My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 689 New Soldiers Training 2

This nursing home occupies a land that is almost as big as eight football fields. There are countless types of vegetation and rockeries inside. If it weren't for the wandering zombies ruining the scenery, it would be a few A-level attractions.

When Cai Wenjie led the convoy to the gate of the nursing home, the zombies near the gate were attracted by the movement of the vehicles. However, because of the iron gate, the zombies inside could not get out at all and could only stick to the iron gate. He stretched out his hands and howled at the soldiers everywhere.

"Quick! Get off the bus, get off the bus! Keep the formation! Don't get separated! Assemble!"

The clone squad leaders were directing their combat squads, getting out of the cars as quickly as possible and then gathering.

The recruits performed well. They basically got out of the car and gathered quickly according to the instructions. Only a few recruits who had not yet figured out the situation were trained in various ways by the squad leader. Although they were clones, they also had a winning mentality, especially when they encountered This is especially true for other classes.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Hurry up! If your performance this time is not as good as that of Class 6 next to you, tonight I will let you know what "the majesty of the squad leader" is."

Perhaps the squad leader's "encouragement" had an effect. The recruits, who were still a little unfamiliar with their movements, immediately began to line up anxiously.

The speed of integrating the team was much faster than before. After all the recruits were neatly lined up, the company commanders of each company began to command the team to surround the entire nursing home. Today, their task was to completely clean up the nursing home and remove all the people inside. Kill all the zombies and not even a mouse can be spared.

This battle will test the training results and courage of the recruits, so there will be no artillery support or air support this time. The recruits cannot use other firearms except the weapons in their own hands.

Of course, Cai Wenjie will not just watch the recruits suffer casualties. He has deployed a large number of sharpshooters around the nursing home specifically to support the recruits secretly.

Even in order to prevent any mutant zombies from appearing, several tanks were deployed at a secret spot half a kilometer away from here. If a mutant zombie dares to come out to cause trouble, then reward him with a cannonball and let him know what the king of land warfare is.

As the planner of this operation, Cai Wenjie gave a speech before officially starting the battle.

"Today! It's the day when you officially grow from a recruit to a qualified soldier. In front of you is a nursing home. Before the apocalypse, this was the place where the elderly took care of themselves. Now! This place is a nest full of zombies, and you Today’s task is very simple! That is to kill all the zombies! Tell me if you are confident!”


"I can't hear you! Louder!"


"Very good! Very energetic!"

Cai Wenjie looked down at the time and then continued. ♦♦  ♦♦

"It is now 1:50 in the afternoon! In ten minutes, at 2 o'clock on the hour, this operation will officially begin! I hope you will not disappoint my expectations!"

"Resolutely complete the mission!!! Fight for the New Light Gathering Place!!!"

After seeing that the morale of the team had improved, Cai Wenjie nodded with satisfaction, then returned to his command vehicle and began to use an unmanned reconnaissance drone to check the performance of the new recruits.

Gu Qi

Ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and soon it was two o'clock.

The recruits from the two battalions quickly arrived at the nursing home under the leadership of their respective squad platoon leaders. The zombies posted at the door were the first batch of victims. These slow-moving zombies had no way of doing anything to the heavily armed recruits. Although the recruits were facing zombies for the first time, none of them were timid. Instead, they excitedly picked up their weapons, aimed quickly like in previous training, and then pulled the trigger.

The recruits are not using the eliminated Type 95, nor are they the CS rifles used by Cai Wenjie's troops in the early days, but the 191 rifles that are the same as other official troops.

The reason for this decision is also very simple. The positioning of these two reinforced battalions does not matter. If it is Cai Wenjie's direct troops, that is, the first battalion is to target the mutated zombies and mutated animals among the zombies, the second battalion and the third battalion will The purpose of existence is to deal with ordinary zombies.

Therefore, the exoskeletons and new 7mm rifles used by the first battalion do not need to be equipped at all for the other two battalions.

Yu Hailong is a new recruit who joined the army for the second time. He was an elite soldier in the army before. During his service, he went to Africa as a peacekeeper, and he also went to fight abroad with his comrades and performed secret missions. .

Originally, an elite like him should stay in the army and become a professional soldier, but during a certain overseas mission, due to his command error, all his teammates in his team died in a foreign country, and the mission failed.

Under this double blow, Yu Hailong suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. Simply put, it refers to the mental illness that occurs after people experience traumatic events such as emotions, wars, and traffic accidents.

This kind of mental illness is difficult to cure. It can be said that there is no way to cure it at all. You can only relieve the symptoms by yourself. The same is true for Yu Hailong. Although he was not held accountable after the mission failed, he could not get over it at all. One step left him unable to complete even the most basic training.

There is no other way, the army can only retire Yu Hailong, and then find a nursing home specially designed to accommodate such soldiers for treatment. The state will cover all the expenses, and at the same time, it will still pay the corresponding subsidies, wages and social services.

Yu Hailong himself knew his situation, so he calmly accepted the above arrangement and came to a nursing home not far from YJ City for treatment.

After three years of various treatments, Yu Hailong's condition has been slightly relieved. At least he no longer has nightmares every day, and he can also practice some simple physical training.

Just when Hai Long thought things would slowly get better, zombies appeared.

These zombies not only wreaked havoc in the city, but also went to the nursing home where he was to kill. As mentioned before, the patients in this nursing home were veterans like him who suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder after experiencing the cruelty of war.

Although they were caught off guard by the existence of zombies at first, they quickly reacted. The experienced veterans immediately picked up everything available around them and began to resist vigorously.

After paying a certain price, all the zombies that broke in were eliminated. Knowing that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, the veterans quickly packed up their things and formed a group to start heading towards the nearest gathering place.

It just so happened that Cai Wenjie's Shin Kong Gathering Center was the nearest gathering place in the surrounding area, so a group of veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder joined the Shin Kong Gathering Place and became the first residents.

Although Xinguang Gathering had no worries about food and drink, veterans like them felt dissatisfied. So when the recruitment started at Xinguang Gathering, they all signed up without fail. Later, because of their excellent military theoretical knowledge, they were successfully selected to join. The troops who arrived at the Xinguang gathering place.

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