My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 710 Chain Reaction

After teaching Song Yi a lesson, Cai Wenjie asked him to go back to work, and he chose to take a look around here. Google Search Reading

The outpost is now quite lively, and a steady stream of supplies are being transported to the Xinguang gathering place by transport trucks. Although most of the city has become a ruin, the grain warehouse or other reserve warehouses are still very strong. Together with the shops in the city and the grain in the countryside, these supplies are enough to feed and drink tens of thousands of people for several months.

The scale of the outpost is not very large, and Cai Wenjie did not take long to go around the whole area.

Everyone is working hard to do their job well, and perhaps because of Cai Wenjie's arrival, the soldiers are very enthusiastic about their work, even hard work such as carrying supplies can be done with high spirits.

After a round and finding that there is nothing wrong, Cai Wenjie nodded with satisfaction and prepared to go home.

But just as he turned around, his peripheral vision suddenly swept into a small building nearby.

A vague figure on the corner of the top floor of the small building was reflected in Cai Wenjie's eyes.

Cai Wenjie, who noticed something was wrong, immediately hid behind the box closest to him, and then used the system satellite to locate the small building just now.

Using the system satellite, Cai Wenjie quickly locked onto the blurry figure just now. According to the picture transmitted back by the system satellite, Cai Wenjie found that the figure was just a mannequin. It seemed that he was too sensitive, so he mistook the mannequin for an assassin.

Cai Wenjie breathed a sigh of relief after learning the truth. When he was about to stand up and leave, the soldiers around him noticed that Cai Wenjie was different.

Then Cai Wenjie appreciated what professionalism was. After seeing Cai Wenjie's appearance, the soldiers around him immediately took out several smoke bombs and threw them directly into the area where Cai Wenjie was.

"Protect the leader!"

With just such a shout, the surrounding soldiers quickly put down their work, picked up the weapons beside them, and ran quickly in the direction of Cai Wenjie. There were also drivers waiting to transport materials who drove the transport trucks directly to Cai Wenjie's position and blocked the trucks in front of Cai Wenjie.

With the smoke bomb just now, Cai Wenjie's position was covered in a very short time.

Then, a group of fully armed soldiers holding huge shields quickly came to Cai Wenjie, and surrounded Cai Wenjie in the middle and protected him with shields without saying a word.

"Please rest assured, chief! The infantry fighting vehicle will be here soon, hold on for a while..."

Before he finished speaking, an infantry fighting vehicle rushed directly to Cai Wenjie and then opened the back door directly.

Seeing this, the soldiers surrounding Cai Wenjie directly lifted Cai Wenjie into the infantry fighting vehicle, and then signaled the driver to move to a safe place quickly. '6''9''s''h''u''x''.''c''o''m'

At the same time, Song Yi also hurriedly ordered the mobilization of troops and sounded the first-level alert.

In an instant, the outpost, which was already a little noisy, immediately became a sensation, and those soldiers who didn't know what was going on also began to move under the alarm of the first-level alert.

Unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and unmanned attack aircraft were also started at the same time, and armored vehicles and tanks also started their engines afterwards.

At this point, Cai Wenjie had no way to explain clearly, so he could only go with the flow and order a concentrated fire on the small building just now.

There was no other way. Otherwise, the riot would not stop at all, and the innocent small building could only be sacrificed.

After receiving Cai Wenjie's order, Song Yi immediately ordered tanks and truck guns to bombard the small building not far away.

With the deafening sound of artillery fire, the innocent small building was immediately blown to pieces. A tank shell hit the load-bearing wall of the small building very trickily, and a violent explosion occurred, which directly caused the small building to begin to collapse. In just half a minute, the small building directly became a ruin.

The mannequin that caused this situation was directly blown into pieces, and burned without leaving even a slag.

"Stop the shelling! Third Company Commander! Take your men up to see if there are any living enemies!"


More than a hundred fully armed soldiers kept searching in the ruined building, determined to find the enemy who dared to attack the leader, but they couldn't find anything no matter how hard they dug. The third company commander had no choice but to report the situation to Song Yi truthfully.

And Song Yi could only convey this news to Cai Wenjie and apologized in shame.

"I'm sorry, Chief, it's my fault. We didn't find any bodies. It's as if they disappeared out of thin air."

"Well, forget it if we didn't find any. Under such a powerful bombardment, there is no living thing that can survive. It is estimated that it has turned into ashes long ago."

Cai Wenjie could only get away with this matter like this, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing.

"Chief, it's not safe here. How about I take you back to the Xinguang gathering place?"

"Well, I think my presence here will affect you. It's better to go home directly, Song Yi!"


"I'll leave everything to you. Don't let me down"

"Yes! I promise to complete the task"


At the same time, in a narrow island country thousands of miles away, a group of soldiers in camouflage uniforms, no, it should be the Self-Defense Forces, are escorting hundreds of thousands of civilians to board the ship. To be more precise, they are mainly protecting a small number of wealthy people and politicians for evacuation, and civilians are just incidental.

A huge luxury cruise ship is docked in a port, and a steady stream of island survivors are queuing to enter the cruise ship. Among them, the most special are the politicians of the island country, as well as various executives and wealthy people. They are different from other civilians. Other civilian survivors need many people to squeeze into a small room of less than 20 square meters, while these people are each assigned a room that is almost the same as the presidential suite.

This presidential suite can accommodate almost more than a hundred people, but now it belongs to one person.

"Damn, what kind of shabby room is this"

A young man wearing various top-level private custom dresses looked at the presidential suite and couldn't help muttering, but soon he sighed, as if he reluctantly admitted the reality, put down his sunglasses, walked to a high-end sofa and sat down.


"What do you want, young master?"

"Go to the refugee layer below and pick a few decent women to serve me."

"Okay, I'll do it right away, young master."

A man in butler's clothes came out from behind, bowed to the so-called young master in front of him, and left the room.

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