My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 691 Bombardment

"Don't panic at any time! You must observe everything carefully and don't judge the results of things easily. This is the first principle I teach you."

After saying this, the squad leader broke free from the restraints of the recruits and lifted up his left foot that had just been bitten. Google search reading

"See, the equipment we wear is not for good looks. My pants, including your pants, are made of special materials. The biggest feature of this pair of pants is that they are tear-proof. Not to mention mutant zombies, even a crocodile can't destroy its material even if it rolls over with a death roll, so I'm fine. Do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand"

"It's good to understand. Next time if this happens again, you must stay calm. Only when you calm down can you make the best judgment. Also, everyone should be given an inhibitor before we set off... You didn't lose it??"

Thinking of this, the squad leader, who was originally calm, immediately became serious. You must know that the virus inhibitor is something that the Xinguang gathering place cannot produce on its own so far, so this thing is one less one. Every time the inhibitor is used, a report must be made so that it can be distributed reasonably.

If the inhibitors were lost due to the carelessness of the recruits, they would be criticized at the least and put in solitary confinement at the worst.

Hearing this, the recruits shook their heads like rattles. Only a small number of recruits touched their pockets immediately and then showed a relaxed expression.

"It's okay, it's not lost"

"Don't worry, squad leader, we didn't lose it. We were just too panicked just now, so..."

"It's okay if it's not lost, it's okay if it's not lost. Remember, inhibitors are very rare. Even the front-line troops in the country can be allocated. If it weren't for the special situation here, we wouldn't give inhibitors to everyone, especially for you as recruits."

In fact, even if the squad leader didn't say it, they knew the preciousness of the inhibitor. Now the only thing in the world that can prevent infected people from becoming zombies is this inhibitor. It can be said that this thing has the potential to become hard currency in the end times. No! It already has the ability to become hard currency.

But even such a precious item, almost everyone has a bottle now, which shows how much the Xinguang gathering place values ​​them, and this also makes them quickly identify with the Xinguang gathering place.

On the other side, there are several combat squads, exploring the dormitory building behind the nursing home. Because the nursing home is large, there are more than a dozen dormitory buildings, and they are heading to the building with a big 01 written on the outside.

Because they are all elderly people, the height of this building is not high, at most four floors, and at least four large elevators and 8 small elevators are installed.

There are at least 20 rooms on each floor, and the space of each room is about 50 square meters. Each elderly person has a special caregiver to take care of him. As long as the elderly press the button in the room, the caregiver of this complex elderly person will rush to serve the elderly as soon as possible.

Rather than saying that this is a dormitory building, it is better to say that it is a high-end apartment building, and there is a private hospital near these dormitory buildings. If there is any problem with the elderly's health, the caregivers will contact the private hospital as soon as possible, and then mobilize an ambulance to send the elderly to the private hospital for treatment.

Therefore, there are many zombies hidden in these dormitory buildings. It is even possible that these dormitory buildings are the nests of zombies. These recruits are likely to suffer casualties.

However, this is also an excellent trial site. As long as they pass this trial, it is estimated that these recruits can become qualified soldiers.

At the gate of dormitory building No. 01, the squad leaders of several combat squads were giving their final instructions to their squads.

"Remember! After entering, you must observe the terrain more, mark all suspicious places, and check the suspicious places after most people arrive, and then adjust the rifle to single-shot mode. Don't shoot a burst of zombies when you encounter them. You must aim at the head and kill them with one shot! Do you understand!"

"I understand!"

The recruits listened to their squad leaders' instructions very seriously. They knew that these were all the squad leaders' good intentions, so everyone was very obedient.


Cai Wenjie, who was sitting in the command vehicle, was observing the situation of all teams through an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

So far, no recruits have been injured or killed, and the cleaning work of the nursing home is also going smoothly. Everything is moving in a good direction.

But at this moment, an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft numbered 23 suddenly lost its signal over the abandoned private hospital, and the transmitted images went black.

Cai Wenjie immediately noticed something was wrong.

"Let the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft around number 23 go to the abandoned hospital for reconnaissance, and by the way, look for the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft numbered 23 that lost contact."

"Yes! Chief!"

Soon, all the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft near the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft numbered 23 were rushing to the abandoned hospital.

Soon, 6 unmanned reconnaissance aircraft gathered over the abandoned hospital, and more and more unmanned reconnaissance aircraft were gathering here.

The unmanned reconnaissance aircraft group that arrived over the abandoned hospital first began to conduct a 360-degree reconnaissance without blind spots, and transmitted the captured images to the command vehicle, so that Cai Wenjie, who was sitting in the command vehicle, could carefully observe the entire picture of the abandoned hospital.

This abandoned hospital has only three floors. The No. 23 unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, which lost its signal, crashed on the rooftop of the top floor and was emitting thick smoke.

Looking carefully at the wreckage of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, Cai Wenjie immediately realized that this was not an accidental crash, but something deliberately pulled the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft down from a high altitude and forced it to crash.

After thinking for a while, Cai Wenjie decided to send someone to find out what was in this abandoned hospital.

"Let the soldiers of the guard company check. No, forget it. Let them bring heavy weapons to flatten the abandoned hospital for me."

Just when Cai Wenjie wanted to order an investigation of the abandoned hospital, he suddenly remembered that he didn't need to be so cautious, so he changed his words from investigating the abandoned hospital to flattening the abandoned hospital.

"Uh, yes! I guarantee that the mission will be completed."

"Wait a minute! You don't have to go there either. Just drive the tanks in the rear over and bombard the abandoned hospital. Then, bring in the unmanned bombers to saturate the abandoned hospital."


In order to do it once and for all, Cai Wenjie directly ordered the bombing of the abandoned hospital. No matter what monsters were inside, they would not be able to escape the bombing.

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