My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 707 Ancient Tomb

After confirming that the man was not a threat to them, a medical worker came out to bandage the man's wound. Fortunately, the bullet did not cause any damage to the bone, but only passed through the gap, so he only needed to disinfect and bandage the wound and rest.

At the same time, a soldier beside him picked up the old rifle that fell on the ground and walked aside to destroy it on the spot.

This old rifle is too old. If it continues to be used, it is very likely to explode directly in the hand, not to mention whether it can be fired normally.

This thing is simply a time bomb, so it must be discarded for safety reasons.


The battle ended before it even started, which also caused the mine to be happy that it no longer had to mine. As for what would happen in the future, they have not thought about it yet.

[At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network → 𝑡𝑤𝑘𝑎𝑛.𝑐𝑜𝑚]

So, when the fully armed soldiers appeared in front of them, the originally cheering voices stopped abruptly. They didn’t know what these well-equipped soldiers were going to do. Some pessimistic people even thought that these fully armed soldiers were also here to enslave them.

However, some people were pessimistic about the current situation, and some people also thought that these soldiers were here to save them.

Because they killed those guards who had done many evil things and the guard leader, and most importantly, these soldiers’ armbands had the five red stars that the Z people were very familiar with. Just based on this point, they could conclude that these people were here to save them.

"I am the platoon leader of the sixth platoon of the second company of the first battalion of the Xinguang gathering place. I am here to rescue you. Now everyone line up in four rows to cooperate with us to register simple identity information! We will send you back to your hometown according to the registration content, so don't write the wrong location, let alone hide anything."

The number of miners is about a hundred people. It didn't take long to register the information of a hundred people. It took about ten minutes to collect the identity information of these hundred people.

"I'm sorry, sir, my wife and children are also here. Can you trouble me to find my wife and children, please?"

A middle-aged man who looks no more than forty years old said to a soldier in a humble but extremely firm tone.

Although the middle-aged man's face and body were covered with dust, it could not cover up his strong scholar spirit. It seems that he is probably a senior teacher or a lover of ancient style.

It is obvious that the soldier was stunned for a while for the sudden inquiry, but he responded soon.

"I will report this matter. Please write down your name and the names of your wife and children so that I can report it conveniently."

The soldier took out a piece of paper and a pen from behind and handed it to the middle-aged man in front of him.

"I'll write it now."

The middle-aged man carefully took the white paper from the soldier's hand, avoiding his black hands from touching the center, and then picked up the pen next to him and began to write on the paper.

"Xun Yu? Your name is Xun Yu?"

"Yes, my real name is Xun Yu"

"Then is your wife's last name Tang?"

"Uh, yes"

"What a coincidence"

"Yes, it's a coincidence"



If it weren't for the fact that the man named Xun Yu in front of him didn't dodge at all, but was extremely serious, he would have a lot of reason to conclude that he was lying to him.

"Xun Yu, Tang Si, Xun You, ... I'll trust you for once. If you lie to me, you'll bear the consequences."

"I don't mean to, thank you."


The soldier came to his squad leader half-believingly and said.

"Squad leader, look, this is..."

When the soldier explained what happened just now, the squad leader's face was indeed a little complicated.

"Are you sure he's not lying to me?"

"Not sure, but I don't think he has any meaning to lie."

"Well, okay, I'll go find the platoon leader."

In this way, the soldier found the squad leader, the squad leader found the platoon leader, the platoon leader found the company commander, and reported to the upper level layer by layer.

As the person in charge of this operation, the second company commander began to look through the various lists sent over helplessly. Everyone's information was registered, so if you want to find someone, the first step is to confirm whether it is registered in the list.

"Tang Si, Xun You, there are actually people with these names. The world is so big that nothing is impossible."

After confirming that the two names were registered, the second company commander immediately sent someone to pick them up, and asked another soldier to find Xun Yu.

When the family of three reunited, they couldn't help but hug each other, and Tang Si and Xun You were so excited that they cried.

However, they didn't hug for too long, because there were more than a dozen soldiers and the second company commander watching them, and Xun Yu could vaguely feel a trace of envy from these eyes.

"Thank you! Thank you very much, sir, for reuniting our family."

Speaking of this, Xun Yu bowed 90 degrees, and his family also bowed respectfully to the second company commander and others.

"Okay, get up. You're lucky. Your wife and children are safe and sound, and they haven't been abused or bullied by others. If it's one day later, it's hard to say."

"Shut up! If you don't know how to speak, just shut up."

"Sorry, Captain!"

"Apologize to them."

"I'm sorry! I couldn't speak clearly, please forgive me."

Faced with such a rude soldier, the second company commander did not get used to it and directly scolded him to apologize to the family.

Seeing the army acting like this, Xun Yu's slightly angry mood suddenly disappeared and was replaced by full of admiration for being able to scold his subordinates who made mistakes in a timely manner, and also allowing others to treat him like an ordinary soldier. If you apologize, you can say that this company commander is very good.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. This is also reality. If you hadn't saved us, our fate would definitely not be good. I know this very well, so I am very grateful to you."

After speaking, Xun Yu paused and then continued.

"Although this matter may be a bit trivial, I still want to tell you that I found the entrance to an ancient tomb in the mine today. After my simple judgment, this ancient tomb has a history of more than two thousand years from modern times. And it looks like the tomb of a big shot. Generally speaking, these big shots will bring a lot of gold and silver treasures with them when they are buried. If I am given a certain amount of time and the right equipment, I am willing to dig out the funerary objects inside. , dedicated, no, donated to the army as military expenses."

Regarding this unexpected gain, the second company commander had no reason to refuse and directly nodded in agreement, but he still asked with a strange expression on his face.

"Are you trying to touch Colonel Jin?"

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