My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 717: Attack TM City

Among the three battalions, the first battalion is the only unit directly related to Cai Wenjie, and it is also the only unit whose entire battalion is equipped with exoskeletons. ♙♕ ♦ ♦

This also resulted in the first battalion’s target being the most difficult city to capture.

TM City is a city on the border, with only a river less than a few dozen meters wide from abroad.

Although it is just an unpopular city, the strategic significance here is huge. As long as you occupy this city, you will not only be able to regain the border, but you will also be able to use this city to go abroad on expeditions and capture the entire peninsula.

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In the current TM City, there are no longer any living people. The nearby gathering place was also captured by the zombies due to the previous counterattack. Only a few survivors escaped, but they all left the scope of TM City. Find a new place to stay somewhere else.

This also caused the entire TM City to become a paradise for zombies. Countless corpses led to the cultivation of a large number of mutant zombies, and a very strange giant mutant zombie also appeared.

This kind of zombie is similar to a suture monster. The whole body is more than ten meters high, almost as big as a rural western-style building. Most of the body is made of the corpses of various zombies. Just looking at it makes people feel very uncomfortable. .

Let's call this suture monster "Roshan". After all, its entire body is made of zombie flesh. Calling it "Roshan" really fits the characteristics.

Roshan runs rampant in TM City. When he encounters zombies, he picks them up and inserts them into his body, or he swallows them one by one like a steamed dumpling.

Every time this meat mountain eats a zombie, its body will become visibly bigger. It is estimated that every time it eats a hundred zombies, it will gain weight.

Based on Roshan's current size, it is estimated that he has swallowed thousands of zombies, otherwise he would not be as big as he is now.

Regarding the existence of Roshan, Song Yi, the commander of the first battalion in charge of clearing TM City, naturally knew about it.

And after several days of high-altitude reconnaissance using military satellites, he also knew that this mutant could never be fought at close range and could only be consumed in advance using long-range attacks.

Therefore, before the First Battalion arrived at TM City, a flight formation composed of 144 unmanned bombers arrived here first and directly launched an attack on Roshan.

The 144 unmanned bombers carried at least more than 800 missiles, most of which were high-explosive bombs and a small number of incendiary bombs.

These incendiary bombs are actually to test whether they are useful against Roshan. According to common sense, Roshan, which has so many corpses stitched together, is itself a huge flammable body. It is estimated that setting a fire can make Roshan burn. Three days and three nights, but it is a mutant after all, and it is unrealistic to use common sense, so a small number of incendiary bombs are just test bombs for testing.

When 144 unmanned bombers appeared over TM City, they were immediately spotted by Roshan who was wandering around the city because of their huge size. It was obvious that Roshan was very interested in such things that could fly in the sky.

It tried to reach the drone in the sky by stretching out its short arms, but it was in vain.

"Special mutant found! Start attacking!"


Under the guidance of military satellites, the unmanned bomber immediately launched missiles under the fuselage at Roshan.

One after another, air-to-ground missiles were released by the unmanned bombers, and they bombed Roshan with precision.

For a time, Roshan's huge body was completely beaten by missiles. Every missile would blast a hole in Roshan's body. The total number of missiles carried by the 144 unmanned bombers had exceeded 800.

These eight hundred missiles hit Roshan's body and directly broke most of Roshan's body into pieces, leaving only his lower body. At the same time, due to dozens of incendiary bombs, the rest of Roshan's body was completely ignited. Transformed into a huge torch.

"Success! Let the ground troops begin the attack."


Cai Wenjie had been watching the whole process of Roshan's elimination. In order to eliminate this huge mutant that he had seen for the first time, Cai Wenjie even used all unmanned bombers and more than 800 missiles. If even this could not eliminate Roshan, If so, there are some...

Fortunately, the result was not bad. More than 800 missiles directly blew up Roshan into dregs. No, not even the dregs were left behind. They all turned into ashes.

In fact, using 800 missiles to deal with Roshan is too wasteful. Even one-twentieth of them can blow Roshan to pieces and a few incendiary bombs can completely kill Roshan.

According to the technical terms of the game, this situation is a serious overflow of damage, but everything must be practiced. It is the first time to face this kind of mutant that is about the same size as an alien fighting beast. No matter how cautious you are, although Eight hundred missiles are expensive but worth it.

While destroying Roshan, these 800 missiles actually turned the surrounding area into ruins, and this happened to be the only way for the first battalion to enter the city, so when Song Yi led the soldiers of the first battalion When we got here, we could only change the route and make a wide circle to the side, and entered TM City from another road.

After entering the city, Song Yi did not establish an outpost like he had done in LJ City before, but directly gave his troops a general offensive order.

"Each company will be responsible for a sweep of an area according to the previous plan. If you encounter any difficulties, please contact nearby friendly forces in time. Don't force yourself! Do you understand!"


"Good! Everyone! Let's go!"

With Song Yi's order, the five companies each moved towards their own areas. They would not let go of any lone zombies on the road, and would directly reward the zombie with a bullet. The overall movement was clean and neat.

The scale of TM City is not very large, with only a few tens of thousands more people than LJ.

For the experienced soldiers of the first battalion, it is not difficult to sweep a small city with tens of thousands of zombies, especially when they have all the weapons and ammunition.

The soldiers slowly advanced under the cover of armored vehicles. During this period, the zombies who heard the sound rushed out from all corners and pounced on the team like mad dogs.

But before these zombies get close, as long as the zombies appear in the sight of the soldiers, a soldier holding a rifle will immediately raise his gun and shoot quickly.

With the assistance of the Kirin auxiliary system, the soldiers wearing exoskeletons can often kill with one shot, and there is no need to fire a second shot.

If a group of zombies rush out, the armored vehicles next to the soldiers will come in handy. The heavy machine guns or machine guns mounted on the armored vehicles can eliminate groups of zombies in the shortest time.

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