My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 713 The zombie tide arrives

However, the battle in the cruise ship was too noisy and attracted the attention of the surrounding zombies. Now a large zombie group is heading towards the cruise ship.

The cruise ship also noticed the situation outside.

"Report! A large number of zombies appeared in the city! They are moving towards us!"

"What! Let the Arisu Battalion go back to garrison! Don't let the zombies break through the dock's defense! Go!"


"Also! Go to the cockpit to ask if they are ready! We must set sail immediately!"

"But, are there any civilians boarding the ship outside..."

"Shut up! Are you questioning my orders!"

"... I dare not, I'll go now"

This member of the Self-Defense Force was obviously not very willing to obey the order, but when he thought of his family on board, he didn't say anything more, and saluted and left.

At this time, the zombies outside had also rushed to the vicinity of the dock and were about to attack the Self-Defense Forces face to face.

There was already a battalion of Self-Defense Forces stationed on the dock. After seeing that the zombies had appeared within the field of vision, the captain of the Arisu Battalion immediately gave an order.

"Prepare for detonation! Detonate!"

With his order, a fuel warehouse outside the dock was detonated by a time bomb installed in advance. What a scene it would be if a fuel warehouse with an area of ​​about the size of a football field exploded.

With a huge explosion, a white mushroom cloud slowly appeared above the original fuel warehouse, and a sea of ​​fire was burning below. The area of ​​the sea of ​​fire directly exceeded thousands of square meters and was still expanding.

The group of zombies that were moving quickly towards the dock were instantly covered by the sea of ​​fire. The poor zombies were burned to pieces by the sea of ​​fire before they could figure out what was going on. They turned into charred mummies. In the end, there was not even a mummie left, only a charred human trace.

However, the huge explosion of the fuel warehouse successfully attracted the attention of all zombies within tens of kilometers. If the scale of the group of zombies that just attacked the dock was at most a few thousand, then this time almost all the zombies in the city were attracted.

Even though the population of this island country is not much compared to its neighbors, the land area of ​​this narrow island country is here. At least tens of millions of people live in one city. Everyone can understand what this means.

The captain of the Arisu Battalion, Arisu Daoye, also knows the dangers of detonating the fuel warehouse, but he has no choice but to do it. As the saying goes, officials know the morality of their subordinates.

After a series of battles, his Arisu Battalion has less than one in ten available combatants. Although they have been supplemented, most of these newly supplemented personnel are new recruits with no combat experience and very short training. It is okay to let these people fight a favorable battle, but if they really have to fight a hard battle, it is estimated that the zombies will collapse before they get close to these people. →

Arisu Daoye really doesn't want to see this scene. At the same time, he also calculated the time for the cruise ship to leave the port. It is estimated that as long as he holds on for half an hour, the order to retreat will probably be issued from above.

A fuel warehouse that has no use anymore is exchanged for a 30-minute preparation time. It seems very cost-effective to Arisu Daoye.

"Don't be timid! Just hold on for half an hour! We can leave here! Cheer up!"


Arisu Toya's calculations were going well. If nothing unexpected happened, his plan might really succeed.


Half an hour later, the order for the Arisu Battalion to retreat was indeed issued to him as Arisu Toya imagined.

Without hesitation, Arisu Toya directly commanded his battalion to evacuate, and at the same time, he did not forget to bury a large number of mines and explosives on the original defensive positions, waiting for the zombies to come and give them the final blow.

But at this time, the crowd who were still staying outside saw that the Self-Defense Forces were going to evacuate, and they also hurriedly began to follow and wanted to get on the cruise ship together, but this time the Self-Defense Forces soldiers did not make things difficult for them, and tacitly agreed that they could follow.

But the people in the cruise ship did not want to see these people come up, so another riot began.

"You bunch of lowlifes! Get out of here!"

"Get out!"

"You useless people don't deserve to live!"

"What are you doing, Self-Defense Forces! Get these lowlifes out of here!"

"Yes! Get them out of here, or just shoot them!"

As the people above became more and more emotional, the originally silent civilians below began to make some unfriendly voices.

"Why can't we go up! Who do you think you are!"

"That's right! Who do you think you are! We are not slaves! You have no right to let us go down!"

At this time, the soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces couldn't stand it anymore. A new recruit who had just joined the Self-Defense Forces shouted at the people in suits and leather shoes on the cruise ship.

"Shut up! Or I'll kill you!"

Why was this recruit so tough? It was mainly because of his sister whose parents and family were there.

Even for his family, he would never agree.

"Asshole! Who do you think you are talking to! Shut up!"

Arisu Dao didn't want to cause trouble at this critical moment, so he could only scold his subordinates and tell him to shut up.

However, Arisu Toya's order had no effect, and the recruit's mood became even more unstable.

"You shut up! If you dare to abandon my family, I will kill you first."

The recruit directly picked up the gun in his hand and pointed it at his superior.

"Do you know what you are doing!"

The recruit's action scared the other soldiers. They looked at the soldier at a loss, but some soldiers who reacted quickly also raised their weapons and pointed them at the emotionally out-of-control recruit.

Just when the situation was about to deteriorate, a shout broke the deadlock.

"It's a zombie tide! Look over there!"

It turned out that the zombie tide attracted by the explosion of the fuel warehouse arrived at the dock. Unlike the first zombie swarm with only a few thousand zombies, this time the zombie tide had hundreds of thousands of zombies, and it also included mutant zombies that were not in the first zombie swarm, and the number was not small.

A large number of zombies approached the dock like a tide. Although the sea of ​​fire caused by the explosion of the fuel warehouse was still there, how long could it last?

So when people discovered the traces of the zombie tide, they immediately panicked. No matter whether it was the high-ranking officials or the ordinary people, everyone was frightened by the scale of the zombie tide, even the Self-Defense Forces.

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