be beaten honestly.

In particular, the 7mm armor-piercing bullets of the heavy machine gun are a great killer for these mutant zombies.

As long as they are hit by the heavy machine gun bullets, the flesh and blood of that part will be gone, leaving only a hollow wound. If they are unfortunately hit by the heavy machine gun bullets in the upper part of the body, it is better to prepare for the aftermath directly.

The continuous output of the heavy machine gun directly blocked the attack route of the mutant zombies. At the same time, the grenade launcher deployed behind the heavy machine gun was also firing high-explosive grenades, bombing the mutant zombies continuously.

In this case, those mutant zombies had no way to get close to the team and could only give their heads away in vain.

However, just when the second battalion commander thought that the battle was stable, he suddenly heard screams from the rear.

He immediately turned around and looked behind him, only to see that the rear of the team was suddenly attacked by claw-shaped mutant zombies that appeared out of nowhere, and three logistics soldiers had already been killed by the claw zombies.

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